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B.08.40 / License

Eloquence B.08.40 License keys

  Eloquence B.08.40 requires a license key version B.08.40 or above. For a new Eloquence installation or when upgrading from a previous Eloquence version a new license key must be obtained to use the Eloquence server components.

Please notice: Eloquence B.08.40 uses a different license key format that is not backwards compatible with previous Eloquence releases.

A license key may be obtained with the eqlictool utility, using the online license request form or requested from the Eloquence web site.

In previous Eloquence versions a specific license key was required for each system to use any of the server components. As of B.08.40 the Eloquence license server provides additional flexibility. It allows for simplified installation of license keys and "floating" licenses that are no longer system specific but managed by a license server.

The eqlictool utility may be used to create an installation license key which provides a temporary license valid for 30 days. The installation process no longer creates a temporary license key during installation.

The Personal Edition license key is no longer included in the license file template and must be requested with the eqlictool utility.

Using the eqlictool utility

As of Eloquence B.08.40 the eqlictool utility is included with Eloquence and provides a convenient option to install a license key for a system, or to generate an installation license key, in an automatic way.

The eqlictool utility submits a request to the Marxmeier license server and installs the received license key. Write access to the Eloquence license file is required to install the results. A new license file is created if the request succeeds. A previous license file will be renamed (license.1 …) and retained as a backup.

Request a license key for the system

If a system is covered by a maintenance agreement the getlic system request will obtain and install a perpetual license key.

# eqlictool -v getlic system

System-specific permanent license issued.
Writing license to '/etc/opt/eloquence/8.4/license'.

This request is also used to install a temporary license issued by the Eloquence support team.

Request an installation license key

The getlic temp request will generate and install an installation license key which provides a temporary license valid for 30 days. This includes the TurboIMAGE compatibility option.

Please note that an installation license may be requested only once per system and product. If a license key was issued for a system before then requesting an installation license will not succeed.

# eqlictool -v getlic temp

Temporary license issued, valid for 30 days.
Writing license to '/etc/opt/eloquence/8.4/license'.

If a system is covered by a maintenance agreement or a temporary lisense was issued by the Eloquence support team please use the getlic system request instead.

If different product options are needed, or if a temporary license valid for more than 30 days is required, please contact the Eloquence support.

Request a PE license key

The Eloquence Personal Edition license provides a fully functional version of the Eloquence product (not time-limited) for non-commercial use that is restricted to a maximum of 2 concurrent users and a database size of 50 MB. This license includes the TurboIMAGE compatibility option.

# eqlictool -v getlic pe

Personal Edition license issued.
Writing license to '/etc/opt/eloquence/8.4/license'.

Request a server license

If a system is reqistered as a license server the associated licenses can be obtained and installed with the getlic server request.

# eqlictool -v getlic server

Issued 1 server-specific license.
Writing license to '/etc/opt/eloquence/8.4/eloqld.pool'.

The eqlictool utility requires an (outgoing) internet connection for the https protocol to the Marxmeier license server. The following information is submitted to the Marxmeier license server to service the request and also logged with the results.
  • Requested license operation
  • Product and version
  • System ID
  • Platform, operating system type and version
  • Hostname
  • Outgoing IP address

Please note: By using the eqlictool utility you agree to submit this information and using it to process and log the request.

Please note: Using the lictool utility implies acceptance of the Eloquence license terms.

Using the online license request form

The Marxmeier web site offers an online license request form to request licenses for the Eloquence and SQLR products. This is an automated process and provides an immediate license key if the prerequisites are met.
This is substantially similar to the eqlictool utility described above but makes the automated license request also available for systems that are not connected to the internet and for older product versions.

The following license requests are supported:

System specific license
A system specific license is available for a system that was previously registered and is covered by a maintenance agreement or where a temporary license was issued for this system.

License server
If a system is reqistered as a license server the associated license keys can be obtained. A license server is currently only supported with the Eloquence product.

Installation license
This obtains a temporary license valid for 30 days. For Eloquence, this includes the TurboIMAGE compatibility option.
Please note that an installation license may be requested only once per system and product. If a license was issued before for a system then requesting an installation license will not succeed.

To request a license key the sytem ID must be obtained with the gethwid utility. Please be aware that a system may use more then a single ID number and the system may have been registered with any of these ID. The gethwid -a option is used to obtain all results for use with the online license request form to identify a system.

The online license request form can provide license keys for the Eloquence and SQLR products. For Eloquence, the product version must be specified, as the license key format differs.

The online license form is available at https://license.marxmeier.com.

Requesting a license from the Eloquence web site

A temporary license may also be obtained from the Eloquence web site using the web form to Request a temporary license key.

To request a permanent license key for a newly purchased license please use the LRF form for the order or use the permanent license request form on the Eloquence web site at: eloquence.marxmeier.com/license/

The Eloquence system ID necessary to request a license key may be obtained using the gethwid utility. The installed license keys may be verified using the chklic utility.

When requesting licenses for use with a license server, the system ID of the license server is used instead of the individual systems running Eloquence.

It is necessary to install Eloquence to use these utilities. They are located in the Eloquence etc installation subdirectory, by default:

HP-UX and Linux

C:\Program Files\Eloquence\8.4\etc\gethwid.exe
C:\Program Files\Eloquence\8.4\etc\chklic.exe

By default, the gethwid utility only returns a primary system ID. By specifying the -a option all applicable system IDs are output.

For example:


  $ /opt/eloquence/8.4/etc/gethwid

  $ /opt/eloquence/8.4/etc/gethwid -a


  $ /opt/eloquence/8.4/etc/gethwid

  $ /opt/eloquence/8.4/etc/gethwid -a

On Windows:

  C:\> "C:\Program Files\Eloquence\8.4\etc\gethwid.exe"

  C:\> "C:\Program Files\Eloquence\8.4\etc\gethwid.exe" -a
On Linux and Windows, if multiple system IDs are available any system ID may be used. These are equivalent and the order may depend on the hardware initialization order. For HP-UX a leading "P" system ID is used to designate a HP-UX partition.

When using a license file, the license key must be added manually to the license file. It is recommended to comment out (or delete) any previous license keys when adding the new B.08.40 license key to the license file.

When using a license server, the license key is added to the license server pool file instead of the license file. The license file then designates the license server and pool.

HP-UX and Linux

C:\Program Files\Eloquence\8.4\etc\license

The chklic utility may be used to verify the license file.

When editing the license file on Windows, please pay attention to not modify the template file by accident, which may happen when your Windows Explorer folder settings suppress the display of known file extensions (like .sam) by default.

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