C Error Messages
ISAM Errors
The following values are specific to the previous Eloquence database implementation and can only happen when using eloqdb5. The Eloquence A.06.00 uses different values to indicate internal problems.
If you receive a database status -800, this indicates an internal failure, usually related to the internal ISAM subsystem. In this case the last element of the status array provides additional information.
Any value below 100 indicates an error returned by a HP-UX system call. Please refer to /usr/include/sys/errno.h for more information, Numbers above 100 indicate an ISAM related problem.
Error Number
- 100
- An attempt was made to add a duplicate value to an index via iswrite, isrewrite, isrewcurr, or isaddindex.
- 101
- An attempt was made to perform some operation on an ISAM file that was not previously opened using the isopen call.
- 102
- One of the arguments of the ISAM call is not within the range of acceptable values for that argument.
- 103
- One or more of the elements that make up the key description is outside of the range of acceptable values for that element.
- 104
- The maximum number of files that may be open at one time would be exceeded if this request were processed.
- 105
- The format of the ISAM file has been corrupted.
- 106
- In order to add or delete an index, the file must have been opened with exclusive access.
- 107
- The record or file requested by this call cannot be accessed because it has been locked by another user.
- 108
- An attempt was made to add an index that has been defined previously.
- 109
- An attempt was made to delete the primary key value. The primary key may not be deleted by the isdelindex call.
- 110
- The beginning or end of file was reached.
- 111
- No record could be found that contained the requested value in the specified position.
- 112
- This call must operate on the current record. The current record is not defined.
- 113
- The file is exclusively locked by another user.
- 114
- The filename is too long.
- 115
- The lock file cannot be created.
- 116
- Adequate memory cannot be allocated.
- 126
- Bad record number.
- 127
- No primary key.
- 131
- No free disk space.
- 132
- Record too long.
- All other numbers indicate an internal error, and should be reported to HP. Examples:
- 201
- Bad request.
- 202
- Too far.
- 203
- No info.
- 204
- Not set.
- 205
- Bad info.
Eloquence Database Manual - 19 DEC 2002