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Documentation / WEBDLG2 / The demo program

The demo program

  Document revision: 2025-02-21
Refers to WEBDLG2 version: B0840 2501-4
Refers to demo program version: 220926

Table of contents

A first demo program is available to demonstrate the WEBDLG2 functionality.

Please note:

Previous versions of the demo program (220408 or older) were configured to work with an external web server.

Recent versions (since 220812) now use the eloqwebd2 internal web server.

If you have a previous version 220408 or older installed, please remove the external web server /webdlg2/demo URI configuration, it is no longer needed.

HP-UX, Linux
Download: webdlg2-demo.220926.tgz

Installation (as superuser):

cd /opt/eloquence/8.4/share/example
tar xzf /path/to/webdlg2-demo.220926.tgz

This creates the /opt/eloquence/8.4/share/example/webdlg2 directory containing the demo program files.

Next, add the [/webdlg2/demo] section to the eloqwebd2.uri URI configuration file:

# Demo programs
Path = /opt/eloquence/8.4/share/example/webdlg2/htdocs
CacheMax = 1d

Finally, add the [Demo1] section to the eloqwebd2.app application configuration file:

#Command = -log /tmp/eq.log -t
Command = Demo1
StartDir = /opt/eloquence/8.4/share/example/webdlg2/prog
Environment = EQ_ELOQRC=/opt/eloquence/8.4/share/example/webdlg2/prog/eloq.rc
LoginDomain = DEMO
Download: webdlg2-demo.220926.zip

The webdlg2-demo.220926.zip contains the webdlg2 directory. Please unpack it into the Eloquence share\example directory (requires Administrator privileges).
(Default location: C:\Program Files\Eloquence\8.4\share\example)

Next, add the [/webdlg2/demo] section to the eloqwebd2.uri URI configuration file:

# Demo programs
Path = "C:\Program Files\Eloquence\8.4\share\example\webdlg2\htdocs"
CacheMax = 1d

Finally, add the [Demo1] section to the eloqwebd2.app application configuration file:

#Command = -log C:\data\tmp\eq.log -t
Command = Demo1
StartDir = "C:\Program Files\Eloquence\8.4\share\example\webdlg2\prog"
Environment = "EQ_ELOQRC=C:\Program Files\Eloquence\8.4\share\example\webdlg2\prog\eloq.rc"
LoginDomain = DEMO

In the eloqwebd2.uri [/webdlg2/demo] configuration section, the /webdlg2/demo URI is associated with the Eloquence share/example/webdlg2/htdocs directory containing the demo program web documents. The browser is allowed to cache them for one day before revalidating with the server.

In the eloqwebd2.app [Demo1] configuration section, the first Command item is commented out. If necessary, the comment may be removed to create an eloqcore trace file.

The demo program PROG and DLG files are located in the share/example/webdlg2/prog directory. The EQ_ELOQRC environment variable is set to load the eloq.rc configuration file which sets the PATH for automatic code management used by the demo program.

WEBDLG2 will ask for user name and password when the demo program is started. The LoginDomain configuration causes the user name and password to be cached for all applications having the DEMO LoginDomain set. This way, the user does not need to login again, for example when starting another instance of the demo program.

Alternatively, login and password may be configured, for example:

Login = web
Password = web

Here, a generic eloqsd web login, password web, is used to silently log in. Either add this user to the eloqsd.user file, or use a different user already present in eloqsd.user or available via PAM authentication.

In case the eloqsd server is located on a different system its address needs to be specified, for example:

Server =

HP-UX, Linux
Download: webdlg2-demo.220926.tgz

Updating (as superuser):

cd /opt/eloquence/8.4/share/example
tar xzf /path/to/webdlg2-demo.220926.tgz

Download: webdlg2-demo.220926.zip

Please unpack the webdlg2-demo.220926.zip contents into the Eloquence share\example directory, overwriting the previous demo program version (requires Administrator privileges).
(Default location: C:\Program Files\Eloquence\8.4\share\example)

Use an URL like below to invoke the demo program in a web browser:

If the eloqwebd2 is configured for HTTPS:


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