E Obsolete Database Utilities


The Eloquence DBMS utilities create, initialize, and purge database files and perform various maintenance operations. The utilities consist of Eloquence commands, programs, and statements, in addition to HP-UX programs and script files. The database utilities are summarized below:

Obsolete database utilities
Eloquence Statements HP-UX Programs and Script Files Description
 dbutilDatabase modification tool.
DBSTOREdbstoreCopies either the database or selected data sets to a backup device. dbstore is a customizable script file. DBSTORE calls dbstore.
DBRESTOREdbrestoreRestores the database from the backup created by DBSTORE or dbstore. dbrestore is a customizable script file. DBRESTORE calls dbrestore.
 dbexportCopies data entries from all or selected data sets to ASCII files. Database structural information is not saved.
 dbimportCopies data entries from ASCII files into data sets of a database.
 dbmodsAllows changing various database structural information without unloading and reloading stored data.
DBPASS Changes the password for a stated user-class number.
DBMAINT Changes the maintenance password for a stated database.
READ DBPASSWORD Reads all user passwords from a specified database.
WRITE DBPASSWORD Writes all user passwords from a specified database.
 dstatusDiagnostic tool for reporting the Eloquence system status. Its functionalitycould be altered as new features are developed. The parameters are:-t = list of tasks; -d = list of opened databases; -help.

Eloquence Database Manual - 19 DEC 2002