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Documentation / WEBDLG2 / Migrating JDLG applications

Migrating JDLG applications

  Document revision: 2025-02-21
Refers to WEBDLG2 version: B0840 2501-4

Table of contents

This document provides a collection of tips and hints to help migrating existing JDLG applications to WEBDLG2.

We would very much appreciate your feedback in case you encounter compatibility problems, or in case you find a topic not covered here, or if you need help migrating your application.

Please send your feedback to the support@marxmeier.com address. Thank you very much.

The Eloquence Team

JDLG applications are configured via application-specific attributes and global properties.

The WEBDLG2 eloqwebd2.app application configuration file covers the application-relevant aspects of these two JDLG configuration categories.

JDLG application configuration

This list indicates how to migrate the JDLG application configuration to WEBDLG2 (please note the remarks below):

Application name eloqwebd2.app Title
Application command eloqwebd2.app Command 1 2
Application environment eloqwebd2.app Environment 1
Application startdir eloqwebd2.app StartDir 1
Application login eloqwebd2.app Login
Application password eloqwebd2.app Password
Application tls eloqwebd2.app TLS 3

This list indicates which JDLG application attributes cannot or should not be migrated because of the way WEBDLG2 works differently from JDLG (please note the remarks below):

JDLG Remarks
Application server 4
Application serverport 4
Application protocol 5
Application icon (no WEBDLG2 equivalent)
Application visible (no WEBDLG2 equivalent)
Application autostart (no WEBDLG2 equivalent)


  1. JDLG tokens, if present in a configuration value, need to be revised for WEBDLG2:

    JDLG token equivalent WEBDLG2 token
    $host $remoteaddr
    $port (no WEBDLG2 equivalent)
    $login $login

    Please note:

    JDLG resolves a $(VARIABLENAME) token in the JDLG Java runtime process on the user's system.

    WEBDLG2 resolves a $(VARIABLENAME) token in the eloqwebd2 process on the server system.

    As a result, WEBDLG2 might resolve a $(VARIABLENAME) token differently than JDLG.

  2. Do not migrate a -dlg command line option (for example: -dlg $host:$port). It will be ignored anyway because WEBDLG2 uses the RDLG method to establish the DLG connection.
  3. Enabled if set to a nonzero value, otherwise disabled. For JDLG compatibility, WEBDLG2 accepts the yes or true or on keywords.

    Please note:

    Other than JDLG, the DLG connection originates from the eloqwebd2 server, not from the user's system.

    If the eloqsd server is located on the same system with the eloqwebd2 server, or if the connection between eloqwebd2 and eloqsd is secure, eloqwebd2.app TLS would add unnecessary overhead and should not be enabled.

  4. WEBDLG2 provides the Server configuration to specify the address to connect the eloqsd server. Other than JDLG, this connection originates from the eloqwebd2 server, not from the user's system.

    Consequently, configuring Server is typically not necessary unless the eloqsd is located on a remote system.

  5. WEBDLG2 uses the RDLG protocol method. Other methods are not supported.

JDLG global configuration

This list indicates how to migrate the application-relevant JDLG global configuration properties to WEBDLG2:

eloquence.config.defaultfont.name eloqwebd2.app DefaultFontFace (see below)
eloquence.config.defaultfont.size eloqwebd2.app DefaultFontSize (see below)
eloquence.config.baseurl eloqwebd2.app BaseURL
eloquence.config.helpbaseurl eloqwebd2.app HelpBaseURL
eloquence.config.logoicon eloqwebd2.app LogoIcon
eloquence.config.enablemaximize eloqwebd2.app EnableMaximize
eloquence.config.notifybusy eloqwebd2.app NotifyBusy
eloquence.config.typeahead eloqwebd2.app TypeAhead
eloquence.config.atom.NAME eloqwebd2.app Atom.NAME

