Eloquence B.08.20 adds the new FTS index subsystem to the database.
It may be used to search database records by individual words or a
combination of words (full text search) or to qualify database entries
by specific properties.
It allows for fast and flexible qualification of a large numbers
of database entries.
FTS Introduction
- Intoduction to the Eloquence FTS indexing
Using FTS indexing
- How to make use of FTS searches in your application.
- DBFIND syntax
- This document explains the FTS DBFIND syntax.
dbutil syntax
The dbutil utility is used to configure FTS indexing.
FTS Parser
The FTS parser operates on text fields and splits it into separate words.
This document explains in detail the working and configuration options
of the FTS word parser.
eloqcore API
The DBFIND, DBGET and DBINFO statements in the Eloquence programming language
were enhanced to support new modes for using the database FTS indexes.
image3k API
The TurboIMAGE compatibility library has been enhanced to support
the Eloquence FTS functionality through additional TPI modes for the
FTS Compat
Eloquence provides backwards compatible calls as an option to access
the Eloquence FTS functionality.