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Documentation / Eloquence JDLG / Configuration

JDLG configuration

  Document revision: 2025-02-04
Refers to JDLG version: 2.0.19


JDLG is configured using Java properties in the "eloquence.config" and "eloquence.help" name spaces. Java properties may be passed on invocation of JDLG on the command line or in a JNLP file (Java Webstart, EQWS).

Note: Starting with Oracle Java version 7u45, Java Webstart requires that JDLG properties are prefixed with "jnlp.", otherwise they are ignored (requires JDLG version 1.6.3 or newer).

Examples for passing a JDLG configuration property

  • on the command line:
    java -Deloquence.config=/path/to/jdlg.cfg -jar jdlgS.jar

  • in a JNLP file (within the <jnlp><resources> section):
    <property name="jnlp.eloquence.config"

Besides passing JDLG configuration properties on the command line or in a JNLP file, they may as well be specified in a configuration file.

In a configuration file, any number of JDLG configuration properties may be listed, each on a separate line. The = assignment character is used to separate the property name from the value. Leading and trailing spaces are ignored on the name and the value. Lines beginning with the # hash character are ignored (comment lines).

For example:

eloquence.config.errorlog = /tmp/jdlg-error.log

To use a configuration file, it is necessary to pass the location of the configuration file in the file system, or the URL referring to it, on the command line or in a JNLP file, using the eloquence.config property, as shown in the examples above.

Specifies a JDLG configuration file. Either a file name or an URL may be specified.

Note: JDLG versions before 2.0.5 require that different properties are used depending on whether a file name (eloquence.config.file) or an URL (eloquence.config.url) is specified. For backward compatibility these properties are still supported.

Notes on using a JNLP file:

  • JDLG versions 1.7.0 or newer allow to specify a relative URL in a JNLP file, resolved relative to the JNLP codebase directory.

  • If no configuration file or URL is specified in a JNLP file, JDLG loads the default "jdlg.cfg" file if present in the JNLP codebase directory.

The value of a Java property or environment variable may be resolved within a JDLG configuration value by using a $(VARIABLENAME) token.

For example, to configure an error log file in the current user's home directory on Unix (HP-UX, Linux, macOS):

eloquence.config.errorlog = $(HOME)/jdlg_error.log

Equivalent on Windows:

eloquence.config.errorlog = $(USERPROFILE)/jdlg_error.log

This defines the Java look-and-feel used by JDLG and affects all JDLG windows and Dialogs. This configuration is persistent as long as JDLG runs and cannot be changed during runtime.

JDLG contains a list of predefined look-and-feel configurations:
system (default)  Chooses a look-and-feel that should be most appropriate to the underlying operating system or window manager.
java  the Java default cross-platform look-and-feel
metal  the Java Metal look-and-feel
nimbus  the Java Nimbus look-and-feel
windows  the Windows look-and-feel
gtk  the GTK+ look-and-feel
motif  the Motif look-and-feel

If a value different from the ones listed above is used, JDLG tries to load the specified look-and-feel class. The specified string must be a valid look-and-feel class name.

For example:

eloquence.config.lookandfeel = javax.swing.plaf.mac.MacLookAndFeel

If the specified class cannot be loaded, JDLG falls back to the system look-and-feel.

A program may query the name of the active look-and-feel class value using the System.lookandfeel attribute.

JDLG will listen on the tcp port number specified here. If set to zero, JDLG will choose an available tcp port number.

The default dlg port number is 8011.

A program may query this value using the System.dlgport attribute.

Specifies a file where JDLG runtime errors and warnings are logged. This file is created on the system where JDLG is executed (which may be different from the system where the program is running) and must be located in a directory that is writable by the user executing JDLG.

The default errorlog is empty (undefined).

See also the examples above.

Note: JDLG version 1.6.3 introduces the Show Log Messages menu option to instantly view JDLG runtime errors and warnings, regardless whether an error log file is configured or not.

Specifies the keepalive interval in seconds. If nonzero, JDLG sends keepalive messages in the specified interval during a DLG DO or POPUP BOX invocation.

