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dbrepl configuration file

  The dbrepl configuration file is used to specify the configuration and defaults of a database replication instance. It is read by the dbrepl utility on startup.

Configuration items contain information in the form of single lines of text. Lines starting with a hash character (#) are comments.

The following configuration items are recognized:

Settings in the config file may be replaced using the equivalent dbrepl command line options.

Supported configuration items:

The config file of the replication master database server. An absolute path/file name or a file name relative to the Eloquence config directory. If not specified, the default eloqdb.cfg is used.
master = eloqdb.cfg
The dbrepl -c option may be used as an alternative to specify the master server config file.

The slave server host name or IP address and service name or port number, separated by a colon ([host][:service]). If not specified, the slave server address defaults to the EQ_DBSERVER environment variable or localhost:eloqdb.
slave = localhost:eloqdb
The dbrepl command line may be used to specify the slave server.

Database credentials (may also reference a file). If not specified, the database credentials default to the EQ_DBUSER and EQ_DBPASSWORD environment variable or the dba user.
dbuser = dba
The dbrepl -u and -p options may be used as an alternative to specify the user and password.

Specifies the log file (absolute path) or "syslog" to use syslog. Defaults to stderr when used interactively and syslog when used in background.
logfile = syslog
The dbrepl -l option may be used as an alternative to specify the log file.

Specified the log flags. Log flags "*0" indicate error messages, Log flags "*1" log error messages and warnings. Default log flags is "*0", log flags *1 is recommended.
logflags = *0
The dbrepl -d option may be used as an alternative to specify the log flags.

sysident (HP-UX, Linux)
sysfacility (HP-UX, Linux)
When logging to syslog this defines the syslog identity and facility. The default is identify = dbrepl and facility = user.
sysident = dbrepl
sysfacility = user

Retry slave server connection after a connection failure (retry limit and delay in seconds).
retrycnt = 0
retrydelay = 300

The dbrepl utility supports retrying after a slave server connection failure. This functionality is enabled with the RetryCnt and RetryDelay config items (there is no corresponding command line option).
RetryCnt specifies the max. number of retries and RetryDelay the delay in seconds between each attempt. The default RetryCnt is 0 (no retries), the default RetryDelay is 300 seconds (5 minutes).

Limit bandwidth to specified [kilo|mega] bits per second. A unit "m" (mega) or "k" (kilo) may be appended to the value. For example, 10m specifies 10 million bits per second.
bandwidthlimit = 0
This may be used to limit the network bandwidth consumed by the replication. A throttling may be useful in case the network link between master and slave(s) is not dedicated to dbrepl and should not be saturated by the replication during high activity periods on the master.

The dbrepl -b option may be used as an alternative to specify the bandwidth limit.

repl.cfg template file

A default configuration file repl.cfg is installed and may be customized. It is recommended to use a separate replication config file for each replication instance. A template replication config file is installed as newconfig/config/repl.cfg.

# @(#) repl.cfg - B.08.20 ($Revision: 1.1 $)
# This file configures a replication instance and is read by dbrepl.
# Default location is the /etc/opt/eloquence/8.2 directory

# The master database config file
# Absolute path or relative to the Eloquence config directory
#master = eloqdb.cfg

# The slave server [host][:service]
#slave = localhost:eloqdb

# database credentials (may also reference a file)
#dbuser = dba
#dbpassword =

# syslog identity and facility
#sysident = dbrepl
#sysfacility = user

# specifies the log file (absolute path) or "syslog" to use syslog
# defaults to stderr when used interactively and syslog when used
# in background.
#logfile = syslog

# log flags, recommended is *1
#logflags = *0

# retry after connection failure (retry limit and delay in seconds)
#retrycnt = 0
#retrydelay = 300

# limit bandwidth to specified [kilo|mega] bits per second
# unit m (mega) or k (kilo) may be appended to the value
# for example, 10m specifies 10 million bits per second.
#bandwidthlimit = 0

See also

dbrepl utility

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