This page documents known problems with Eloquence on the Windows
platform which are either not related to code defects or low
priority because an easy workaround is available.
Please note: This page is provided in the intention to be helpful
to our customers. However the information is provided "AS IS" without
any warranty.
Windows Platform
ERR 1653 is returned on DLG statements when no previous
DLG SET ".driver",... is active. (#604)
When the Command Window is configured to "Full Screen" instead
if "Window" mode (in Settings->Control Panel->Command) this
will cause a full screen command window to appear whenever
eloqcore is started.
This seems to be a problem in Windows, which works differently than
specified. As a workaround you should not set the Command Window
to "Full Screen" mode. (#585)
Example programs are not adapted to the Windows platform.
- Handling of constant values in the graphical devlopment environment.
It has been reported that a constant value could change its representation
from normal (181295) to exponentioal notation (1.81295E5) when the
cursor touches the line. (#461)
Some trace output could be lost when executing eloqcore locally. This is
caused by Windows NT which simply discards any networking data when the
eloqcore process ends and the IDE did not yet receive all trace information.
Output of system commands is lost, when the command contains a pipe.
This does at least happen with the mks shell. This seems to be a problem
with the Microsoft C runtime (mscvrt.dll).
For example: COMMAND "!ls -l|grep Feb"