This allows eloqcore to detect whether a JDLG connection is still active or was interrupted. The latter case is assumed if eloqcore does not receive any message from JDLG for five times the specified interval during a DLG DO or POPUP BOX invocation. If an interrupted JDLG connection is detected, the connection is closed and ERROR 684 is returned to the program.

This function may also be useful to solve idle timeout problems caused by network router/firewall configuration. A network router might be configured to close a connection if it has been inactive for some time. To prevent this from affecting JDLG connections, a JDLG keepalive interval could be configured.

For example, assumed the router idle timeout is 30 minutes, an eloquence.config.keepalive=900 configuration would cause JDLG to send a keepalive message every 15 minutes so that the router idle timeout would not expire.


  • Requires JDLG version 1.5.7-110429-1914 or newer.

  • The eloquence.config.keepalive configuration requires an eloqcore version which supports the keepalive functionality, otherwise it has no effect. For Eloquence 8.0 this requires eloqcore patch PE80-1104280 or newer. For Eloquence 8.10 this requires eloqcore patch PE81-1104280 or newer.

  • Instead of configuring the eloquence.config.keepalive property, a program may invoke DLG SET ".keepalive",Seconds to specify the keepalive interval, for example: DLG SET ".keepalive",900
Allows to customize and/or to localize the text strings and messages embedded in JDLG. This includes the titles and menus of the JDLG console window and subwindows, including the login dialog, as well as program messages.

Fo details, please refer to the Strings and messages configuration document.

Note: Requires JDLG version 2.0.0 or newer.

Specifies an application configuration file. Either a file name or an URL may be specified.

Note: JDLG versions before 2.0.5 require an URL. Using a file: URL is necessary to specify a local file.

The list of configured and visible applications is displayed in the JDLG console window. Each listed application specifies a (remote) program which may be started by double-clicking it in the application list.

Fo details, please refer to the Application configuration document.

By default, no application configuration is used.

Note on using a JNLP file: JDLG versions 1.7.0 or newer allow to specify a relative URL in a JNLP file, resolved relative to the JNLP codebase directory.

When JDLG is started with an application configuration, the JDLG console window is displayed on the desktop, showing the list of available applications.

If JDLG is started without an application configuration, the JDLG console window is not displayed. With recent Java versions (1.6 or newer), the JDLG tray icon is displayed. With older Java versions, the JDLG console window is displayed as a taskbar icon (minimized).

The eloquence.config.syswin property may be used to override this behavior.
Possible values are:
iconified  Always start JDLG with an invisible or minimized console, even if JDLG is started with an application configuration.
deiconified  Always display the console window when JDLG is started, even if JDLG is started without an application configuration.

Specifies whether or not the login credentials (login and password) of a successfully started application are cached.

If set to on (or true or yes or 1) the credentials are cached so that an application may be restarted without having to enter them again. In addition, the cached credentials are used with other applications having the same server and serverport configuration.

If set to off (or false or no or 0) the credentials are not cached.

By default, the application login credentials are cached.

If set to yes (or true or on or 1), JDLG automatically terminates when the last connected program has ended.

The default is: exitonlastsession = no

If set to yes (or true or on or 1) the close button of the JDLG console window will exit JDLG.

If set to no (or false or off or 0) the close button will minimize the JDLG console window. This option is only effective if a tray icon is active. Otherwise, the close button will always exit JDLG.

The default is: sessionview.quitonclose = yes

Specifies whether the JDLG icon is installed in the system tray.

If set to on (or true or yes or 1) the JDLG tray icon is installed (requires Java version 1.6 or newer).
If set to off (or false or no or 0) the JDLG tray icon is not installed.

By default, the JDLG tray icon is installed if Java version 1.6 or newer is used.
See also eloquence.config.syswin above.

Defines the default Dialog font. It is also used to define the default Dialog raster.

If not specified, JDLG uses the Java DialogInput font.

Specifies the size of the default font in point units. If not specified, the default font size is 12.
May be used to configure the EditText and ComboBox clipboard context menu which is activated with the context menu mouse button, offering the common edit functions Undo, Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete and Select All.

Possible values are:

  • List of menu items, separated with the | pipe character. The accelerator character of each item is prefixed as usual with the & ampersand character.

