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eqpasswd utility

» Usage | Notes | Examples | See also
  The eqpasswd utility may be used to maintain encrypted eloqsd passwords.


usage: eqpasswd [options] passkey

 -help        - show usage (this list)
 -a           - add new passkey entry
 -d           - delete passkey entry
 -f pswdfile  - encrypted passwords file name
                (default is configured in eloqsd.cfg file)
The options are:
The -help option displays a brief help text.

The -a option is used to add a new passkey/password combination. The passkey is specified on the command line. The eqpasswd utility then prompts for the associated password.

The -d option is used to delete a passkey.

-f pswdfile
The -f option instructs eqpasswd to use the specified password file instead of the default eloqsd.pswd file (default is configured in the eloqsd.cfg file).

If neither the -a nor the -d option is present, the password for the specified passkey is updated. The eqpasswd utility then prompts for the associated password.


Encrypted passwords are maintained in a file specified in the eloqsd.cfg config file (by default eloqsd.pswd). To add a passkey, change a password or delete a passkey, write access to the password file is required. At runtime, the password file is also read by the eloqsd process.


Add the passkey joe and specify password.
$ eqpasswd -a joe
Adding new password entry for 'joe'.
New password:
Reenter new password:
Password entry added.
Change the password for the passkey joe.
$ eqpasswd joe
Changing password entry for 'joe'.
New password:
Reenter new password:
Password entry changed.

See also

eloqsd enhancements (B.08.20 release notes)

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