This list indicates how to migrate other JDLG global configuration properties to WEBDLG2:

eloquence.config.errorlog [Server] LogFile
[Server] LogFlags
eloquence.config.lookandfeel Customizing the visual appearance
eloquence.config.strings Strings configuration
eloquence.config.sessionlogincache [Limits] LoginCacheMax
eloqwebd2.app LoginDomain
Browser and help system (automatically configured)
Printer configuration Eloquence webprint
eloqwebd2.app PrinterName

This list indicates JDLG global configuration properties where WEBDLG2 equivalents are not available in the current implementation but planned for a future release:

eloquence.config.clipboardcontextmenu (not implemented yet)
eloquence.config.editmode (not implemented yet)
eloquence.config.enablereference (not implemented yet)
eloquence.config.enablescalefactor (not implemented yet)

JDLG applications might expect a JDLG driver type, i.e., expect that DLG GET ".driver_type" and "System.driver" return "JDLG".

WEBDLG2 allows to configure the driver type reported to the program. It may be set to JDLG to make these application work with WEBDLG2.

A web browser used to run WEBDLG2 applications almost certainly renders fonts differently than JDLG. This is mainly caused by the DLG font sizes specified in point units, where the exact font size is calculated based on the screen resolution. This calculation is often not reliable.

Also, JDLG depends on the Java font functionality which rounds certain font sizes. On the other hand, WEBDLG2 uses the web browser's font functionality which typically renders a font at exactly the specified size.

As a result, applications migrated from JDLG to WEBDLG2 might display Dialogs in an unexpected way, e.g., Dialogs are unexpectedly large, or object fonts do not fit as expected.

In the current implementation, WEBDLG2 provides the following eloqwebd2.app configuration items to help solving such issues without having to modify the DLG font attributes of the JDLG application:

WEBDLG2 allows to specify the default font size in pixel units which typically results in a reliable Dialog raster calculation.
When a Dialog has the fontface/fontsize/fontstyle attributes set, the Dialog raster is no longer calculated based on the default font.

Activating the IgnoreDialogFont configuration ignores all Dialog-specific font attributes. This may help to achive a uniform Dialog layout, i.e., to enforce that the dialog raster calculation is based on the default font for every Dialog in the application.

When object fonts do not fit as expected, i.e., fonts are rendered too large or too small in relation to the Dialog raster, the FontSizeFactor configuration allows to increase or reduce all font sizes by a factor.

For example, since Java rounds certain font sizes, an object having fontsize=13 set may be rendered with a 12pt font in JDLG, while the browser renders the font with 13pt size in WEBDLG2.

In such a case, setting FontSizeFactor=0.923 will reduce the font size from 13pt to 12pt, to achieve a Dialog appearance in the browser similar to JDLG.

Please note:

This is currently a work in progress. The goal is to find a method that reliably reproduces the Java font rendering behavior. Once available, this may then be activated in the eloqwebd2.app configuration.

You might consider to enable strict attribute value checking while migrating an application from JDLG to WEBDLG2. This might help to prevent unexpected application behavior caused by incorrect DLG SET attribute values.

JDLG does not strictly check certain attribute values on DLG SET. For example, setting the ListBox.topitem attribute out-of-range is accepted by JDLG, but WEBDLG2 returns DLG STATUS 660 if StrictMode is enabled.

Affected attributes:

The attributes below are implemented for JDLG compatibility but don't have any effect (DLG SET is ignored, DLG GET returns zero or an empty string).

Common attributes
clipboardcontextmenu, hmax, hmin, wmax, wmin
clipboardcontextmenu, enablereference, enablescalefactor, enablesnap, referencepoint, referencex, referencey, scalefactor, snapadjustsize, snapmargin
enablereference, enablescalefactor, enablesnap, minheight, minwidth, setreference, setscalefactor, yield
linewrap=hard (same as "soft"), maxlines
clipboardcontextmenu, enablereference, enablescalefactor, enablesnap, editmode, javahome, lookandfeel, multiscreen, screenresolution, snapadjustsize, snapmargin, userdir
scrollable, tabplacement (other than "top")

The attributes below (JDLG print interface) are not implemented, using these attributes will result in DLG status 657:

closeprinter, openprinter, print
defaultprinter, printcommand, printerscommand, printersfilter

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