    Exactly six items should be provided in the following order:

    &Undo|Cu&t|&Copy|&Paste|&Delete|Select &All

    For example, the following configures a German clipboard context menu:

    Rü&ckgängig|&Ausschneiden|&Kopieren|Ein&fügen|&Löschen|Alles &markieren

  • off - Disables the clipboard context menu.

If not specified, the english default menu text is used:

&Undo|Cu&t|&Copy|&Paste|&Delete|Select &All

Starting with JDLG version 1.5.7-110518-1310, a program may query or modify this value using the System.clipboardcontextmenu attribute. In addition, the global clipboard context menu configuration may be overridden using the session-specific Application.clipboardcontextmenu attribute or, on the Dialog or object level, using the common clipboardcontextmenu attribute.

Specifies if the overwrite mode is activated for EditText and ComboBox objects, if the insert or overwrite mode is used when JDLG starts, and if the user may toggle between insert and overwrite mode using the INSERT key.

Possible values are:
insert-only (default)  Activates insert mode, user cannot toggle between insert and overwrite mode.
overwrite-only  Activates overwrite mode, user cannot toggle between insert and overwrite mode.
insert  JDLG starts in insert mode, user may use the INSERT key to toggle between insert and overwrite mode.
overwrite  JDLG starts in overwrite mode, user may use the INSERT key to toggle between insert and overwrite mode.

In overwrite mode, a blinking block cursor is displayed in EditText and ComboBox objects. When using TAB/ENTER to enter a single-line EditText or ComboBox object, the contents are not selected and the cursor is put on the leftmost position.

The editing mode (insert or overwrite) is a global property. If multiple sessions are opened in JDLG, switching from insert to overwrite mode and vice-versa affects all sessions, not just the current session.

A program may query or modify the editing mode using the System.editmode attribute. Please note that this may not affect a currently focused EditText or ComboBox object.

Specifies the global default to enable or disable the Dialog auto-maximize function.

If enabled, i.e., set to yes (or true or on or 1), the session's auto-maximize status is adjusted when a Dialog is maximized or normalized. When a new Dialog is opened or made visible and the Dialog.maximized attribute was not explicitly set, the Dialog is maximized or normalized according to the session's auto-maximize status and the Dialog.maximized attribute is adjusted. This allows the user to control whether an application's Dialogs should appear maximized or not.

If disabled, the Dialog.maximized attribute is used when a new Dialog is opened or made visible. Maximizing or normalizing a Dialog does not affect the session's auto-maximize status.

The default is: enablemaximize = yes

A program may query or modify this value using the System.enablemaximize attribute, which in turn specifies the global default for the session-specific Application.enablemaximize attribute.

If the auto-maximize function is enabled for a session, the Dialog.enablemaximize attribute allows to selectively disable it, and if enabled, the Dialog.setmaximize attribute allows to configure whether a specific Dialog modifies the session's auto-maximize status if it is maximized or normalized by the user.

A program may query or modify the session's auto-maximize status using the Application.maximize attribute.


  • Dialogs having the resizepolicy attribute set to "none" are never maximized and do not affect the session's auto-maximize status.

  • Requires JDLG version 1.7.2 or newer.
Specifies the global default to enable or disable the Dialog reference point function.

If enabled, i.e., set to yes (or true or on or 1), moving a Dialog also moves the session's reference point. When a new Dialog or POPUP BOX is opened or an existing Dialog is made visible, the reference point is used to adjust the Dialog position. This allows the user to define where an application's Dialogs should appear on the Desktop.

If disabled, the original Dialog or POPUP BOX position is used when a new Dialog or POPUP BOX is opened or an existing Dialog is made visible. Moving a Dialog does not affect the session's reference point.

The default is: enablereference = yes

A program may query or modify this value using the System.enablereference attribute, which in turn specifies the global default for the session-specific Application.enablereference attribute.

If the reference point function is enabled for a session, the Dialog.enablereference attribute allows to selectively disable it, and if enabled, the Dialog.setreference attribute allows to configure whether a specific Dialog modifies the session's reference point if it is moved by the user.

A program may query or modify the session's reference point using the Application.referencex and Application.referencey attributes.

