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dbexport utility

» Usage | Notes | Examples | See also
  The dbexport utility may be used to export database information in text format.


usage: dbexport [options] database [set ...]
 -help   - show usage (this list)
 -u user - set user name
 -p pswd - set password
 -o path - set output directory (not single file)
 -v      - verbose output
 -c      - chained export
 -a      - export automatic data sets
 -r      - create restructure information
 -s file - output into single file, '-' = stdout
 -f sep  - field separator, default is ','
 -z cset - set export code set (roman8, iso88591)
 -w wdth - specify dset id width (default 3)
 -d flgs - debug flags
 -m mode - open database in specified mode
 -x      - exclude specified data sets
 -Z      - compress export file 
The dbexport utility exports the specified database, by default creating an export file in the current directory for each master or detail data set (unless empty). If a list of data sets is present, only the specified data sets are exported (or excluded). Either a set name or number may be used. The export files are named database.#.exp (where # is the set number). For compressed export files (option -Z) a .gz suffix is appended to the file name.

The options are:

The -help option displays a brief help text.

-u user
The -u option specifies the database user (or a file holding the database user and/or password). Defaults to the public user unless a default user is specified with the EQ_DBUSER environment variable.

-p password
The -p option may be used to specify the password for the database user (or a file holding the password). If not specified, the password is obtained using the EQ_DBUSER and/or EQ_DBPASSWORD environment variables.

-o path
The -o option specifies the directory where export files are created. By default, export files are created in the current directory. This option has no effect if the option -s is used.

The -v option outputs progress information (to stderr).

If the -c option is specified, the data is exported in chained order (for the primary chain). By default the data is exported in sequential order.

If the -a option is specified, automatic masters are also exported. By default automatic masters are not exported.

The -r option causes dbexport to output additional information in the export file on the data set structure (item names and types). This may be used subsequently by dbimport if the database structure of the source and target database is different.

-s file
If the -s option is present, dbexport will output the export data to the specified file rather than using a separate export file per data set. If a - is used as a file name stdout is used.

-f sep
The -f option may be used to specify a different field separator. By default a comma is used to separate fields in an export file.

-z cset
The -z option may be used to specify the character set of the export file. By default, the export file is expected to use the platform default character set. If different, any string data data is transformed as necessary during dbexport. Supported character sets include iso88591 and roman8.

-w width
The -w option may be used to specify the number of digits used for the data set number in the name or the export file. Only useful for backwards compatibility with historic Eloquence versions. The default is 3.

-d flags
The -d option specifies debug flags and is normally not used.

-m mode
Open the database in specified mode. By default, the database is opened in mode 9 (read-only shared).

The -x option specifies that any set in the set list is excluded.

If the -Z option is present, compressed output files *.exp.gz are created.


  • Please note that dbexport does not place a lock on the database.

  • When using chained export (option -c) the master set for the primary path is read sequentially and any records for the detail set are exported for this chain head.

  • Packed and Zoned items are verified during export. A zero value is assumed for an invalid/corrupted item value and a warning message is printed if a set has corrupted Z/P item values.

  • For large databases bulk export/import using dbbexp and dbctl bimport should be considered as an alternative.


$ dbexport -vc sample
Database        : sample
Export path     : .

---------------- --- - -------- --------
CUSTOMERS        001 M     1183     1183
PARTS            002 M      182      182
ID               003 A       47 
ORDERS           004 D       47       47
LINEITEMS        005 D      136      136
This creates the output files SAMPLE.001.exp ... (one for each non- empty data set). Please note that automatic master sets are not exported.
dbexport -s- sample | md5sum
This example prints the checksum of the database data.

See also

dbimport utility dbbexp utility

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