Eloquence B.07.10 contact contact


  Terminates access to a database or a data set, or rewinds a data set. DBCLOSE is used in conjunction with DBOPEN to establish and terminate access to a database.

is the name of an array used as the base parameter when opening the database. The first element of the array must contain the base ID returned by DBOPEN. (Refer to DBOPEN for more information about the base ID.)

is the name of an array containing the left-justified name of the data set to be closed, or is an integer referencing the data set by number if mode equals 2 or 3. If mode equals 1, this parameter is ignored. The data set name can be up to 16 characters long. If shorter, it must be terminated by a semicolon, a space or NUL character.

is an integer equal to 1, 2, or 3 indicating the type of termination desired.

is the name of an array of 10 halfwords in which the database returns status information about the procedure. If the procedure executes successfully, the status array contents are:

Element Contents
1 If the procedure succeeds, the return status is 0. Otherwise it provides a status code to describe the failure.
2-4 Unchanged from previous procedure call using this array.
5-10 Information about the current procedure call and its results.


  • Mode 2 is the same as mode 3.
  • Mode 1 does not abort a dynamic transaction. Eloquence transactions are not database specific so this cannot be enforced. Eventually we should abort/roll-back an eventually pending dynamic transaction on a DBCLOSE.

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