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B.08.20 / Reference Docs / Utilities / eloqsd.share

eloqsd.share configuration file

  The eloqsd.share configuration file defines the file system locations known to the eloqsd process. Eloquence provides its own file sharing capabilities for use with the Eloquence IDE.

The name and path of the eloqsd.share configuration file may be defined in the eloqsd.cfg configuration file. It defaults to eloqsd.share in the Eloquence configuration directory.

Section names are are not case sensitive and enclosed in square brackets. String values can be enclosed in double quotes to protect leading or trailing spaces. An unquoted hash character (#) starts a comment.

Each share is defined in a different section. The following configuration items are recognized for each share:

Absolute path of the directory.

Share description. This is displayed by the client.

UserList is a comma-separated list of user names that are allowed to access a share. If UserList is configured, the connecting user must be listed, otherwise access to the share is denied. Multiple UserList entries are recognized and combined.

The user names refer to the configured users in the eloqsd.user file or, if PAM authentication is used (on HP-UX or Linux), to (selected) operating system users.

GroupList accepts a comma-separated list of group names that are allowed to access a share. If GroupList is configured, the connecting user must be a member of a group that is listed, otherwise access to the share is denied. Multiple GroupList entries are recognized and combined.

The group names refer to GroupList entries of the configured users in the eloqsd.user file or, if PAM authentication is used (on HP-UX or Linux), to operating system groups associated with the connecting user.

AllowFrom, DenyFrom
The AllowFrom and DenyFrom items restrict access to a share based on the client IP address or an IP address range.

Multiple AllowFrom and/or DenyFrom entries are recognized, using the syntax below:

AllowFrom = {All | ip-address [/ {netmask | addrbits}]}
DenyFrom  = {All | ip-address [/ {netmask | addrbits}]}
IP v4 address, such as

IP v4 network mask, such as

Number of significant leading IP v4 address bits

If neither netmask nor addrbits is specified, an entry defaults to a host address.

If neither AllowFrom nor DenyFrom is configured, access to a share is enabled from any IP address (implied AllowFrom=All).
If AllowFrom and/or DenyFrom are configured, access to a share is denied unless specifically allowed (implied DenyFrom=All).

The example below defines the "example" share, allowing access from the network 10.64.66.x for any users that are member of the developers group.
Path = /opt/eloquence/8.2/share
Comment = Eloquence shared files
AllowFrom =
GroupList = developers

eloqsd.share template file

A default configuration file eloqsd.share is installed and may be customized. A template eloqsd.share config file is installed as newconfig/config/eloqsd.share.

# eloqsd.share
# @(#) $Revision: 27.4 $
# The purpose of this file is to define all disk resources which are
# known to Eloquence. It is installed in the location:
# /etc/opt/eloquence/8.2/eloqsd.share
# C:/Program Files/Eloquence/8.2/etc/eloqsd.share
# This file is read at the startup time of the eloqsd process.
# Changes are automatically detected and honored.
# Eloquence provides its own file sharing capabilities.
# This will make you independent of the availability of specific
# network file systems (NFS/SMB) and overcomes possible file system
# limitations.
# Format:
# The section names are not case sensitive. String values can be
# enclosed in double quotes to protect leading or trailing spaces.
# Everything after a hash (#) character is considered a comment.
# Each share definition is a different section.
# The following configuration items are recognized for each section:
# [share_id]
# Path      Absolute path
# Comment   Share description. This is displayed by the client.
# UserList  Comma-separated list of user names. If configured, the
#           connecting user must be listed, otherwise access to a
#           share is denied.
#           Multiple UserList entries are recognized and combined.
# GroupList Comma-separated list of group names. If configured, the
#           connecting user must be member of a group that is listed,
#           otherwise access to a share is denied.
#           Multiple GroupList entries are recognized and combined.
# AllowFrom Used to enable or reject access to a share based on the
# DenyFrom  client IP address.
#           AllowFrom = {All | ip-address [/ {netmask | addrbits}]}
#           DenyFrom  = {All | ip-address [/ {netmask | addrbits}]}
#           Multiple AllowFrom/DenyFrom entries are recognized and
#           combined.
#           ip-address: IP v4 address, such as
#           netmask: IP v4 network mask, such as
#           addrbits: number of significant leading IP v4 address bits
#           If neither netmask nor addrbits is specified, an entry
#           defaults to a host address.
#           If neither AllowFrom nor DenyFrom are configured, access
#           to a share is enabled from all IP addresses
#           (implied AllowFrom=All).
#           If AllowFrom and/or DenyFrom are configured, access to a
#           share is denied unless specifically allowed
#           (implied DenyFrom=All).

#Path = /opt/eloquence/8.2/share
#Comment = Eloquence shared files

See also

eloqsd eloqsd.cfg
eloqsd share configuration (B.08.20 release notes)

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