Document revision: 2025-02-21
Refers to eloqcore version: PE83-2205130
The webprint feature, introduced with eloqcore patch PE83-2205100,
supports application printer output in a web environment.
When enabled, the Eloquence PRINTER 10 output is passed through
to create PDF documents that are opened in the browser.
Eloquence configuration options
The following configuration options in the eloq.config or .eloqrc
configuration file may be used to define the webprint behavior
option webprint 0
A nonzero value enables the webprint functionality. A mode 1 enables
webprint for use with WEBDLG2. A mode 2 overrides the
JDLG printer support to use
webprint instead. A mode 0 disables webprint (the default).
option webprint_tmp "/var/spool/webprint"
This specifies the directory that is used to (temporarily) hold the
printer output. If webprint_age is configured then older files will
automatically be removed from this directory. Please keep in mind that
this directory and its files must be accessible by a web server.
The location /var/spool/webprint is recommended on HP-UX and Linux.
Please note:
When using an external web server on Linux systems with systemd,
referring to the /tmp or /var/tmp directory (or a subdirectory)
may not work as expected. The web server's systemd unit may have the
PrivateTmp option enabled, redirecting the /tmp or /var/tmp directories
to a private location.
option webprint_cmd "eqpcl -p -C EOLTERM=2"
This option may be used to specify the
command line options.
Unless an absolute path is specified the Eloquence bin directory is
The default should often be sufficient unless specific printer
settings are required.
option webprint_url "/webprint"
This option specifies the URL prefix that is used by the web browser
to access a PDF output. The web browser must be configured to refer
to the directory specified in the webprint_tmp option.
With WEBDLG2 a relative URL should typically be sufficient.
With JDLG a protocol
and host name must be specified.
option webprint_age 0
This defines the max. age of a print document in seconds in the spool
directory (as specified by webprint_tmp). If present then eloqcore
will automatically remove any files that are older than the specified
age value. A recommended value is 300 seconds (5 minutes).
Please note: This option assumes that a dedicated directory is
used that only holds eloquence print files.
Any files in the directory will be deleted.
Example configuration
This shows an example configuration in the eloq.config or .eloqrc
to enable webprint with a dedicated speool directory.
option webprint 1
option webprint_tmp "/var/spool/webprint"
#option webprint_url "http://localhost/webprint"
option webprint_age 30
Creating the spool directory
On Linux the commands below can be used (as root) to create the spool
directory for use with webprint.
mkdir /var/spool/webprint
chown wwwrun:www /var/spool/webprint
chmod 2777 /var/spool/webprint
Spool files are created group readable so assigning them to the www
group will ensure the files are readable by the web server
but otherwise restricted.
Web server configuration
To integrate with the WEBDLG2 internal web server,
add a [/webprint] URI configuration
to the eloqwebd2.uri file,
for example:
Path = /var/spool/webprint
GroupList = @auth
CacheMax = 10m
This associates the /webprint URI with the
/var/spool/webprint directory, as configured for
option webprint_url. The browser is allowed to
cache the files for 10 minutes
before revalidating with the server. The invoking user
needs to be logged in.
Equivalent example configuration for Apache httpd:
# Eloquence webprint
Alias /webprint "/var/spool/webprint"
<Directory "/var/spool/webprint">
Options None
# Apache 2.4
<ifModule mod_authz_core.c>
Require all granted
# Apache 2.2
<ifModule !mod_authz_core.c>
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
# Caching
<ifModule mod_headers.c>
Header Set Cache-Control "private, max-age=600, must-revalidate"
Save this in a file named webprint.conf in the Apache httpd
conf.d directory, typically in one of the locations listed below:
- On Windows:
- The directory is typically: C:\Apache24\conf\extra
To activate the webdlg2.conf file, a line like below needs to be
added to the end of the httpd.conf file (typically located in the
C:\Apache24\conf directory):
Include conf/extra/webdlg2.conf
Please note: The web server may need to be restarted when
its configuration has been modified.
Can I do the same with other documents?
Webprint uses the Application.browser[target] method to
have the browser fetch the document from the server. This is a
method available in WEBDLG2 that allows to specify a target tab
for a document. For printer 10 "printer" is currently used as a
DLG SET "Application.browser[printer]","/webprint/"&Name$
With JDLG the
Application.browser method is used which does
not allow specifying a target.
eloqcore has the option to remove old documents. This is triggered
whenever a document to PRINTER 10 is started.
Alternatively a cron job or cgi script could be used as well.
It is not difficult to create functionality that works the same for
other application documents and/or that integrates with webprint.
We appreciate your feedback. Please send your feedback to
The Eloquence Team