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Documentation / DBUTIL

Eloquence DBUTIL

  This document covers the functionality of the Eloquence dbutil program and provides a complete description of the dbutil script syntax matching dbutil patch level PE80-0902090 or newer.


Dbutil operational modes

The dbutil program may be used in two different modes:
  • Interactive mode
    dbutil supports an interactive mode for database security management. When run without passing a script file dbutil will launch a dialog based user interface.

  • Batch mode
    dbutil runs in batch mode when a script file is passed on the command line. The dbutil script language allows to modify the database schema. The database server will restructure the database as necessary.

Command line usage

usage: dbutil [options] [file|-]
 -help      - show usage (this list)
 -u name    - user name (default "dba")
 -p pswd    - password
 -h host    - host name or ip address (and service)
 -s service - service name or port number
 -n         - pretend          (batch mode only)
 -v         - verbose          (batch mode only)
 -e cnt     - abort processing after encountering cnt errors
 -d flgs    - debug flags
 -T         - HP3000 TurboImage compatibility mode

If a file is specified, dbutil will process in batch mode
and process any statements in the batch file.
If the file argument is not specified dbutil runs in
interactive mode.
If the -n option is present, no changes will be made to the
database. Processing will end after checking the input file
and the analyse phase.

The -n and -v options are only available when used in batch mode. The -n option causes dbutil to execute in test mode. All changes are rolled-back and not applied to the database. The -v option displays additional information during script processing. If specified twice, every command in the script will be echoed back to the user.

The -T option causes dbutil to interpret all item types and sizes in TurboIMAGE format. By default, item types and sizes follow the Eloquence conventions (ie. item sizes are in byte units).

The -h option can be specified with a [host][:service] syntax where host defaults to the local system and service defaults to the "eloqdb" service name. Alternatively, the EQ_DBSERVER environment variable may be used.

User and password, specified with the -u and -p options, can be a reference to a file if prepended by "file:". They may also be defined by the EQ_DBUSER and EQ_DBPASSWORD environment variables.

Database structural maintenance

The dbutil program can be used to specify structural changes by uploading a new schema for the database to the server. The database server then makes structural changes as required.

Eloquence database structural maintenance is very flexible. Here are the current restrictions as of Eloquence B.08.00:

  • The type of a data set cannot be changed (e.g. from detail to master).

  • The search item of a manual master set cannot be modified in a way which might lead to duplicates. For example, shortening a search item in a manual master from X20 to X10 is not allowed.

  • The order of data sets cannot be changed. New data sets are appended to the existing list of data sets. The exceptions are master sets which are inserted before the first related detail set.

  • The order of index items cannot be changed. New index items are appended to the existing list of index items.

  • If data is converted to a different data type the conversion algorithm can currently not be specified.

The following conversion rules apply:

  • Any truncation or precision loss is indicated with a single warning message per item in a data set. This warning is written into the database server log which by default is the syslog on HP-UX and Linux or the event log on Windows. The database server log flags must contain I1 at least to make these warning messages appear in the log.

  • Conversion of negative values into an unsigned data type (K) currently results in the absolute value, ie. the negative sign is lost.

  • Conversion of floating point values into integral data types currently truncate any post-decimal digits.

Interactive usage

The dbutil program runs in interactive mode when no script file is specified on the command line. The interactive user interface provides a subset of the scripting capabilities which are typically used to maintain a database. Currently this is mostly limited to managing database security. Pressing the F1 key (or selecting the Help function) provides on-line help. Please refer to the dbutil interactive usage description for more information.

Script syntax

The dbutil program will run in batch mode when a script file is specified on the command line. The statements in the script file allow a variety of database operations, ranging from database security management to database structural maintenance. Please refer to the dbutil syntax description for more information.

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