Eloquence Database Manual
Table of Contents
- Legal Notices
- Printing History
- Table of Contents
- 1 - Things to Know Before You Start
- Inside This Manual
- Conventions
- Related User Documentation
- 2 - Introduction
- What is Eloquence DBMS?
- The Eloquence A.06.00 Database
- Introduction
- Database architecture
- The storage layer
- The Buffer Cache
- Node Management
- Record Layer
- API Layer
- Compatibility
- Eloquence DBMS Organization
- Eloquence DBMS Logical Structure
- Database Organization
- Types of Data Sets
- Data Access
- Serial Access
- Directed Access
- Chained Access
- Calculated Access
- Indexed Access
- Manual vs. Automatic Master Data Sets
- Database security
- User privileges
- Group privileges
- Table privileges
- Predefined users
- Predefined groups
- Privilege usage
- Getting started with the Eloquence A.06.00 database
- Create a data base environment
- Create a server configuration
- Create the server root volume
- Create the log volume
- Start the server
- Create a data base
- Create a data base
- 3 - Database Definition
- Introduction
- Database Definition Procedure
- Database Definition Language
- Database-Name Definition
- Index item default collating sequence
- Password Definition
- Item Definition
- Index Item Definition
- Set Definition
- Master Data Set Definition
- Detail Data Set Definition
- Schema Statements
- The $TITLE Statement
- The $PAGE Statement
- The $CONTROL Statement
- The Schema Program
- Using the Schema Program
- Schema Example
- 4 - Database Manipulation
- Introduction
- The DBLOGON Statement
- The DBOPEN Statement
- DBOPEN Modes
- DBOPEN Status Array
- The DBCLOSE Statement
- DBCLOSE Status Array
- The DBGET Statement
- DBGET Modes
- DBGET Status Array
- The DBUPDATE Statement
- DBUPDATE Status Array
- The DBPUT Statement
- DBPUT Status Array
- The DBDELETE Statement
- DBDELETE Status Array
- The DBFIND Statement
- DBFIND Modes
- Chained Access
- Indexed Access
- DBFIND/DBGET modes with indexed access
- Mode 1 v. Mode 2
- DBFIND Status Array
- Regular Expressions
- The DBINFO Statement
- DBINFO Modes Returning Data-Path Information
- DBINFO Modes Returning Dataset Information
- DBINFO Modes Returning Data-Item Information
- DBINFO Modes Returning Index-Item Information
- DBINFO Status Array
- The DBEXPLAIN$ function
- Transactions
- The DBBEGIN Statement
- The DBCOMMIT Statement
- The DBROLLBACK Statement
- The DBLOCK Statement
- Summary of DBLOCK Modes
- DBLOCK Status Array
- The DBUNLOCK Statement
- DBUNLOCK Status Array
- Conflicting Item lock resolution
- Advanced Access Statements
- The DBASE IS Statement
- The IN DATA SET Statement
- The PREDICATE Statement
- 5 - Database Utilities
- Introduction
- The dbvolcreate utility
- Introduction
- dbvolcreate [options] volume_file_name
- The dbvolextend utility
- Introduction
- dbvolextend [options] volume_file_name
- The dbvolchange utility
- Introduction
- dbvolchange [options] volume_file_name
- The dblogreset utility
- Introduction
- dblogreset [options] volume_file_name
- The DBUTIL utility
- Introduction
- DBUTIL commandline arguments
- DBUTIL script file syntax
- Specify the database server
- Authorizing to the database server
- Managing database users
- Creating a database user
- Deleting database user
- Changing user password
- User privileges
- Syntax:
- Description:
- Setting database context
- Managing database groups
- Creating a database group
- Deleting database groups
- Group privileges
- Syntax:
- Description:
- Associating users with a group
- Syntax:
- Description:
- Managing Table privileges
- Syntax:
- Description:
- Example script
- The dbcreate commandline utility
- The DBCREATE statement
- The dberase commandline utility
- The DBERASE Statement
- The dbpurge commandline utility
- The DBPURGE Statement
- The dbexport and dbimport Programs
- dbexport
- dbimport
- Database Restructuring with dbimport
- dbimport restructure file syntax
- Formal syntax specification
- Example 1:
- Example 2:
- 6 - Example Operations
- Database Design
- Database Definition and Creation
- Eloquence DBMS Programming Examples
- Example Program 1
- Example Program 2
- Example Program 3
- Example Program 4
- Example Program 5
- Database Locking
- Lock Descriptors
- Setting Up Predicates
- Lock Conflicts
- A - Pack Statements
- Introduction
- The PACKFMT Statement
- The PACK USING Statement
- The UNPACK USING Statement
- B - DBML Syntax
- Schema Definition
- Schema Definition Parameters
- Data Set Definition Syntax
- Manual Master Data Set Definition
- Automatic Master Data Set Definition