Note: JDLG versions before 1.7.2 only support the Application.referencepoint and Application.referencex and Application.referencey attributes.

Specifies the global default to enable or disable the Dialog auto-scale function.

If enabled, i.e., set to yes (or true or on or 1) and a Dialog having the resizepolicy attribute set to "scale" is resized, the session's scale factor is adjusted. When a new Dialog or POPUP BOX is opened or an existing Dialog is made visible, the session's scale factor is applied, adjusting the Dialog raster size as well as the object and font sizes of all Dialog child objects. This allows the user to control how the Dialogs of an application are scaled.

If disabled, a scale factor of 1 is used when a new Dialog or POPUP BOX is opened or an existing Dialog is made visible, i.e., the Dialog or POPUP BOX is displayed in its original size. Resizing a Dialog having the resizepolicy attribute set to "scale" does not affect the session's scale factor.

The default is: enablescalefactor = yes

A program may query or modify this value using the System.enablescalefactor attribute, which in turn specifies the global default for the session-specific Application.enablescalefactor attribute.

If the auto-scale function is enabled for a session, the Dialog.enablescalefactor attribute allows to selectively disable it, and if enabled, the Dialog.setscalefactor attribute allows to configure whether a specific Dialog having the resizepolicy attribute set to "scale" modifies the session's scale factor if it is resized by the user.

A program may query or modify the session's scale factor using the Application.scalefactor attribute.

Note: JDLG versions before 1.7.2 only support the Application.dialogscaling and Application.scalefactor attributes.

Specifies the global default to enable or disable the Dialog auto-snap function.

Modern desktop managers allow to set windows side-by-side by dragging them to a screen/desktop edge. On Windows this is called Aero Snap.

If enabled, i.e., set to yes (or true or on or 1), snapping or unsnapping a Dialog adjusts the session's auto-snap status. When a new Dialog is opened or made visible, the auto-snap status is applied. This allows the user to control whether an application's Dialogs should appear snapped or not.

If disabled and a new Dialog is opened it is not snapped. When an existing Dialog is made visible its previous snap status is not modified. Snapping a Dialog does not affect the session's auto-snap status.

The default is: enablesnap = no

A program may query or modify this value using the System.enablesnap attribute, which in turn specifies the global default for the session-specific Application.enablesnap attribute.

If the auto-snap function is enabled for a session, the Dialog.enablesnap attribute allows to selectively disable it, and if enabled, the Dialog.setsnap attribute allows to configure whether a specific Dialog modifies the session's auto-snap status if it is snapped or unsnapped by the user.

A program may query or modify the session's auto-snap status using the Application.snap attribute. The System.snapmargin attribute allows a program to query or modify the auto-snap margin.


  • A Dialog getting the auto-snap status applied is snapped to the same screen/desktop edges and gets exactly the same size as the previous Dialog. This may have unexpected results: Small Dialogs might be expanded to the full screen width/height, large Dialogs might be squeezed to half of the screen width/height. To avoid this, the auto-snap adjust size function may be enabled by setting the eloquence.config.snapadjustsize configuration property, to allow adjusting the Dialog size if the previous snap size is too small or too large.

  • Requires JDLG version 1.7.2 or newer.
Allows to globally enable or disable image anti-aliasing and to choose one of three interpolation algorithms. When images are rendered, anti-aliasing is applied to improve the resulting display quality, by smoothing out jagged edges.

Supported values:
0  Anti-aliasing is disabled.
1  Anti-aliasing is enabled, NEAREST_NEIGHBOR interpolation is used. This is the lowest-quality algorithm having the least impact on rendering performance.
2 (default)  Anti-aliasing is enabled, BILINEAR interpolation is used. This algorithm is widely considered the best compromise between quality and impact on rendering performance, therefore it is active by default.
3  Anti-aliasing is enabled, BICUBIC interpolation is used. This is the highest-quality algorithm having the most impact on rendering performance.

This affects the Image object class, any Dialog and GroupBox background images as well as PushButton icons.

Note: Requires JDLG version 1.7.0 or newer.

Defines the default Image.scale attribute value.

