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Eloquence Support - B.08.40

  Eloquence version B.08.40 is currently in a beta test.

A quick overview of the most relevant B.08.40 changes:

  • Database cross platform binary compatibility to allow simple data migration and replication across platforms.
  • New web based application user interface with WebDLG2.
  • Additional license flexibility and simplified setup in dynamic environments.

Release Notes
The Eloquence release notes provide information on new functionality, changed behavior.

Eloquence B.08.40 license keys
How to obtain Eloquence B.08.40 license keys. The eqlictool utility provides a convenient alternative to the manual installation of license keys.

Reference documentation
Reference documentation for B.08.40

Utilities Reference
Eloquence utilities and configuration files documentation

Please refer to the Eloquence road map for a list of considered enhancements.

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