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Eloquence Product Information



Upcoming Eloquence product brochure Eloquence is a well integrated development and runtime environment which significantly improves productivity. Developers can easily design and implement complex business applications or customize existing programs on the fly. Since Eloquence was released in 1990, thousands of installations have confirmed this.

Software partners in many parts of the world appreciate Eloquence as a powerful, reliable and flexible means for cost-effective development, execution, customization and maintenance of commercial applications. A host of features, not found in such a combination in other development and run-time environments, makes Eloquence unique and well suited to virtually all data processing tasks.

The TurboIMAGE compatibility extension opens up an easy, cost-effective migration path for HP e3000 business applications. The Eloquence database offers compatibility beyond intrinsics and allows migration of HP e3000 applications with typically no effort. Database migration is just a matter of data export and data import.

Eloquence - The Product

Eloquence provides a powerful programming environment with an integrated database, optimised for high performance requirements of commercial applications. Eloquence supports a wide range of environments, ranging from simple ASCII terminals to graphical client/server environments. Business applications based on Eloquence support a range from single user to hundreds of concurrent users and work with databases above 500 Gigabytes.

The Eloquence product includes:

  • The Interactive Development Environment (IDE) on Windows, a fully featured graphical development environment
    • Program editor with integrated syntax checking and syntax coloring with multiple windows and views
    • Integrated compiler
    • Integrated source code debugger with support for debugging on remote servers.
    • Integrated on-line help
    • Integrated Dialog Editor

  • The Standard Development Environment (text based) on HP-UX, Linux and Windows
    • Full screen program editor with built-in syntax checking
    • Integrated compiler
    • Integrated debugger

  • The Eloquence programming language
    • Comfortable syntax - easy to understand and easy to work with. Based on HP Business Basic.
    • Object oriented elements
    • Full integration of Database Management System
    • Remote graphical user interfaces handle dialogs in a network environment
    • REPORT WRITER building blocks. Create, edit and run reports.
    • FORMS GENERATOR - create, modify and print forms for character based user interfaces.
    • Operating system interface - execute OS commands within Eloquence programs
    • 'C' language interface

  • DBMS - Database Management System
    • Based on IMAGE
    • Read/write access to the Eloquence database from Eloquence and other programming languages
    • Client/Server technology
    • Transparent local and remote database access
    • Integrated online backup
    • Minimized database maintenance requirements
    • UTILITIES - a comprehensive suite of database utilities, including database restructuring and web based status monitoring
    • QUERY - easy-to-use interface to access database contents without programming.

  • TurboIMAGE compatibility extension (with separate license)
    • Access from migrated HP e3000 TurboIMAGE applications to the Eloquence DBMS
    • MPE data base migration tools

  • ODBC driver (available as a separate product)

  • Graphical User Interface options
    • Web based dialog interface
    • Java based dialog interface
    • Windows based dialog interface

  • Online Documentation (HTML and PDF format)
  • Upwards compatibility to previous Eloquence versions

Components and Supported Platforms

Eloquence has a client/server architecture with the following core components and supported platforms:
  • Eloquence Database Server: HP-UX, Linux, Windows
  • Eloquence Workstation: HP-UX, Linux, Windows
  • Eloquence IDE: Interactive development environment on Windows

Eloquence Database Server and Workstation are also fully supported on Itanium servers (HP-UX and Linux).

Eloquence Product Structure

An Eloquence license is required for each server system. Two licensing models are available:
  • The product option AH0 provides an unlimited user license for a single system.
  • The product option 000 provides a two user entry license for a single system. Additional user licenses can be added (at any time) as required.
In order to use the Eloquence TurboIMAGE compatibility extension the corresponding 3k options must be ordered.

The Eloquence Personal Edition license option provides a fully functional version of the Eloquence product with a permanent license at no cost for non-commercial usage. It is restricted to a maximum of 2 concurrent users and a database size of 50 MB.

All components for the HP-UX, Linux and Windows platforms are included in the product (and on the CD-ROM media) and may be used concurrently.

Product Availability

For information about prices and for orders please contact:

Marxmeier Software AG
Kasinostrasse 19-21
42103 Wuppertal
Tel. +49 202 2431440
Fax +49 202 2431420
Email:  info@marxmeier.com
Web:  http://eloquence.marxmeier.com

Eloquence Product Information

The Eloquence product information is available for download in Adobe PDF format:

Eloquence Product Information   size: A4
Eloquence Product Information   size: Letter

Product Support

Eloquence is supported through Marxmeier Software AG and Support partners worldwide. Access to technical support and the right to use the latest product versions requires an appropriate support contract.

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