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dbcfix utility

» Usage | Notes | Examples | See also
  The dbcfix utility may be used to verify and optionally fix the chain consistency in an Eloquence database. A chain could be damaged in the Eloquence database if the transaction integrity was violated. For example due to a system crash (while running in async mode) or fixing an inconsistent database volume with dbfsck.

The dbcfix utility is an off-line tool and requires exclusive access to the volume files. Before running the dbcfix utility the eloqdb server must be shut down (unless running in read-only mode, which may also be done while the database server is in online backup mode). The dbcfix must either be executed by root or the user specified in the eloqdb.cfg configuration file.


usage: dbcfix [options] database [set[.detail_item] ...]
       dbcfix [-c cfg] -P database set chain_idx recno {new_chain_values}
 -help   - show usage (this list)
 -u user - set user name
 -p pswd - set password
 -c cfg  - server configuration file
 -b size - Buffer cache size (MB)
 -v      - verbose output
 -l file - specify log file (stdout is default)
 -w      - enable write mode
 -R      - force chain rebuild (in physical order)
 -M      - use master key

A list of data sets (and paths) may be specified. If no data set is given, all paths in the database are verified. If a master set is specified, all paths to related detail sets are verified. If a detail set is given, all paths of the detail set are verified. The detail_item option may be used to specify a single path in the detail set.

The -P and -R options should only be used when instructed by the product support. Wrong usage may damage the database.

The -c option may be used to specify a database configuration file other than the default eloqdb.cfg.

The -b option may be used to specify the buffer cache size (in MB). If not set, it defaults to 64 MB. Older Eloquence versions used the BufferCache setting from the database server configuration file.

The -l option may be used to specify the name of an output file that provides a report of the processed chains and any problems found.

If the -v option is specified in conjunction with -l, progress messages are displayed.

In case the database requires specific access privileges, the -u and -p options may be used to specify user and password. By default the dbcfix utility uses the "public" user.

The -M option is used with encrypted databases. When specified, the EQ_MKEYID and EQ_MKEYFILE environment variables are used to provide master key(s) to access encrypted data. The user is prompted to enter the pass-phrase(s).

The dbcfix utility by default runs in READONLY mode. In read-only mode, any problems found are reported to the log file but the volume files are not changed. If the -w option is specified, chain inconsistencies are corrected.


For more information on dbcfix usage and limitations see the dbcfix document in the Eloquence documentation. This document includes background info how dbcfix works, shows example output and discusses messages with their cause and fix.

Running dbcfix in write mode will break transactional consistency and as a consequence, any replicated servers need to be re-synchronized. Also, forward recovery cannot be used to recover the database unless a new backup is made.


The example below checks the sample database, showing progress messages on the screen and writing a report of the check results to the file dbcfix.out:
dbcfix -l dbcfix.out -v sample
The example below processes the database sample in WRITE mode, i.e. performs checks and repairs. A report is written to the file dbcfix.log. Only the chain related to the data set ORDERS and qualified by the search item ORDERID is processed.
dbcfix -l dbcfix.log -w sample orders.orderid

See also

dbfsck utility

Article on dbcfix utility in the Eloquence documentation.

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