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eloqsd server

» Usage | Notes | Examples | See also
  The primary role of the Eloquence eloqsd server is to interact with eloqcore processes executing programs written in the Eloquence programming language.

This interaction includes services such as counting active users and validating available user licenses as well as, on HP-UX and Linux, coordinating the TASKID values of active programs. An optional HTTP interface is available to query server status information with a web browser.

In addition, the eloqsd may be used to start background programs, using various clients such as Eloquence JDLG, Eloquence WebDLG, the Eloquence IDE or the eqstart utility.

Also, the Eloquence IDE may use the eloqsd file sharing functionality which may help to overcome network file system limitations such as wide-area network incapability.


usage: eloqsd [options]
 -help       = show usage (this list)
 -c name     = configuration file
 -d          = debug mode
 -l name     = log file name (or console/syslog/default)
 -f          = run in foreground
 -s name     = service name (tcp/ip transport)
 -F facility = syslog facility (USER/DAEMON/LOCAL0..LOCAL7)
 -I ident    = syslog identifier
 -p pid_file = location of pid file (default is none)

The options are:
The -help option displays a brief help text.

-c cfg
The -c option specifies the eloqsd server configuration file name. If not specified, the default configuration file name depends on OS platform and Eloquence version.

-d flags
The -d option specifies debug flags and may be used to override the LogFlags setting in the eloqsd.cfg configuration file.

-l logfile
The -l option may be used to specify a log file, overriding the LogFile setting in the eloqsd.cfg configuration file. The log files "console" and "syslog" are special and result in log output to stderr and syslog, respectively.

The -f option causes eloqsd to run as foreground process. By default, eloqsd detaches from the terminal and runs as a background process.

-s service
The -s option specifies the service name or TCP port to listen for. It may override the Service setting in eloqsd.cfg and defaults to eloqsd.

-F facility
The -F option allows to specify a syslog facility, overriding the SysFacility setting in the eloqsd.cfg configuration file.

-I ident
The -I option allows to specify a syslog identifier, overriding the SysIdent setting in the eloqsd.cfg configuration file.

-p pidfile
The -p option is used to create a PID file. This option is primarily intended for use by the start/stop script to manage the eloqsd instance.


Before starting the eloqsd server process, a server configuration file (typically eloqsd.cfg) must be available. The default file supplied by the Eloquence installation may typically be sufficient, but the user and group have to be created.

Note that the eloqsd server interacts with the eloqcore language component of the Eloquence product and is not needed when only using Eloquence product components related to the eloqdb database server.


The example below starts an eloqsd foreground process for troubleshooting, using a custom configuration file and directing custom level log messages to the terminal:
$ eloqsd -c /tmp/eloqsd.cfg -d "*1E2S2" -l console -f

(11870) S1: Eloquence server initializing
(11870) S2: Creating semaphore set
(11870) S2: semid = 150110211
(11870) S2: shmid = 11862034
(11870) S1: Eloquence server active
Please note that the above example is very unusual. The typical use case would be starting (and stopping) the eloqsd server with the platform specific HP-UX or Linux init script (or via Windows service), as well as configuring a dedicated LogFile in the eloqsd.cfg settings.

See also

eloqsd.cfg configuration file
eloqsd enhancements (B.08.20 release notes).
eloqcore utility.

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