Eloquence Installation and Configuration

Table of Contents

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Printing History
Table of Contents
1 - Installing Eloquence
What is Eloquence
Eloquence Media
CD-ROM media contents
Eloquence documentation
The Eloquence web site
The Eloquence mailing List
Eloquence license scheme
Eloquence Personal Edition License
2 - Installing Eloquence on the HP-UX platform
Installation Overview
Updating from previous Eloquence versions
Installation on HP-UX
Installing from CD-ROM media
Download Installation
Using swinstall
HP-UX Patches
Installing Eloquence Patches
Installation instructions
Configuring the HP-UX system
Configure Kernel limits
Configuring the number of processes
Configuring the number of user processes
Configuring the number of ptys (pseudo ttys)
Configuring the number of files
Configuring the number of locks
Configuring the number of shared memory segments
Configuring the number of semaphore sets
Configuration examples
Configure or verify service names and port numbers
Install the license key
Configure automatic startup/shutdown
Create new users and groups for use with Eloquence
Eloquence startup/shutdown script
Manually starting and stopping the server processes
Location of the Eloquence startup/shutdown script
Location of the Eloquence startup/shutdown configuration file
Eloquence startup/shutdown configuration options
Eloquence startup/shutdown configuration file template
Configuring the User Environment
Configuring the eloqsd server
Configuring the eloqsd TCP service
Configuring the default eloqsd account and group
Configuring the eloqsd server startup
Configuring the eloqsd server
The eloqsd command line options
The eloqsd HTTP status display
Default eloqsd.cfg file
Default eloqsd.user file
Default eloqsd.share file
Configuring the eloqdb6 server
Configuring the eloqdb TCP service
Configuring the default eloqdb account and group
Configuring the eloqdb6 server startup
Configuring the eloqdb6 server
Creating the database environment
The eloqdb6 command line options
The eloqdb6 HTTP status display
Setting up multiple eloqdb6 instances
Default eloqdb6.cfg file
Customizing the Eloquence Configuration Files
Eloquence resource configuration
The eloq.config configration file
The group specific configuration file
The user specific configuration file
Template eloq.config file
Configuration of the GUI Dialog Server
Customization of the eloq.ini file
The 'ini' File format
The eloq.ini file
Section [runsrv]
Section [eloqdlg]
Mapping Driver Specifications
Running multiple runsrv instances on a single system
3 - Installing Eloquence on Windows
Installation on Windows
Installation Prerequisites
The Installation Program
CD-ROM Installation
Download Installation
Installation instructions
Updating your existing Eloquence software
Changes to previous Eloquence installations
Patch installation
Configuring Eloquence on Windows
Configure local and remote host names
Modify the standard configuration of Eloquence service names
Configure the eloqsd service
Configure the eloqdb6 service
Configuring the eloqsd service
Registering the eloqsd server with the Windows operating system
Configuring your System
Configuring the eloqsd TCP service
Configuring the default eloqsd account
Grant the background login right to users
Increase the Windows desktop heap
Configuring the eloqsd server
Configuring the eloqsd server startup
Controlling the eloqsd server from the command line
The eloqsd HTTP status display
Default eloqsd.cfg file
Default eloqsd.share file
Default eloqsd.user file
Configuring the eloqdb6 service
Registering the eloqdb6 server with the Windows operating system
Configuring the eloqdb6 TCP service
Configuring the eloqdb6 server
Creating the database environment
Configuring the eloqdb6 server startup
Controlling the eloqdb6 server from the command line
The eloqdb6 HTTP status display
Setting up multiple eloqdb6 instances
Default eloqdb6.cfg file
Customizing the Eloquence Configuration Files
Eloquence resource configuration
The eloq.config configration file
The user specific configuration file
Template eloq.config file
Configuration of the GUI Dialog Server
Customization of the eloq.ini and eloqcl.ini files
The 'ini' File format
The eloq.ini file
Section [runsrv]
Section [eloqdlg]
Mapping Driver Specifications
Running multiple runsrv instances on a single system
The eloqcl.ini file
Section [runsrv]
Section [dlgsrv]
Section [modules]
User-defined sections
4 - Installing Eloquence on the Linux platform
Installation Overview
Updating from previous Eloquence versions
Eloquence B.07.00 license
Installation on Linux
glibc 2.2 based Linux distributions
glibc 2.1 based Linux distributions
RedHat 8.x based Linux distributions
Linux kernel version
Updating from a previous HP Eloquence version
Shutting down Eloquence before installation
Installing from CD-ROM media
Download Installation
Installing Eloquence Patches
Installation instructions
Configuring Eloquence on Linux
Configure or verify service names and port numbers
Install the license key
Configure automatic startup/shutdown
Create new users and groups for use with Eloquence
Eloquence startup/shutdown script
Manually starting and stopping the server processes
Location of the Eloquence startup/shutdown script
Location of the Eloquence startup/shutdown configuration file
Eloquence startup/shutdown configuration options
Eloquence startup/shutdown configuration file template
Configuring the User Environment
Configuring the eloqsd server
Configuring the eloqsd TCP service
Configuring the default eloqsd account and group
Configuring the eloqsd server startup
Configuring the eloqsd server
The eloqsd command line options
The eloqsd HTTP status display
Default eloqsd.cfg file
Default eloqsd.user file
Default eloqsd.share file
Configuring the eloqdb6 server
Configuring the eloqdb TCP service
Configuring the default eloqdb account and group
Configuring the eloqdb6 server startup
Configuring the eloqdb6 server
Creating the database environment
The eloqdb6 command line options
The eloqdb6 HTTP status display
Setting up multiple eloqdb6 instances
Default eloqdb6.cfg file
Customizing the Eloquence Configuration Files
Eloquence resource configuration
The eloq.config configration file
The group specific configuration file
The user specific configuration file
Template eloq.config file
Configuration of the GUI Dialog Server
Customization of the eloq.ini file
The 'ini' File format
The eloq.ini file
Section [runsrv]
Section [eloqdlg]
Mapping Driver Specifications
Running multiple runsrv instances on a single system

Eloquence Installation and Configuration - 29 OCT 2004