If set to yes (or true or on or 1) any image which is scaled to a smaller size is downscaled in memory. This may reduce the amount of used image memory.

The default is: imagescale = no

Note: Requires JDLG version 1.6.3 or newer.

URL referring to the default icon. This is used as window icon (in the topleft corner) and taskbar icon. A Dialog may override this using the Dialog.logoicon attribute.

If not specified, the Eloquence icon is used.

Note on using a JNLP file: JDLG versions 1.7.0 or newer allow to specify a relative URL in a JNLP file, resolved relative to the JNLP codebase directory.

If set to yes (or true or on or 1) JDLG will issue a beep notification on any mouse or key event that is dropped while a Dialog is not interactive, i.e., not the active Dialog or currently outside DLG DO.

The default is: notifybusy = yes

Note: Before JDLG version 1.5.7-110518-1310 the default was: notifybusy = no

A program may query or modify this value using the System.notifybusy attribute.

Specifies the global default to enable or disable the Dialog auto-snap adjust size function.

If the Dialog auto-snap function is enabled, a Dialog getting the auto-snap status applied is snapped to the same screen/desktop edges and gets exactly the same size as the previous Dialog.

This may have unexpected results: Small Dialogs might be expanded to the full screen width/height, large Dialogs might be squeezed to half of the screen width/height.

If snapadjustsize is enabled, i.e., set to yes (or true or on or 1), the Dialog size is adjusted if the previous snap size is too small or too large.

The default is: snapadjustsize = no

A program may query or modify this value using the System.snapadjustsize attribute, which in turn specifies the global default for the session-specific Application.snapadjustsize attribute.

The Dialog.snapadjustsize attribute allows to selectively enable or disable the auto-snap adjust size function for a specific Dialog.


If set to yes (or true or on or 1) the typeahead function is enabled.

The default is: typeahead = yes

A program may query or modify this value using the System.typeahead attribute.

For details, please refer to the typeahead documentation.


Configures the ListBox.singleclick and Tree.singleclick behavior.

The default value is zero, which retains the behavior previous to JDLG version 2.0.16:

If the singleclick attribute is set to 1 or 3, a mouse button single click causes a rule submission. When the user clicks multiple times, multiple rule submissions may or may not happen, depending on the program's response time.

After a rule submission, a program may query Application.mouseclickcount to obtain the number of clicks issued by the user. The result may or may not be accurate, again depending on the program's response time.

As an alternative, eloquence.config.delay.singleclick may be set to an initial mouse button double click delay (number of milliseconds), for example:

eloquence.config.delay.singleclick = 200

This activates the WEBDLG2 singleclick behavior where a mouse button single click starts a timout to wait for additional clicks, then sets Application.mouseclickcount and submits the rule to the program. The program's response time is no longer relevant, the rule is no longer submitted multiple times.

If necessary, the configured delay is dynamically increased whenever a mouse button double click is detected. This way, JDLG learns the user's mouse button double click interval.

Note: Requires JDLG version 2.0.16 or newer.

This defines the global base URL. A session's base URL is composed by using the global base URL and appending the Application.baseurl, as shown in the example below. Any relative URL, specified in DLG files or with DLG SET, is prepended with the session's base URL.

For example:
 eloquence.config.baseurl = http://intranet/jdlg/
 Application.baseurl = "erp/"
 Dialog.Image.url = "logo.png"

Resulting URL:

The default baseurl is empty (undefined).

A program may query or modify this value using the System.baseurl attribute.

Note on using a JNLP file: JDLG versions 1.7.0 or newer allow to specify a relative URL in a JNLP file, resolved relative to the JNLP codebase directory.

Like baseurl above, this defines the global base URL for the help system. A session's help base URL is composed by using the global help base URL and appending the Application.helpbaseurl. Any relative URL specified with the common help attribute is prepended with the session's help base URL.

The default helpbaseurl is empty (undefined).

A program may query or modify this value using the System.helpbaseurl attribute.

Please refer to the documentation of the common help attribute for details.

Note on using a JNLP file: JDLG versions 1.7.0 or newer allow to specify a relative URL in a JNLP file, resolved relative to the JNLP codebase directory.

