3 Database Definition
Schema Statements
The database definition (schema) can include statements to select schema options and to specify page control. Each statement must appear on a separate line, and may appear anywhere within the schema. These statements, known as schema commands, cannot contain comments.
If a parameter list is included with the command, it must be separated from the command name by at least one blank. Parameters must be separated by commas. Blanks may be freely inserted between items in the parameter list.
The $TITLE Statement
The $TITLE statement specifies a character string to be printed at the top of each new page of the schema listing. It does not cause a page eject. Syntax for the $TITLE statement is as follows:
$TITLE ["character string"]
The title specified by the character string overrides any title specified by previous $TITLE or $PAGE statements. If the character string is omitted, no title will be printed until a subsequent $TITLE or $PAGE statement specifies one. Title strings longer than 30 characters are truncated.
The $PAGE Statement
The $PAGE statement causes the schema listing to eject to the top of a new page, unless the NOLIST option has been selected by a previous $CONTROL statement. The $PAGE statement is not listed. Syntax is as follows:
$PAGE ["character string"]
If a character string is specified, the string replaces the title string specified by a previous $TITLE or $PAGE statement. If no character string is specified, the title string is unchanged. Title strings longer than 30 characters are truncated.
The $CONTROL Statement
The $CONTROL statement selects schema options. Syntax is as follows:
$CONTROL option list
Options available are as follows:
- Causes the schema program to list each source record from the text file. The listing is printed on the standard printer.
- Turns off the LIST option. When an error is found during schema operation, the source record in which the error occurred is listed, followed by an error message.
- Causes the schema program to connect the database server and create a database catalog if no errors are detected in the schema.
- Prevents the schema program from building a database catalog.
- ERRORS=nnn
- Sets the maximum number of allowed errors equal to nnn. If this number is exceeded during processing, the schema program terminates immediately. The number must be an integer value from 0 through 999.
- LINES=nnn
- Sets the number of lines to be printed on a page. The number must be an integer. Specifying 0 causes lines to be printed continuously (no page break).
- Causes the schema processor to print a table containing data set information following the listing. The information includes data set, name, type, number of fields, path number, length, media record length, capacity, number of sectors, and volume labels.
- Suppresses table option.
The $CONTROL options can be placed in any order, but each must be separated by a comma. At least one option must be specified when using $CONTROL.
Options not redefined by a $CONTROL statement default to the following:
These default options are equivalent to using the following $CONTROL command:
Other examples of $CONTROL statements are as follows:
NOTE: The listing and root file options can also be specified using the schema command. This is recommended over the $CONTROL statement. By using the schema command options, it is not necessary to edit a text file whenever you want to change an option, as with the $CONTROL statement.
NOTE: $CONTROL options override schema command options.
Eloquence Database Manual - 19 DEC 2002