E Obsolete Database Utilities
READ DBPASSWORD root file spec, maintenance word; string array variable
The string array must have at least 31 elements, with a dimensioned length of at least eight characters long. Passwords are read into array elements in numerical order, beginning with the password for user-class number 1. If no password exists for a user-class number, that array element is filled with eight spaces. Here is a program sequence which reads and displays the user passwords from a root file named PAYROL.
10 OPTION BASE 1 20 DIM Pass$(31) [8] 30 READ DBPASSWORD "PAYROL","MANAGER";PASS$(*) 40 DISP "User-class Numbers and Passwords on the PAYROL Database." 50 DISP 60 FOR Num=1 TO 31 70 IF Pass$(Num)<>" " THEN DISP Num;Pass$(Num) 80 NEXT Num 90 END