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Eloquence B.07.00 Release Notes


Database utilities

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Default user authorization

The database utilities now default to the "public" or "dba" user name, respectively, instead of using the logged-on user name by default (i.e. the value of the LOGNAME or USER environment variable).

The following utilities use the "public" user name by default. It is therefore no longer necessary to explicitly specify the -u public command line option:

  • dbinfo
  • dbexport
  • dbimport
  • dbctl
  • dbtables
  • dbdumpcat
  • prschema

The following utilities use the "dba" user name by default. It is therefore no longer necessary to explicitly specify the -u dba command line option:

  • schema
  • dbcreate
  • dberase
  • dbpurge
  • dbutil

The default user name and password can be configured with the EQ_DBUSER and EQ_DBPASSWORD environment variables. More ...

Schema processor

The Eloquence schema processor has been adapted to the new item types and limits. The following item types are now supported in Eloquence mode:

 I[n] - signed integer. n defaults to 2 if not specified
 D - equivalent to I4
 K[n] - unsigned integer. n defaults to 2 if not specified
 En - IEEE floating point. n must be 4 or 8
 S - equivalent to E4
 L - equivalent to E8
 Pn - packed decimal
 Zn - zoned decimal
 Xn - string
 Un - upper case string
 Bn - binary value

The TurboIMAGE compatibility mode (-T command line option) has been modified to no longer translate the new item types into binary type. The Eloquence database kernel has now native support for all relevant item types.

The TurboIMAGE item types J (signed integer) and R (HP3000 floating point format) are not supported by the database kernel and are mapped to type I (signed integer) and E (IEEE Format floating point), respectively.

The schema processor has been modified to allow index items use the same name as a data item. This was not allowed in previous versions and resulted in an error message.

The schema processor is backwards compatible with previous versions (when not exceeding the old limits) and translates the new items into binary (type B) or string (type X) while adding information about the original item type.

The database name is no longer restricted to 8 characters and can include dots and hyphen characters in addition to letters and digits.

New command line options:

   usage: schema [options] file
    -u user    - set user name
    -p pswd    - set password
    -h host    - host to contact
    -s service - service name or or port number
    -b name    - specify database name
    -l         - output source listing           (LIST)
    -n         - no root file, only check syntax (NOROOT)
    -t         - output set table                (TABLE)
    -e cnt     - Abort after cnt error messages  (ERRORS=)
    -T         - HP3000 TurboImage compatibility mode
    -W width   - Limit line length to width
    -L         - Add line number to source listing
  • The -b command line option can be used to specify the database name. If present, the database name specified in the schema file is ignored.

  • The -h command line option also accepts a host:service argument to specify a host name and service.

  • The -L command line option causes the line number in the source file to be output if a source listing was enabled (with the -l command line option or $CONTROL LIST).
The schema processor has been modified to support the new environment variables to specify the default database server instance and the user and password. Unless specified otherwise "dba" is used as the the default user name.

Other database utilities

The dbctl utility has been modified to support the new environment variables to specify the default database server instance and the user and password. Unless specified otherwise "public" is used as the the default user name.

The -h command line option also accepts a host:service argument to specify a host name and service.

The dbdumpcat utility has been modified to support the new environment variables to specify the default database server instance and the user and password. Unless specified otherwise "public" is used as the the default user name.

New command line options:

  usage: ./dbdumpcat [options] [database]
   -u name    - user name (default "public")
   -p pswd    - password
   -h host    - host name or address (and service)
   -s service - service name or port number
   -d flags   - debug flags
   -t catid   - dump only specified catalog table
   -l         - list catalog tables
   -n         - suppress header and formatting
  • The -h command options also allows to specify a service or port number (separated by a colon) in addition to the host name or IP address.

  • The -l (lower case l) command line option returns a list of catalog tables.

  • The -n command line option specifies an output format which is easier to used in a script - fields are separated by spaces.

The prschema utility has been modified to support the new database limits and item types. The new -T command line option can be used to output a TurboIMAGE compatible schema file.
The prschema utility supports the new environment variables to specify the default database server instance and the user and password. Unless specified otherwise "public" is used as the the default user name.

dbcreate, dberase, dbpurge
The dbcreate, dberase and dbpurge utilities have been modified to support the new environment variables to specify the default database server instance and the user and password. Unless specified otherwise "dba" is used as the the default user name.

The dbinfo utility has been modified to support the new database limits.
The dbinfo utility supports the new environment variables to specify the default database server instance and the user and password. Unless specified otherwise "public" is used as the the default user name.

The dbtables utility has been modified to support the new database limits and item types. In addition a new -T command line option has been added which translates item type information into TurboIMAGE compatible format.
The dbtables utility supports the new environment variables to specify the default database server instance and the user and password. Unless specified otherwise "public" is used as the the default user name.

The dbexport utility has been modified to support the new database limits and item types. Output of signed and unsigned integer values beyond a size of 64 bit it preliminary and subject to change in a subsequent version.
The dbexport utility supports the new environment variables to specify the default database server instance and the user and password. Unless specified otherwise "public" is used as the the default user name.

dbexport performance has been improved significantly. dbexport has been modified to use the more efficient bulk fetch access method (if supported by the server). The -b command line option can be used to fallback to the previous behavior.

The dbimport utility has been modified to support the new database limits and item types. Conversion of signed and unsigned integer values beyond 64 bit it preliminary and subject to change in a subsequent version. Restructure mode is not functional in the current version.
The dbimport utility supports the new environment variables to specify the default database server instance and the user and password. Unless specified otherwise "public" is used as the the default user name.

The dbimport utility has been changed to be more useful when using a single import file (-s option given). dbimport does now import in export file order. Furthermore, in restructure mode (-r option present) it is able to make use of the data set names embedded in the file. This also fixes a number of minor dbimport problems.

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