The Application.browser atrribute as well as the help system use an external browser on the system where JDLG is executed (typically on the user's PC).

If Java Webstart is used to start the JDLG process, the browser is automatically configured.

Otherwise, a command line is composed to invoke the browser, using the eloquence.help.cmdpre and eloquence.help.cmdpost configuration properties documented below.

Default browser command line on Windows:

rundll32 url.dll,FileProtocolHandler URL

Default browser command line on Linux:

xdg-open URL

Default browser command line on other operating systems, e.g., macOS:

open URL

The URL part is replaced by the URL to be invoked.


  • Before JDLG version 1.7.6 the default browser command line on Linux was: firefox -remote openURL(URL)

  • Before JDLG version 1.7.6 the default browser command line on operating systems other than Windows or Linux was empty and had to be explicitly configured.

Leading part of the browser command line, before the specified URL.

Default on Windows:

"rundll32 url.dll,FileProtocolHandler "

Default on Linux:

"xdg-open "

Default on other operating systems, e.g., macOS:

"open "

Note: The " quotation characters are used for clarification only, they must be omitted when configuring eloquence.help.cmdpre.

Trailing part of the browser command line, after the specified URL.



Note: The " quotation characters are used for clarification only, they must be omitted when configuring eloquence.help.cmdpost.

Starting with Eloquence B.07.10 patch PE71-0711050, a program may use PRINTER 10 to print on the default printer attached to the system where JDLG is executed (typically on the user's PC).

On the Windows platform the JDLG configuration of this functionality is automatic.

On Unix platforms (HP-UX, Linux, macOS) a print command, a default printer, a command to obtain the list of installed printers and an associated filter expression may be configured using the properties documented below, where the default values are chosen so that using PRINTER 10 should work on most systems without explicit configuration.

Specifies the print command. The $p token is replaced by the printer name.

The default print command is: lp -d$p -oraw

A program may query this value using the System.printcommand attribute.

Specifies the name of the default printer. If undefined, the print command line option containing the $p token is omitted so that the system should use the configured default printer.

The default printer is undefined unless not specified here.

A program may query this value using the System.defaultprinter attribute.

Specifies the command used to obtain the list of installed printers.

The default printers command is: lpstat -a

A program may query this value using the System.printerscommand attribute.

Specifies the regular expression used to filter the printer name from the output of the above printers command.

The default printers filter expression is: ^(\\S+)

This matches the first word of each output line, i.e., each sequence of non-whitespace characters starting at the first column.

Please refer to the Java documentation for details about regular expression patterns.

A program may query this value using the System.printersfilter attribute.

This creates a global atom and stores it in the System object.

This atom can later be queried by any session using:

DLG GET "System.atom[NAME]",Value$

Atoms stored in the System object are accessible to all sessions running in the current JDLG process and stay in memory until the JDLG process ends. They provide a way to pass information to other sessions.

For local atoms, allowing to pass information within the current session, please refer to the Application.atom[] documentation.

The Run Server emulation is obsolete. It is no longer supported since JDLG version 2.0.0.
The tracing functionality of previous JDLG versions is no longer functional and considered obsolete. Use eloquence.config.errorlog instead, as documented above.

JDLG versions 1.7.0 or newer allow to configure the Dialog layout behavior to reproduce the Dialog window area calculation of previous JDLG versions.

For details, please refer to the layout compatibility section in the Dialog documentation.

Provides the global default value for the System.dialog_w_overlap attribute.

If not set, the default value is zero.


  • Setting this to 3 should reproduce the effects of the wrong window area calculation in JDLG versions before 1.7.0.

  • Requires JDLG version 1.7.0 or newer.
Provides the global default value for the System.dialog_h_overlap attribute.

If not set, the default value is zero.


  • Setting this to 3 should reproduce the effects of the wrong window area calculation in JDLG versions before 1.7.0.

  • Requires JDLG version 1.7.0 or newer.
Provides the global default value for the System.dialog_scroll attribute.

If not set, the default value is nonzero (Dialog scroll bars are displayed if necessary).


  • Displaying Dialog scroll bars if necessary is new behavior introduced with JDLG version 1.7.0.

  • Requires JDLG version 1.7.0 or newer.

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