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dbinfo utility

» Usage | Notes | Examples
  The dbinfo utility lists the data sets for the specified database including data set name, type, number of entries and capacity.


usage: dbinfo [options] database [set ...]
 -help   - show usage (this list)
 -u user - set user name
 -p pswd - set password
 -v      - output additional information
 -n      - suppress header
 -d flgs - debug flags
Database specifies the database name (and/or address). A list of data set names or numbers may be specified. If present, only the listed data sets are processed.

The options are:

The -help option displays a brief help text.

-u user
The -u option specifies the database user (or a file holding the database user and/or password). Defaults to the public user unless a default user is specified with the EQ_DBUSER environment variable.

-p password
The -p option may be used to specify the password for the database user (or a file holding the password). If not specified, the password is obtained using the EQ_DBUSER and/or EQ_DBPASSWORD environment variables.

The -v option may be used to output additional information.

-n flags
The -v option may be used to suppress the header lines. This makes it easier to parse the output.

-d flags
The -d option specifies debug flags and is normally not used.


The following information is output.
  • Data set name
  • Data set number
  • Data set type
  • Record length in bytes
  • Size of data set ("capacity")
  • Number of entries
  • Data set flags: E=encrypted, M=masked items exist


$ dbinfo sample
Database: sample

---------------- --- - ------ --------- ---------
CUSTOMERS        001 M    228      1602      1183 M
PARTS            002 M    106       524       182
ID               003 A      4      2259        47
ORDERS           004 D     42      1008        47
LINEITEMS        005 D     44      1008       136

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