4 Installing Eloquence on the Linux platform

Default eloqdb6.cfg file

# eloqdb6.cfg
# @(#) $Revision: B.07.00.2 $
# This file defines the eloqdb6 configuration and the database
# environment.
# The default location depends on the operating system:
# HP-UX: /etc/opt/eloquence6/eloqdb6.cfg
# Linux: /etc/opt/eloquence6/eloqdb6.cfg
# This file is read once at eloqdb6 startup.
# Format:
# The section names are not case sensitive. String values can be
# enclosed in double quotes to protect leading or trailing spaces.
# Everything after a hash (#) character is considered a comment.

### Server configuration


# Title If set, a server title is displayed by the ps
# program in the eloqdb6 command line instead of the
# default "eloqdb6: active" If you are using multiple
# eloqdb6 server processes on a single system this can
# be used to distinguish between different server
# instances. The default value is empty.

#Title =

# Service The service name (as defined in /etc/services)
# or the port number where the server should listen
# for requests. The default value is eloqdb.
# ServiceHttp The service name (as defined in /etc/services)
# or the port number where the server should listen
# for HTTP requests. If this is not specified, the
# HTTP status is disabled.

#Service = eloqdb
#ServiceHttp =

# panic This option defines what should happen if a fatal
# error is encountered.
# The following options are valid:
# restart Restart the server process (default)
# exit Terminate the process.
# dump Terminate the process and create a core dump.
# panic = dump is a problem tracking option. Unless you
# know what you need the coredump for you probably want
# to stay with panic = exit or panic = restart

#panic = restart

# UID The name (or numeric id) of the system account to
# run client processes as when started as root.
# GID The name (or numeric id) of the system group to run
# client processes as when started as root.
# Please note, that the server will refuse to start
# as root unless UID and GID are valid.

UID = eloqdb
GID = eloqdb

# EnableIPC If set, shared memory can be used to transmit data
# between the database server and a client running on
# the same system. This provides better performance
# than using sockets because data are not passed
# through the kernel.
# The default value is 0 (disabled).
# The following options are supported:
# EnableIPC = 0 (default)
# Disables use of shared memory communication.
# EnableIPC = 1
# Enables use of shared memory communication.
# This mode uses a separate memory segment for each
# connection.
# EnableIPC = 2 (recommended)
# Enables use of shared memory communication.
# This mode uses a common memory segment for all
# connections.
# When setting EnableIPC configuration of kernel
# parameters may be required.

#EnableIPC = 0

# SyncMode If set, this causes the eloqdb6 server to operate in
# sync write mode. The sync write mode is more
# resistent against operating system and hardware
# failures. When sync mode is disabled (set to 0) the
# eloqdb6 uses the faster async write strategy which
# performs fewer disk writes but could lead to a
# damaged database environment in case of a system
# failure.
# The default value is 1 (sync write mode enabled).

#SyncMode = 1

# LogFile This defines where log messages are written to.
# This configuration value either specifies a path/
# file or one of the keywords below:
# console - log messages are written to the console
# syslog - log messages will be sent to the
# syslog daemon
# The default value is "syslog".

#LogFile = syslog

# SysIdent When logging to the syslog daemon, you can define
# a syslog identifier. The default is eloqdb.
# See syslogd(1M) for more information
# SysFacility When logging to the syslog daemon, you can define
# a syslog facility (USER/DAEMON/LOCAL0..LOCAL7)
# The default setting is "USER".
# See syslogd(1M) for more information

#SysIdent = eloqdb
#SysFacility = USER

# LogFlags Each log message has an associated origin and
# severity.
# The log flags define, which messages will be logged.
# The "*" origin matches all message origins, so it can
# be used to setup a default which can be overriden
# for a specific message origin (eg. "*1N0"):
# Default LogFlags are "*0"
# The following origin are in use:
# * = All origins
# A = Configuration subsystem
# X = Network transport
# P = Protocol handling
# T = Thread kernel
# I = IMAGE subsystem
# B = BTREE subsystem
# F = FIXREC subsystem
# V = Volume handling
# L = Transaction logging
# C = Page cache
# N = Node handling
# D = The server framework
# O = System catalog
# The following severities are in use:
# L_ERROR = 0 - error messages
# L_INFO = 1 - information
# L_DEBUG = 2 - debug
# L_VDEBUG = 3 - verbose debug
# When using syslog, the following priorities
# are mapped:
# Enabling log messages with L_DEBUG or L_VDEBUG
# severity may result in a huge number of log messages.
# To suppress anything but fatal messages, you can set
# LogFlags to "*0". To enable informational log
# messages LogFlags should be set to "*1".

#LogFlags = *0

# HTTPUser The eloqdb6 server is able to display status
# information by supporting the HTTP protocol (you can
# use Netscape to monitor the database server process,
# see ServiceHttp above).
# If set, the eloqdb6 HTTP status display will require
# a matching user name (HTTP basic authentification)
# before allowing access to the eloqdb6 HTTP status.
# The default value is empty.
# HTTPPswd If set, the eloqdb6 HTTP status display will require
# a matching password (HTTP basic authentification)
# before allowing access to the eloqdb6 HTTP status.
# The default value is empty.

#HttpUser =
#HttpPswd =

# HTTPFrame If set, no link information is output on the HTTP
# status display. So the status page could be used in
# a web frame.
# Default value is 0.

#HttpFrame = 0

### Data base configuration


# Threads Number of threads in the data base server.
# A separate thread is required for each client.
# Default number of threads is 40.

