The dbbexp utility performs a binary export of a database.
A binary export is more efficient than a regular dbexport as it avoids
conversion of data into text mode and retains record numbers
and chain order.
Binary export files are not system specific and can be imported
again with dbctl bimport.
The dbbexp utility is an "offline utility" that directly accesses the
database server volume files and may only be used when the database
server is not active or in on-line backup mode.
usage: dbbexp [options] database [set ...]
-help - show usage (this list)
-u user - set user name
-p pswd - set password
-c cfg - server configuration file
-b size - Buffer cache size (MB)
-o path - specify output directory
-v - verbose output
-x - exclude specified data sets
-M - use master key
The dbbexp utility exports the specified database, creating a
binary export file in the current directory for each data set
(unless empty).
If a list of data sets is present, only the referenced data sets
are exported. Either a set name or number may be used.
The export files name named database.#.exb (where # is the set
The options are:
- -c eloqdb.cfg
- The -c option specifies the eloqdb configuration file.
The eloqdb configuration file is used to locate the database
volume files. If not specified the default eloqdb.cfg is used.
- -o path
- The -o option may be used to specify the output directory
where the export files are created. By default export files
are created in the current directory.
- -v
- If the -v option is present, progress messages are output
(to stderr).
- -u user
- The -u option specifies the database user (or a file
holding the database user and/or password).
Defaults to the public user unless a default user is
specified with the EQ_DBUSER
environment variable.
- -p password
- The -p option may be used to specify the password
for the database user (or a file holding the password).
If not specified, the password is obtained using the
environment variables.
- -x
- The -x option indicates that a set list specifies the data
sets to exclude from export.
- -b size
- The -b option may be used to specify the size of internal buffer
cache (in MB). As dbbexp mostly performs sequential reads of
database tables this option is not expected to be particular useful
and is only present for consistency ;-)
- -M
- If the -M option is present, the EQ_MKEYID and
EQ_MKEYFILE environment variables are used to specify the
master key(s) to access encrypted data.
The binary export file includes a header to identify the data in the
file and the original record number and the chain pointers along with
any data.
This information may then be used with the Eloquence dbctl bimport
command to efficiently import the database into Eloquence, retaining
the chain order and record numbers.
If a master key is supplied, the dbbexp utility can export encrypted
database content.
Encrypted information exported with the dbbexp utility is no
longer encrypted and appropriate precautions should be taken to
secure the export files.
The example below exports the sample database.
$ dbbexp -v sample
---------------- --- - --------- ---------
CUSTOMERS 001 M 1183 1183
PARTS 002 M 182 182
ID 003 A 47 47
ORDERS 004 D 47 47
LINEITEMS 005 D 136 136
This creates the output files SAMPLE.001.exb ... (one for each non- empty
data set). Please note that automatic master sets are exported as well.
dbbdump utility