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Eloquence B.08.10 Patches

  Eloquence version B.08.10 was released in July 2010. Please refer to the B.08.10 release notes for more information.

Patches for the Eloquence B.08.10 release provide defect fixes and may also add improved functionality and performance.

Eloquence patch bundles combine the recommended patches for various Eloquence product components in a single archive and simplify installation and product maintenance.

Patch Bundles

The current patch bundle is PE81-B130529

User visible changes relative to the original B.08.10 release are documented in the Patch bundle B130529 release notes

Patch bundles are available for download from the Eloquence web site in the respective subdirectory

As an alternative you may access the Eloquence FTP server at

For a list of patches included in the patch bundle, please refer to the document below:

NOTE: Installing a patch bundle will overwrite any conflicting files that were installed by a superseding patch. Any newer patches must be re-installed after installing the patch bundle.

Patch Overview

Patches below are not included in the latest patch bundle and may supersede or complement the patch bundle.

Component Patch id Supersedes Comment
database client library PE81-1404140 PE81-1309130  
eloqcore PE81-1604280 PE81-1404141  
dblogreset PE81-1808231 PE81-1501301  
database server PE81-1808230 PE81-1609130  
dbutil PE81-1801260 PE81-1602050  
Eloquence IDE PE81-1605120 PE81-1206290 Windows

NOTE: Installing a patch bundle will overwrite any conflicting files that were installed by a superseding patch. Any newer patches must be re-installed after installing the patch bundle.


  • 2013-06-14 - New patch bundle PE81-B130529
  • 2014-03-19 - Patch PE81-1309130 (database client library), supersedes patch PE81-1206060
  • 2014-03-19 - Patch PE81-1312160 (database server), supersedes patch PE81-1302270
  • 2014-05-02 - Patch PE81-1404140 (database client library), supersedes patch PE81-1309130
  • 2014-05-02 - Patch PE81-1404141 (eloqcore), supersedes patch PE81-1302180
  • 2016-03-21 - Patch PE81-1501301 (dblogreset)
  • 2016-03-21 - Patch PE81-1506230 (database server), supersedes patch PE81-1312160
  • 2016-03-21 - Patch PE81-1602050 (dbutil)
  • 2016-05-12 - Patch PE81-1605120 (Eloquence IDE for Windows), supersedes patch PE81-1206290
  • 2018-03-05 - Patch PE81-1604280 (eloqcore), supersedes patch PE81-1404141
  • 2018-03-05 - Patch PE81-1609130 (database server), supersedes patch PE81-1506230
  • 2018-03-05 - Patch PE81-1801260 (dbutil), supersedes patch PE81-1602050
  • 2018-08-23 - Patch PE81-1808230 (database server), supersedes patch PE81-1609130
  • 2018-08-23 - Patch PE81-1808231 (dblogreset), supersedes patch PE81-1501301

Patch details

Patch PE81-1404140 - database client library

This patch fixes defects of the database client library.

Severity: BUG FIX

Please refer to the PE81-1404140 patch description for more information.

HP-UX (Itanium) PE81-1404140-hpux-ia64.tar.gz 1.1 MB
HP-UX (PA-RISC 2.0) PE81-1404140-hpux-pa20.tar.gz 461 kB
Linux (i686) PE81-1404140-linux-i686.tar.gz 197 kB
Linux (x86_64) PE81-1404140-linux-x86_64.tar.gz 197 kB
Linux (Itanium) PE81-1404140-linux-ia64.tar.gz 300 kB
Windows PE81-1404140-win32.exe 347 kB

Patch PE81-1604280 - eloqcore

This patch adds enhancements and fixes defects of the eloqcore program.


Please refer to the PE81-1604280 patch description for more information.

HP-UX (Itanium) PE81-1604280-hpux-ia64.tar.gz 1.6 MB
HP-UX (PA-RISC 2.0) PE81-1604280-hpux-pa20.tar.gz 758 kB
Linux (i686) PE81-1604280-linux-i686.tar.gz 435 kB
Linux (x86_64) PE81-1604280-linux-x86_64.tar.gz 476 kB
Linux (Itanium) PE81-1604280-linux-ia64.tar.gz 1.3 MB
Windows PE81-1604280-win32.exe 591 kB

Patch PE81-1808231 - dblogreset

This patch fixes defects of the dblogreset utility.

Severity: BUG FIX

Please refer to the PE81-1808231 patch description for more information.

HP-UX (Itanium) PE81-1808231-hpux-ia64.tar.gz 487 kB
HP-UX (PA-RISC 2.0) PE81-1808231-hpux-pa20.tar.gz 452 kB
Linux (i686) PE81-1808231-linux-i686.tar.gz 292 kB
Linux (x86_64) PE81-1808231-linux-x86_64.tar.gz 301 kB
Linux (Itanium) PE81-1808231-linux-ia64.tar.gz 812 kB
Windows PE81-1808231-win32.exe 255 kB

Patch PE81-1808230 - database server

This patch fixes defects of the database server.

Severity: BUG FIX

Please refer to the PE81-1808230 patch description for more information.

HP-UX (Itanium) PE81-1808230-hpux-ia64.tar.gz 3.2 MB
HP-UX (PA-RISC 2.0) PE81-1808230-hpux-pa20.tar.gz 1.9 MB
Linux (i686) PE81-1808230-linux-i686.tar.gz 571 kB
Linux (x86_64) PE81-1808230-linux-x86_64.tar.gz 577 kB
Linux (Itanium) PE81-1808230-linux-ia64.tar.gz 1.5 MB
Windows PE81-1808230-win32.exe 1.2 MB

Patch PE81-1801260 - dbutil

This patch fixes defects of the dbutil utility.

Severity: BUG FIX

Critical fixes:

  • Fixed a problem where database restructuring could lead to inconsistent item access rules.
  • Fixed a problem where changing an item size could improperly change the length of index segments referring to this item, resulting in incorrect or inconsistent index definitions.
Please refer to the PE81-1801260 patch description for more information.

HP-UX (Itanium) PE81-1801260-hpux-ia64.tar.gz 1.0 MB
HP-UX (PA-RISC 2.0) PE81-1801260-hpux-pa20.tar.gz 404 kB
Linux (i686) PE81-1801260-linux-i686.tar.gz 260 kB
Linux (x86_64) PE81-1801260-linux-x86_64.tar.gz 287 kB
Linux (Itanium) PE81-1801260-linux-ia64.tar.gz 707 kB
Windows PE81-1801260-win32.exe 378 kB

Patch PE81-1605120 - Eloquence IDE

This patch fixes defects of the Eloquence IDE.

Severity: BUG FIX

Please refer to the PE81-1605120 patch description for more information.

Windows PE81-1605120-win32.exe 549 kB

Patch download

The Patches are available for download using the HTTP protocol from the location http://eloquence.marxmeier.com/download/B0810/patch/ or using the FTP protocol from the location ftp://ftp.marxmeier.com/eloq/B0810/patch/.

Patches currently in beta test are available for download by HTTP at http://eloquence.marxmeier.com/download/B0810/patch/beta/ and FTP at ftp://ftp.marxmeier.com/eloq/B0810/patch/beta/. As the name suggests, these patches are believed to be correct (and were tested) but are currently not released. However they may just fix your problem. Any feedback is appreciated (feedback@marxmeier.com).

Superseded patches are typically available from the superseded subdirectory.

Please refer to the HP-UX patches document for a list of recommended HP-UX patches.

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