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Eloquence database off-line utilities

  Eloquence A.06.20 / Release Notes
This document provides a detailed description on enhancements and changes related to the Eloquence database (off-line) utilities.
  • dbvolextend
  • dbvolchange


If your log volumes are lost (e.g. due to a disk failure) and your database was shut down cleanly or you are recovering from an on-line backup dbvolextend can now be used to re-create any missing log volume(s). Execute dbvolextend -t log /path/to/logvol for each missing log volume file.

Suppose your database environment was configured to use two log volumes named /db/log/log01.vol and /db/log/log02.vol. The following commands can be used to re-create the log volumes.

 dbvolextend -t log /db/log/log01.vol
 dbvolextend -t log /db/log/log02.vol
Since all log volume properties (like min. or max. size) are not recovered you may need to specify additional options to dbvolextend or use dbvolchange to modify volume properties. You can use dbvoldump to display volume information.

After the log volume(s) are re-created, you can start the eloqdb6 server process.

Please note: If your database was not shut down cleanly and your log volume is lost, you are loosing data and your database may be damaged.

On-line backup

Database utilities which modify the data volume can not be used immediately if the eloqdb6 server was shut down or crashed while in on-line backup mode. The log information (all committed transactions since entering on-line backup mode) have been temporarily stored in the log volume and must be recovered before database utilities may be allowed to modify the data volume. Otherwise all transactions pending since starting the on-line backup would be lost.

In this specific case the following message is output:

 NOTE: Database environment has been shutdown during 
       on-line backup. Please restart the database server 
       once in order to recover from on-line backup mode, 
       then reapply this command.
To recover the information from the log volume, please either run dblogreset or start the eloqdb6 server. Afterwards you can use the dbvolextend utility program as planned.

A detailed description how to backup your Eloquence database is available in the Database backup document.


The database by default now operates in (the more reliable) sync mode which provides additional protections against a system failure. Previous versions used (the faster) async write mode by default. Given sufficient disk performance, the performance improvements with the A.06.20 eloqdb6 made it possible to use the sync mode by default.


The -f flags option to dbvolchange is no longer present. The eloqdb6 write mode can now be configured in the eloqdb6.cfg configuration file.


usage: dbvolchange/dbvolchange [options] volume_file_name
 -v        - verbose
 -d flags  - debug flags
 -c cfg    - configuration file name
 -e sz     - Extension size
 -m sz     - Max volume size

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