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B.08.40 / Reference Docs / Utilities

Eloquence Utilities Reference

  Database Utilities:
  • dbbdump - dump content of dbbexp export file
  • dbbexp - binary database export
  • dbcfix - database chain linkage check and repair tool
  • dbcreate - create database
  • dbctl - control database server
  • dbdumpcat - view system or database catalog tables
  • dberase - erase database or selected sets
  • dbexport - database export
  • dbfsck - database volume consistency check and simple repair tool
  • dbftswords - list FTS keywords
  • dbimport - database import
  • dbinfo - list data sets for a database
  • dbkeyutil - maintain database encryption master keys
  • dblogreset - reset database log volume
  • dbpasswd - manage database passwords
  • dbpurge - delete database
  • dbrecover - database recovery using forward log transactions
  • dbrepack - reclaim disk space occupied by deleted records
  • dbrepl - ! database replication
  • dbschema - wrapper for schema -T
  • dbstore - standalone dbstore utility
  • dbtables - information on database structure
  • dbutil - database structure and security maintenance
  • dbvolchange - change volume file parameters
  • dbvolcreate - create main database volume file
  • dbvoldump - display volume file information
  • dbvolextend - create additional database volume file
  • dbvolremove - remove database volume file
  • ftsdump - display FTS information
  • fwaudit - forward-log audit extraction and reporting
  • prdbutil - obtain the database configuration
  • prschema - create schema file from database
  • query3k - port of the HP 3000 MPE QUERY utility
  • schema - define database structure
  • fwupdate - fwupdate utility
  • fwdump - fwdump utility

Language Utilities:

  • convrt - convert DATA file to txt file
  • dllcc - create Eloquence DLL stub file from C source
  • eloqcore - Eloquence language runtime
  • eloq- Eloquence language runtime (TASK support)
  • eqpasswd - maintain encrypted eloqsd passwords
  • eqpcl - ! PCL conversion
  • list - list Eloquence programs
  • runclnt - send RUNSRV command (obsolete)
  • sfagen - create SFA file(s)
  • sfarpt - report SFA results
  • store - compile Eloquence programs
Server programs:
  • eloqdb - Eloquence database server
  • eloqsd - Eloquence language utility server
  • eloqld - ! Eloquence license server
Configuration files:
Also note information on environment variables related to Eloquence utilities.

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