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DBLOG - Database logging

  If opening a database, the existence of a file named db.DBLG will be checked. If it could be opened, all dbml statements modifying the database are logged into this file.

  • You could simply create this file using touch:

    touch SAD.DBLG
    will create an empty file named SAD.DBLG.

  • If you don't need this file anymore you could simply remove it using rm.

    rm SAD.DBLG
    will remove log file and prohibit further logging.

NOTE: All processes modifying the database must have write permission to the log file.

Log file contains all changes to database since creation of log file.

The following informations are stored:
Information Description
process id HP-UX process id
user id HP-UX user id
Eloquence task id Eloquence taskid or zero if not an eloqcore process
time time/date of request
dbmscall id dbml statement. Please refer to Eloquence Database manual.
set number data set affected
record number record number affected
record image image of record affected (see below)

DBMS call / record image:
dbml statement log file record image
DBPUT new record image
DBDELETE record image just deleted
DBUPDATE new record image

You could evaluate the contents of the file using the dblog utility.
usage: dblog [-p pswd][-m mode] database [set [item ...]

 -p pswd - specifies password
 -m mode - specifies open mode, default is exclusive
specifies the name ond path of the database
specifies data set name or number. If specified, only actions affecting the given set are output. Default is output the contents of log file for all sets.
specifies item name or number. If specified, the value of item is output. Default is to suppress item value output.

dblog output fields

Field Description
pid HP-UX process id
uid HP-UX user id
task HP ELOQUENCE taskid or zero if not ELOQUENCE
time time/date of request
set set name and number
item value value of selected item

sample output

dblog MAWI2


Processing data base MAWI2

pid   uid      task time                     cmd set
----- -------- ---- ------------------------ --- -- ----------------
16558 mawi        1 Fri Jan 18 19:10:04 1991 PUT 23 LIEFERER        
16561 mawi        4 Fri Jan 18 19:10:04 1991 PUT 23 LIEFERER        
16560 mawi        3 Fri Jan 18 19:10:04 1991 PUT 23 LIEFERER        
16560 mawi        3 Fri Jan 18 19:10:07 1991 PUT 23 LIEFERER        
16561 mawi        4 Fri Jan 18 19:10:07 1991 PUT 23 LIEFERER        
16558 mawi        1 Fri Jan 18 19:10:07 1991 PUT 23 LIEFERER        
16561 mawi        4 Fri Jan 18 19:10:10 1991 PUT 23 LIEFERER        
16560 mawi        3 Fri Jan 18 19:10:10 1991 PUT 23 LIEFERER        
16558 mawi        1 Fri Jan 18 19:10:10 1991 PUT 23 LIEFERER        
16561 mawi        4 Fri Jan 18 19:10:19 1991 PUT 22 KUNDEN          
16558 mawi        1 Fri Jan 18 19:10:19 1991 PUT 22 KUNDEN          
16560 mawi        3 Fri Jan 18 19:10:20 1991 PUT 22 KUNDEN          
16561 mawi        4 Fri Jan 18 19:10:21 1991 PUT 22 KUNDEN          
16558 mawi        1 Fri Jan 18 19:10:21 1991 PUT 22 KUNDEN          
16560 mawi        3 Fri Jan 18 19:10:21 1991 PUT 22 KUNDEN          
16559 mawi        2 Fri Jan 18 19:10:22 1991 UPD 17 ARTIKEL         
16560 mawi        3 Fri Jan 18 19:10:23 1991 PUT 22 KUNDEN          
16558 mawi        1 Fri Jan 18 19:10:23 1991 PUT 22 KUNDEN          



Processing data base MAWI2
Set filter: 17 ARTIKEL         

pid   uid      task time                     cmd set
----- -------- ---- ------------------------ --- -- ----------------
16559 mawi        2 Fri Jan 18 19:10:22 1991 UPD 17 ARTIKEL         
16559 mawi        2 Fri Jan 18 19:10:31 1991 UPD 17 ARTIKEL         
16560 mawi        3 Fri Jan 18 19:10:42 1991 PUT 17 ARTIKEL         
16558 mawi        1 Fri Jan 18 19:10:43 1991 PUT 17 ARTIKEL         
16561 mawi        4 Fri Jan 18 19:10:43 1991 PUT 17 ARTIKEL         
16561 mawi        4 Fri Jan 18 19:10:51 1991 PUT 17 ARTIKEL         
16560 mawi        3 Fri Jan 18 19:10:51 1991 PUT 17 ARTIKEL         
16558 mawi        1 Fri Jan 18 19:10:52 1991 PUT 17 ARTIKEL         
16559 mawi        2 Fri Jan 18 19:10:54 1991 UPD 17 ARTIKEL         
16560 mawi        3 Fri Jan 18 19:11:00 1991 PUT 17 ARTIKEL         
16561 mawi        4 Fri Jan 18 19:11:01 1991 PUT 17 ARTIKEL         
16559 mawi        2 Fri Jan 18 19:11:01 1991 UPD 17 ARTIKEL         



Processing data base MAWI2
Set filter: 17 ARTIKEL         
Item value: 147 DARTEILNR       

pid   uid      task time                     cmd set                 item value
----- -------- ---- ------------------------ --- -- ---------------- ----------
16559 mawi        2 Fri Jan 18 19:10:22 1991 UPD 17 ARTIKEL          1V        
16559 mawi        2 Fri Jan 18 19:10:31 1991 UPD 17 ARTIKEL          5V        
16560 mawi        3 Fri Jan 18 19:10:42 1991 PUT 17 ARTIKEL          1D        
16558 mawi        1 Fri Jan 18 19:10:43 1991 PUT 17 ARTIKEL          1A        
16561 mawi        4 Fri Jan 18 19:10:43 1991 PUT 17 ARTIKEL          1F        
16561 mawi        4 Fri Jan 18 19:10:51 1991 PUT 17 ARTIKEL          2F        
16560 mawi        3 Fri Jan 18 19:10:51 1991 PUT 17 ARTIKEL          2D        
16558 mawi        1 Fri Jan 18 19:10:52 1991 PUT 17 ARTIKEL          2A        
16559 mawi        2 Fri Jan 18 19:10:54 1991 UPD 17 ARTIKEL          1V        
16560 mawi        3 Fri Jan 18 19:11:00 1991 PUT 17 ARTIKEL          3D        
16561 mawi        4 Fri Jan 18 19:11:01 1991 PUT 17 ARTIKEL          3F        
16559 mawi        2 Fri Jan 18 19:11:01 1991 UPD 17 ARTIKEL          5V        
16558 mawi        1 Fri Jan 18 19:11:01 1991 PUT 17 ARTIKEL          3A        
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