- Detail Data Set Definition
- Data Set Definition Parameters
- DBML Statements and Advanced Access
- DBML Statement Parameters
- Utility Statements
- Utility Statement Parameters
- Obsolete utility statements
- C - Error Messages
- Eloquence DBMS Status Errors
- Status Array Contents Following an Error
- Pack and Eloquence DBMS Error Codes
- dbimport Error Messages
- Messages during data base loading
- Messages during parsing of restructuring specification
- ISAM Errors
- D - Eloquence Library
- Compilation and Linking
- Compilation
- Linking
- ELOQLIB functions
- The INIT Function
- Description
- Return value
- Example
- The EXIT Function
- Description
- Return value
- Example
- The ERROR Function
- Description
- Return value
- Example
- The LOGON Function
- Description
- Return value
- Example
- The OPEN Function
- Status Codes
- Mode 1: Modify shared
- Mode 3: Modify exclusive
- Mode 8: Read shared, only concurrent read allowed
- Mode 9: Read shared
- Description
- Return value
- Status codes
- Example
- The CLOSE Function
- Mode 1. Close database
- Mode 3. Rewind data set
- Description
- Return value
- Status codes
- Example
- The DELETE Function
- Description
- Return value
- Status codes
- Example
- The FIND Function
- Mode 1: Find chain head/match subset
- Mode 2: Find first entry
- Mode 3: Find last entry
- Mode 4: Find first entry with matching regular expression
- Mode 5: Find last entry with matching regular expression
- Description
- Return value
- Status codes
- Example
- The GET Function
- IDBGET Modes
- Mode 1: Reread
- Mode 2: Serial read, forward
- Mode 3: Serial read, backward
- Mode 4: Directed read
- Mode 5: Chained read, forward
- Indexed read, forward
- Mode 6: Chained read, backward
- Indexed read, backward
- Mode 7: Calculated read
- Mode 15: Indexed read forward, ignore "end-of-chain" condition
- Mode 16: Indexed read backward, ignore "end-of-chain" condition
- Description
- Return value
- Status codes
- Example
- The INFO Function
- Description
- Mode 101: Item number
- Mode 102: Item name, type and length
- Mode 103: Items in database
- Mode 104: Fields in data set entry
- Mode 201: Set number and access
- Mode 202: Set name, type and length
- Mode -202: Set name, type and length (local)
- Mode 203: Sets in database
- Mode 204: Sets with item
- Mode 301: Paths and Indexes
- Mode 302: Primary search item
- Mode 501: Index item number
- Mode 502: Index item name and segments
- Mode 503: Index items in database
- Mode 504: Index items in data set entry
- Return value
- Status codes
- Example
- The LOCK Function
- Description
- Return value
- Status codes
- Example
- The UNLOCK Function
- Description:
- Return value
- Status codes
- Example
- The PUT Function
- Description
- Return value
- Status codes
- Example
- The UPDATE Function
- Description
- Return value
- Status codes
- Example
- The BEGIN Function
- Description
- Return value
- Status codes
- Example
- The COMMIT Function
- Mode 1: Commit current (sub-)transaction
- Mode 2: Commit top level transaction
- Description
- Return value
- Status codes
- Example
- The ROLLBACK Function
- Mode 1: Rollback current (sub-)transaction
- Mode 2: Rollback specified transaction
- Mode 3: Rolback top level transaction
- Description
- Return value
- Status codes
- Example
- Sample Program
- E - Obsolete Database Utilities
- Introduction
- DBPATCH utility
- Database Restructuring
- The DBUTIL program
- Introduction
- DBUTIL commandline arguments
- Dbutil execution
- Control file syntax
- Opening the database
- Changing access passwords
- Granting access
- Revoking access
- Creating a new data item
- Changing data item definition
- Creating a new index item
- Changing data item definition
- Creating a new data set
- Changing a data set:
- Changing Set properties
- Adding a data item
- Adding an index
- Example script
- Interactive usage
- The Entry dialog
- The Main dialog
- The Log dialog
- The Exit dialog
- The Maintenance Password dialog
- The Password dialog
- The Access class properties dialog
- The Data Item List dialog
- The Item Properties dialog
- The Index Item List dialog
- The Index Item Properties dialog
- The Data Set List dialog
- The Data Set Properties dialog
- The Data Set Entry dialog
- The Print Schema Definition dialog
- The Analyze dialog
- The Apply dialog
- The dbmods Program
- List and Modify Passwords
- List and Modify Items
- List and Modify Index Items
- List and Modify Data Sets
- Print Schema Listing
- Select Printer
- The DBPASS Statement
- The DBMAINT Statement
- Index
Eloquence Database Manual - 19 DEC 2002