This page documents problems which have been encountered with Eloquence
and possible workarounds.
Please refer to the Eloquence Patches
document for a list of available patches.
Eloquence version B.06.32 will be released in January 2003
and includes all previous patches and additional enhancements.
If you are using a previous Eloquence version we recommend
to update to B.06.32.
In addition to this page there are separate documents on known
issues with Eloquence which are either not related to code defects
or have a low priority because an easy workaround is available.
Please note: Just because a problem description is present on
this page does not necessarily imply we consider it a bug. Some entries
are here for mere documentation purposes (they're usually documented
in the Release Notes as well).
This page is provided in the intention to be helpful to our
customers. However the information is provided "AS IS" without
any warranty (we could have a bug on the bug page?).
The following problems have been encountered with Eloquence
(with the recent patches installed) and are currently under investigation.
All platforms
Possible wrong scroll indicator with ASCII DLG.
When using the .cx method to set the cursor x position in ASCII
DLG a scroll indicator may be drawn which is not required. (#672)
Single line functions with a member variable cause an
internal failure in eloqcore and store while parsing the statement. (#666)
DEF FNFunction(STRUCT This)=(This.Member<>0)
-> Assertion failed: (cg == 1) file codegen.c, line 1142
A problem with list causes the "array indicator" (*)
to disappear when using a structure array member as a SUB/Function argument
(#652). For example:
Fu_ns.Address$(*), Fu_ns.City$,Fu_ns.State$,Fu_ns.Zip$,
A scanner anomaly has been detected. The statement
"NEW Fu_ns AS New_sales" results in a syntax error due to a
conflict with the ASN keyword. As a workaround you can use
a colon instead of AS: "NEW Fu_ns:New_sales" (#663).
Bus error on duplicate udef type declaration when executed from
a program. (#574)
The problem was a duplicate type declaration in a program being
loaded. (DIM Instance:Type appears two times in the main segment).
When loaded by typing the command: LOAD "X1" the diagnostic
ERROR 12 IN LINE nnnn was printed on the screen. But when
loaded by command from another program (LOAD "X"&VAL$(1)),
a bus error was the result.
Cross reference (list -x) complains about user defined types
The cross reference (list -x) currently has some problems dealing
with user defined types (STRUCT). It is complaining about
multiply declared or unused member variables. (#458)
HP-UX Platform
- The libeloq.a may be affected by a compiler optimizer bug.
This could result in errorneous behaviour (wrong runtime errors)
when using the A.06.xx libeloq.a library to create Eloquence DLLs.
We are currently investigating this issue.
As far as we know, this may be related to the +Oregionsched optimizon
which creates wrong object code for the dllif.o object file.
As a workaround you should be able to use the Eloquence A.05.xx
libeloq.a library. Since (on the HP-UX platform) the DLL part of the
libeloq.a library is compatible, you could simply link against the
A.05.xx version unless you require A.06.xx database access in your DLL.
Linux Platform
Windows Platform
- The RND function returns value in the wrong range.
Results should be between 0 and 1 but actually are 0 to 32767.
As a workaround you should divide the RND results by 32767 on the
Windows platform.
The .h attribute is currently ignored by DLGSRV for PushButton
objects. As a workaround, you could use Height
as a native attribute. Just separate the attribute and
object path with an exclamation mark instead of a dot. (#463)
DLG SET "Dialog.Pb_OK!Height",3