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ftsdump utility

» Usage | Examples | See also
  The ftsdump utility may be used to obtain FTS details, typically for diagnostic use.


usage: ftsdump [options] cmd database [set[.fld]|refid ...]

 -help   - show usage (this list)
 -u user - set user name
 -p pswd - set password
 -c cfg  - server configuration file
 -l lim  - list keywords with at least lim references
 -k      - refid argument list (rather than set list)
 -t type - 1=string, 2=numeric (default both)
 -M      - use master key

 list   - list keywords and number of references
 detail - detailed list of keywords and references
 stat   - internal fts statistics

A list of fts indexes may be specified as argument: A set name or number
reads fts indexes for a set. A set and field name specifies a fts field.
If the -k option is used the fts refid may be specified.

ftsdump is a stand alone utility which directly accesses the volume files. Consequently, the database server may not be running or must be in on-line backup mode.

The -c option is used to specify the eloqdb.cfg file for the server instance. It defaults to the file eloqdb.cfg in the Eloquence config directory.

The list command lists the keywords and their total number of occurrences. The detail command lists the keywords along with reference details. The stat command obtains statistics on the FTS indexes and disk space consumption.

The database argument specifies the database name. A data set or set.field name may be specified to filter output for a specific set or an FTS field. A refid argument may be used to filter the output for a specific FTS field (listed in the prdbutil -l fts output). The -l option may be used to specify a minimum number of references a keyword must have to be listed.

The options are:

The -help option displays a brief help text.

-u user
The -u option specifies the database user (or a file holding the database user and/or password). Defaults to the dba user unless a default user is specified with the EQ_DBUSER environment variable.

-p password
The -p option may be used to specify the password for the database user (or a file holding the password). If not specified, the password is obtained using the EQ_DBUSER and/or EQ_DBPASSWORD environment variables.

-c cfg
The -c option specifies the eloqdb server configuration file name. If not specified, the default configuration file name depends on OS platform and Eloquence version.

-l lim
The -l option specifies to only list keywords with at least lim references.

The -k option indicates a refid argument list (rather than set list) is given.

-t type
The -t option selects keyword type to list (1=string, 2=numeric). Default: both.

The -M option specifies to use a master key for encrypted database content. When specified, the EQ_MKEYID and EQ_MKEYFILE environment variables are used to provide master key(s) to access encrypted data. The user is prompted to enter the pass-phrase(s).


The example below shows how to use ftsdump to list all keywords having more than 10000 references (which would be good candidates for an exclusion list):
ftsdump -l 10000 list MyDB
ftsdump -l 10000 detail MyDB

See also

dbftswords utility

Database full text search (FTS) documentation in the Eloquence B.08.20 release notes

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