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B.08.40 / Release Notes / Beta Changes

Eloquence eqlictool utility

  As of Eloquence B.08.40-2405 the eqlictool utility is included with Eloquence and provides a convenient option to install license keys in an automatic way.

The eqlictool utility submits a request to the Marxmeier license server and installs the license key.

The following functions are currently supported:

  • Request license key for a specific system.
  • Request temporary installation license key for a specific system.
  • Request Personal Edition license key.
  • Request license keys for a specific license server.
  • Generate license server identity file.
  • Check license server identity file.


The eqlictool utility takes a command on the command line. Options may be used to override the default target file, to request a verbose output, or to log debug information.
$ eqlictool -help

ELOQUENCE EQLICTOOL (C) Copyright 2024 Marxmeier Software AG (B.08.40)
usage: eqlictool [options] command [...]
       eqlictool help [command ...]
 -help   - show usage (this list)
 -v      - verbose
 -o file - override default output file, '-' write to stdout
 -d flgs - debug flags
A license request is submitted to the Marxmeier license server and returns a completion status, a message (optional) and license data that is saved to the license file.

Write access to the license file is required to install the resulting license key. A new license file is created if the request succeeds. A previous license file will be renamed (license.1 …) and retained as a backup.
The -o command line option may be used to specify the output file instead of using the default. If the output file cannot be created the license data is output to stdout instead.

A non-zero return code indicates an error.

help command

The help command lists the available commands. It may also be used to verify the connection to the Marxmeier license server as the output is provided by the server.
$ eqlictool help

Command usage:
  getlic system
    - Obtain license for specific system.
  getlic temp
    - Obtain temporary license for specific system.
  getlic pe
    - Obtain Personal Edition license.
  getlic server [pool_name]
    - Obtain license(s) for specific license server.
      Pool name is 'default' if not specified.
    - Generate license server identity file.
    - Check license server identity file.

getlic system command

The getlic system request is used to install a perpetual license key for a system. This can be used if a license key was previously created for this system and is covered by a maintenance agreement. For example when updating to a newer Eloquence version. The request will obtain and install a perpetual license key.

For example, if a permanent license exists:

# eqlictool -v getlic system

System-specific permanent license issued.
Writing license to '/etc/opt/eloquence/8.4/license'.
This request is also used to install a temporary license issued by marxmeier Software. For example, if a temporary license exists:
# eqlictool -v getlic system

System-specific temporary license issued, expires on 2024-12-31.
Writing license to '/etc/opt/eloquence/8.4/license'.
A message as below indicates the request did not succeed:
License not available for this system.
Possible causes are the system ID is not known to the license server, the license was transferred to another system or the license is not covered by a maintenance agreement. If this is an error please contact the Eloquence support for assistance.

getlic temp command

The getlic temp request is used to generate and install an installation license key which provides a temporary license valid for 30 days. Please note that an installation license may be requested only once per system and product version. If a perpetual license is available, or if a temporary license has been issued by Marxmeier Software, requesting an installation license will not succeed. Please use the getlic system request in this case.

# eqlictool -v getlic temp

Temporary license issued, valid for 30 days.
Writing license to '/etc/opt/eloquence/8.4/license'.
A message as below indicates the request did not succeed:
Temporary license not available for this system.
Possible causes are an installation license was requested before for this system and product version or the system ID is associated with a license. If this is an error please contact the Eloquence support for assistance.

getlic pe command

The getlic pe request is used to obtain and install an Eloquence Personal Edition license key.

The Eloquence Personal Edition license provides a fully functional version of the Eloquence product (not time-limited) for non-commercial use. It is restricted to a maximum of 2 concurrent users and a database size of 50 MB. This license includes the TurboIMAGE compatibility option.

# eqlictool -v getlic pe

Personal Edition license issued.
Writing license to '/etc/opt/eloquence/8.4/license'.
The Eloquence Personal Edition Software is subject to the Eloquence license agreement and comes "AS IS" with NO WARRANTY whatsoever. Be sure to read and agree to the license term BEFORE you use the software.

getlic server command

If the system is reqistered as a license server the associated licenses can be obtained and installed with the getlic server request. This license pool is used with the Eloquence license server (eloqld).
# eqlictool -v getlic server

Issued 1 server-specific license.
Writing license to '/etc/opt/eloquence/8.4/eloqld.pool'.
A message as below indicates the request did not succeed:
License not available for this server.
This indicates the system is not registered as a license server. At the moment registering a license server is a manual procedure. Please contact the Eloquence support for assistance.

create-server-id command

The create-server-id command is used to create an ID file to identify a license server. This is an alternative to a hardware derived system ID to identify a server and will stay valid even if the system changes. However, please be aware this ID file cannot be copied without invalidating it.

This command is executed locally without contacting the Marxmeier license server.

# eqlictool -v create-server-id

Identity file '/etc/opt/eloquence/8.4/eloqld.id' created.
A message as below indicates the request did not succeed:
Identity file '/etc/opt/eloquence/8.4/eloqld.id' already exists.
Please remove the file manually to proceed. Please be aware this will invalidate any server licenses based on this ID. Please make sure you have sufficient privileges to create this file.

The -o option to specify an alternative location is not recognized.

check-server-id command

The check-server-id command may be used to verify an existing license server ID file.

This command is executed locally without contacting the Marxmeier license server.

# eqlictool check-server-id

A message as below indicates the request did not succeed:
eqlictool: No server ID available.

Data submitted to the server

The eqlictool utility requires an (outgoing) internet connection for the https protocol to the Marxmeier license server. The following information is submitted to the Marxmeier license server to service the request and is logged with the results.
  • Requested license operation
  • Product and version
  • System ID
  • Platform, operating system type and version
  • Hostname
  • Outgoing IP address

The "-d*1" debug option may be used to obtain additional details. The -d*1H2 option may be used to log the server exchange in detail.

Please note: By using the eqlictool utility you agree to submit this information and allow using it to process and log the request.

Please note: Using the lictool utility implies acceptance of the Eloquence license terms.

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