3 Installing Eloquence on Windows

Configuring Eloquence on Windows

The Windows operating system might require additional configuration after the initial installation of the Eloquence software:

If you installed the Eloquence server software on Windows Server 2003, XP, 2000 or NT additional configuration is required:

Configure local and remote host names

Eloquence uses either DNS or a local HOSTS file to resolve IP adresses to host names and vice-versa. Please make sure that the IP address of the local system as well as the IP addresses of all remote systems you intend to use with Eloquence are correctly resolved to their host names (can be checked with the nslookup utility which is included with recent Windows versions). Add any missing IP address along with its host name to your local HOSTS file.

The location of your HOSTS file depends on your Windows version:

Windows 2003/XP
Windows 2000/NT
Windows 95
For example, to configure a host named "server" with IP address, add a line like this to your HOSTS file:  server

Modify the standard configuration of Eloquence service names

The installation program appends the following Eloquence specific TCP service definitions to your local SERVICES file:

# Eloquence related services
runsrv          8010/tcp    # Eloquence RUNSRV (Windows integration)
eloqdlg         8011/tcp    # Eloquence dialog
eloqsd          8100/tcp    # Eloquence A.06.xx eloqsd server
eloqdb          8102/tcp    # Eloquence A.06.xx data base server
eloqdb5         8104/tcp    # Eloquence A.06.xx ELOQDB5 server
where the first column specifies the service name (eg. runsrv) and the second column the associated port number and protocol (eg. 8010/tcp). The installation program takes care that the selected port numbers are not already used otherwise.

In rare cases it might be necessary to modify this standard configuration, for example if the port numbers do not match those configured on other systems.

The location of your SERVICES file depends on your Windows version:

Windows 2003/XP
Windows 2000/NT
Windows 9x/ME:
NOTE: All systems must use the same port numbers in order to communicate.

Configure the eloqsd service

If you intend to run the Eloquence application server on your system additional configuration is required. This is described in detail in the next section.


NOTE: If the only Eloquence component you intend to use is the database, you don't need to configure and run the eloqsd service.

NOTE: The Windows Group Policy Editor is required to grant the Log on as a batch job user right. Since this is not available on Windows XP Home Edition the eloqsd service cannot be used on XP Home.

Configure the eloqdb6 service

If you intend to run the Eloquence database server on your system additional configuration is required. This is described in detail in a following section.


Eloquence Installation and Configuration - 29 OCT 2004