RESET # statement
RESET #file number
Erase contents of file.
The contents of the file file number is ASSIGNed to will be
discarded and file position will be reset.
This is similar to purging and re-creating file.
If this file is beeing used as a workfile this will also
reset workfile state.
The file must been ASSIGNed either EXCLUSIVE (default ASSIGN mode)
or must be locked if ASSIGNed in UPDATE mode.
NUMREC function
NUMREC(file number)
Returns the highest used record number of the file ASSIGNed to
file number.
If file number is ASSIGNed to a HP-UX sequential file,
this will result in error 58.
If this file is beeing used as a workfile this will return
the same as WFLEN function.