#Threads = 40

# IOThreads This specifies the number of I/O threads which are
# used by eloqdb6. eloqdb6 uses either separate
# processes or kernel threads to perform overlapped
# I/O operations. Please note that the eloqdb6 I/O
# threads are visible with the ps command.
# The default value is 4. A zero value disables usage
# of IO threads.

#IOThreads = 4

# LockConflictingItems If set, predicate locks with
# conflicting items are granted, however any write
# attempt to data where another process owns a lock
# will result in a status error -12.
# Former Eloquence revisions rejected a predicate lock
# with a conflicting item, because this could lead to
# a situation where two processes own a lock on an
# overlapping subset of data. The default value is 0.

#LockConflictingItems = 0

# AllowSecondaryBlockingLock If set, secondary blocking
# locks are allowed. In previous Eloquence versions,
# secondary locks in a blocking mode (odd modes)
# failed with database status -135 ("Second lock is
# not allowed in modes 1,3,5,11,13 and 15.") instead
# of blocking. Current Eloquence versions return the
# status code -35 in case a deadlock situation caused
# by a secondary blocking lock is detected. Therefore,
# this setting is enabled by default. To retain the
# behavior of previous Eloquence versions it can be
# set to 0. The default value is 1.

#AllowSecondaryBlockingLock = 1

# BufferCache Size of page cache in megabytes. The page cache is
# used to reduce the number of disc accesses. Large
# cache size will speed up random database access,
# while a too small cache size may cause bad server
# performance.
# Default cache size is 5 MB.

#BufferCache = 5

# The server performs a checkpoint operation at fixed intervals.
# This flushes all modified buffers (including metadata) to the
# disk and resets the log of committed transactions. A checkpoint
# is a point where the server knows all data are in a consistent
# state. Any data modification since the last checkpoint is
# recorded in the log volume.
# CheckPtFreq Checkpoint frequency in seconds.
# Default checkpoint frequency is 60 seconds.
# CheckPtSize Checkpoint frequency based on accumulated log space
# which would be freed by a checkpoint (in megabytes).
# A zero CheckPtSize value disables size based
# checkpoints.
# Default checkpoint size is 10 megabytes.
# The database server performs a checkpoint operation at a fixed
# interval and optionally in addition when the accumulated log
# space which could be freed by a checkpoint operation reaches a
# given threshold.
# The frequency of the checkpoint operations has a great influence
# on the size of the log volume since the log volume must hold all
# committed transactions since between checkpoints

#CheckPtFreq = 60
#CheckPtSize = 10

# The syncer thread flushes modified buffer pages to the disk when
# they are likely to become reused in the near future.
# SyncerFreq Syncer thread invocation frequency (in seconds)
# Default interval is 5 seconds.

#SyncerFreq = 5

# SyncerJournalFlushInterval If SyncMode is enabled this
# configuration item specifies the interval (in
# milliseconds) at which the journal of committed
# transactions is synchronized to disk.
# In case of an operating system or hardware failure
# transactions that were not synchronized to disk are
# typically lost.
# A smaller value reduces the amount of transactions
# that might be lost in case of a system crash.
# However, setting this value too low significantly
# impacts write performance.
# Setting this value to 0 reverts to the legacy
# SyncMode behavior where every transaction is
# immediately synchronized.
# The default value is 500 milliseconds.

#SyncerJournalFlushInterval = 500

### Store/Restore Devices


# This section defines the "server devices" which can be used with
# dbstore and dbrestore. Each entry consists of the device name and
# an associated path.
# A "server device" could either be a single file, a directory or a
# device. When no server devices are configured, dbstore and
# dbrestore operation is refused by the server.
# The example below defines two server devices. The device "Tape"
# points to a tape device file, the device "Backup" points to a
# directory which is intended to hold the backup files.

#Tape = /dev/rmt/c1t0d0BEST
#Backup = /data/backup

### Forward log


# FwLog Configures the file, device or pipe to be used for
# forward-logging. Using the %N token in the file name
# activates automatic file management (not possible
# for devices or pipes).
# By default, forward-logging is inactive.
# The examples below configure an automatically
# managed file and a pipe which compresses the data
# on-the-fly:

#FwLog = /mnt/disk2/data/db-forward-%N.log
#FwLog = |gzip -c >/mnt/disk2/data/db-forward.log.gz

# FwRecovery Configures the file, device or pipe to be used
# during forward recovery. If not set, the Log setting
# is used by default.
# The example below configures a pipe which
# uncompresses the data on-the-fly:

#FwRecovery = |gzip -dc /mnt/disk2/data/db-forward.log.gz

# FwOnFailure Configures the action to be taken in case the
# forward-log cannot be written, e.g. due to
# insufficient disk space.
# Possible values are disable or panic. If set to
# disable, forward-logging will be disabled on
# failure. As soon as the problem is solved it can be
# manually enabled using dbctl.
# If set to panic, the eloqdb6 server will issue a
# panic and abort itself.
# The default value is disable.

#FwOnFailure = disable

# FwMaxSize Limits the maximum size of automatically managed
# forward-log files (in megabytes). If not set or set
# to zero, the file size limit is 2 gigabytes. The
# default value is 0 (not set).

#FwMaxSize = 0

### Data base environment


# List of data base volumes. Initially empty.
# This is usually filled in by dbvolcreate and dbvolextend
# utilities

Eloquence Installation and Configuration - 29 OCT 2004