A.06.20 Release Notes
The following enhancements are implemented with the A.06.20 release:
- Support for character mode programs on the Windows platform
While dialog based programs are preferable, it may not be economic
to convert existing or custom tailored software to dialogs.
Support for character mode programs allows easier porting of
existing Eloquence programs to the Windows platform.
- QUERY and FORMs utilities ported to the Windows platform
With character mode support for the Windows platform the
Eloquence utilities are now available as well.
- DLGSRV performance enhancements and fixes
An enhanced version of the Eloquence GUI
components for the Windows platform (Windows 16 and 32 bit).
The DLGSRV(32) and RUNSRV(32) have been enhanced concerning
performance and functionality.
- Database performance enhancements
The A.06.20 eloqdb6 database server uses an advanced disk access
strategy which results in better performance. Depending on your disk
speed the sync write mode should have improved substantially and
should approach the previous async write performance.
The async write performance has further improved.
- dbstore/dbrestore utilities
The A.06.20 database suports the dbstore and dbrestore funtionality
which can be used to backup or restore a single database in a
database environment.
- Online backup
The A.06.20 database supports on-line backup (while the
database is in use).
- Turbo Image compatibility
The Eloquence A.06.20 database implements key functionality
required to provide additional TuroboImage (the IMAGE database
implementation on the HP3000) compatibility.
Please note, that the Eloquence database is not Turboimage
compatible by itself. The TurboImage extension API package is
required for full TurboImage compatibility.
For more information and order instructions please refer to the
TurboIMAGE compatibility extension document.
Detailed information:
Installation notes:
Please note:
Usage of Eloquence A.06.20 for new installations is not recommended.
Please update to version A.06.30 or above.
Installation of patches for Eloquence A.06.20 is mandantory.
Please check the Eloquence web site for recent patches.
Eloquence support:
Please report any comments, suggestions or problems to the
Eloquence Team
(send an email message to
feedback@marxmeier.com or use
our Feedback
Form on the Eloquence web site.)