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prdbutil utility

» Usage | Notes | Examples | See also
  The prdbutil utility may be used to obtain the database configuration.

prdbutil outputs dbutil syntax and the output may subsequently be applied with dbutil to restore a database configuration.


usage: prdbutil [options] [database]

 -help      - show usage (this list)
 -u name    - user name (default "public")
 -p pswd    - password
 -h host    - host name or ip address (and service)
 -s service - service name or port number
 -l section - list of sections
              schema, group, priv, access, enc, index, fts
              dbproperty, member, user, image3k
The options are:
The -help option displays a brief help text.

-u user
The -u option specifies the database user (or a file holding the database user and/or password). Defaults to the public user unless a default user is specified with the EQ_DBUSER environment variable.

-p password
The -p option may be used to specify the password for the database user (or a file holding the password). If not specified, the password is obtained using the EQ_DBUSER and/or EQ_DBPASSWORD environment variables.

-h host[:service]
The -h option may be used to specify the database server host name (or IP address) and service name (or TCP port number). Defaults to localhost:eloqdb unless a default instance is specified with the EQ_DBSERVER environment variable.

-s service
The -s option may be used to specify the service name or TCP port number of the database server. Defaults to eloqdb unless a default instance is specified with the EQ_DBSERVER environment variable.

-l section
The option -l may be used to specify a comma separated list of information categories. When the database name is not specified only the user list is available.

If no category is specified (-l option) then the "all" category is assumed which includes most information besides the database schema.


The following categories are supported:

all Lists the following sections: group, priv, access, enc, index, fts, image3k, dbproperty, user, member
schema Obtain database schema (in dbutil syntax)
group List database security groups
priv List database table privileges
access List masked items and access
enc List encrypted items and access
fts List database fts indexes
image3k List database image3k properties (used with image3k library)
dbproperty List database properties
user List accounts maintained by the database server (server global)
member List database membership (users and database groups)

Please note that user passwords cannot be obtained (-l user) as they are not stored in the database server. Consequently, a question mask is output instead of the actual user password.


prdbutil -l user -h server
prdbutil -l image3k,index,fts toydb
prdbutil toydb

See also

dbutil utility prschema utility

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