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B.08.40 / Reference Docs / Utilities / dblogreset

dblogreset utility

» Usage | Notes | Examples
  The dblogreset utility may be used to reset the log volumes to a minimal size and ensure all transactions are applied.

The dblogreset utility is an "offline utility" that directly accesses the database server volume files. It may only be used when the database server is not active.


usage: dblogreset [options]
 -v        - verbose
 -d flags  - debug flags
 -c cfg    - configuration file name
 -b size   - Buffer cache size (MB)
The options are:
The -help option displays a brief help text.

-c eloqdb.cfg
The -c option specifies the eloqdb configuration file. The eloqdb configuration file is used to locate the database volume files. If not specified the default eloqdb.cfg is used.

If the -v option is present additional information during processing is output.

-b size
The -b option may be used to specify the size of internal buffer cache (in MB). The default buffer cache used by dblogreset is 5 MB.

-d flags
The -d option specifies debug flags and is normally not used.


The database transaction log volume holds various information, including
  • Incomplete transactions
  • Recently committed transactions
  • Database changes during on-line backup
While information is stored in the log volume temporarily it is critical to the consistency of the database volumes. If the eloqdb process is not shutdown cleanly, critical information may be in the transaction log volume that is necessary to recover the volume files.

While storage in the log volume is only used temporarily and is reused if no longer in used, the log volume may grow to accommodate the concurent use of the database. However, the log volume will not shrink. This can be achieved by the dblogreset utility.

The dblogreset utility performs a volume recovery as necessary to ensure volume consistency. It then truncates the log volume to a minimum size.


$ dblogreset -v

ELOQUENCE DBLOGRESET (C) Copyright 2013 Marxmeier Software AG (B.08.20)
Reading configuration ...
Opening root volume
Initializing cache subsystem ...
C1: Setting up buffer cache: 640 buffers
Initializing subsystems ...
Recovering committed transactions ...
L1: volume recovery: state of committed transactions is OK
L1: volume recovery: state of volume is OK
Resetting transaction log volume ...
Closing volume ...

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