This document provides an overview of user visible changes incorporated
in the B.08.40 releases.
B0840.2501-2 (Feb 5, 2025)
B0840.2501-1 (Jan 31, 2025)
B0840.2409-4 (Dec 16, 2024)
- Improved dberase performance.
- Fixed list abort on MAT statement.
- Fixed eloqcore circular class definition hang.
B0840.2409-3 (Dec 3, 2024)
- Windows: Fixed Eloquence DLL load failure on Windows (ERROR 600).
Please note that existing custom Eloquence DLLs using the static
eloqdll.lib need to be relinked against the dynamic eqdll(64).dll.
- Windows: Add fwdump utility.
- Linux, HP-UX: Add fwupdate utility.
B0840.2409-2 (Oct 29, 2024)
- Support supplemental groups in eloqsd configuration
- Change the default log level to include config and license issues
- Retry connection to a local license server by default
- HP-UX: Use the openssl system default on installation
B0840.2409-1 (Sep 20, 2024)
B0840.2407-1 (Jul 18, 2024)
- WEBDLG2 fixes and improvements
- license server connection retry
B0840.2405-2 (Jun 11, 2024)
- eloqsd enhancement to allow setting UMask for applications
- Linux: remove 32-bit libray dependencies on x86_64 platform
- Changed installation. No template license file is installed
- Various small changes and corrections
B0840.2405-1 (May 16, 2024)
- Eloquence license utility and functionality
B0840.2402-1 (Mar. 20, 2024)
- Eloquence license server integration
- Windows release using new installer
- Various small changes
B0840.2311-5 (Dec. 5, 2023)
- Fixed dbkeyutil incompatibility
- Simplify Linux installation script
B0840.2311-4 (Dec. 4, 2023)
- Resolved problem with the HPE supplied OpenSSL versions
newer then 1.0.2.
- The database client library no longer uses OpenSSL and
database client programs are not affected by a potential
HPE openSSL dependency.
- The exception is use of the fwupdate library on encrypted databases.
Any custom code must link against the HP-UX pthread library or
the HPE openSSL library.
The initial beta test release is B0840.2311-1, available on Nov. 22, 2023