1 Things to Know Before You Start
The following conventions are used throughout this manual:
- Bold type is used when a new term is introduced.
- Computer font indicates text to be input exactly as shown or text that is output from the system.
- Italic type is used for emphasis and titles of publications. It is also used to indicate parameters that are user defined.
- KEYCAP represents a key on the keyboard.
represents the softkeys displayed on the computer screen.
- ... indicates that the previous variable can be repeated.
- [ ] indicates that information inside the brackets is optional. If there are brackets within brackets, the information within the inner bracket may only be specified if the information in the outer bracket is specified. Information may also be stacked in brackets. For example, A or B or neither may be selected when the following is shown:

- { } indicates that one of the choices stacked within the braces must be selected. For example, A or B or C must be selected when the following is shown:

NOTE: Notes contain important information and are set off from the text.
Eloquence Database Manual - 19 DEC 2002