This reference covers every object class and attribute implemented with
Name |
Type |
Default |
Description |
class |
X |
- |
Object's class name
id |
empty |
X |
X |
Object's identifier (name), must be unique in the current object level
x |
0 |
X |
X |
Horizontal object position
y |
0 |
X |
X |
Vertical object position
w |
0* |
X |
X |
Object width (default value is class-specific)
h |
0* |
X |
X |
Object height (default value is class-specific)
visible |
1 |
X |
X |
Whether the object is visible
(objects in a container are affected by the container's visibility)
sensitive |
1 |
X |
X |
Whether the object is sensitive for user-input
(objects in a container are affected by the container's sensitivity)
rule |
0 |
X |
X |
If nonzero: value returned to the program on action (kind of action
is class-specific)
ruleonchange |
1* |
X |
X |
If nonzero: rule is triggered only when edittext contents change
(default value depends on the
configuration). If defined in a dialog or groupbox, this attribute
affects all contained objects.
focus |
0 |
X |
X |
Whether this object has or shall get the keyboard focus
help |
empty |
X |
X |
Currently unused since the help system is not functional yet
udata |
X |
X |
General-purpose user data
fgcolor |
empty |
X |
X |
Object's foreground (text) color in hexadecimal RGB format (#rrggbb),
for example: #000000 equals black, #ffffff equals white
bgcolor |
empty |
X |
X |
Object's background color in hexadecimal RGB format (#rrggbb),
for example: #000000 equals black, #ffffff equals white
fgc |
empty |
* |
X |
Provided for backwards compatibility, fgc accepts the same string argument
format as fgcolor. However, integer values are accepted as well but ignored.
Note: DLG GET always returns a 0 integer value.
bgc |
empty |
* |
X |
Provided for backwards compatibility, bgc accepts the same string argument
format as bgcolor. However, integer values are accepted as well but ignored.
Note: DLG GET always returns a 0 integer value.
font |
0 |
X |
X |
Ignored but implemented for compatibility reasons
fontface |
empty |
X |
X |
Aka. font family. The following universal font families should be
supported by any browser regardless of the operating system used:
Serif, Sans-serif, Cursive, Fantasy, Monospace. Otherwise, any
system-specific font families such as Courier can be used as well
but may cause non-portable appearance.
fontsize |
empty |
X |
X |
Either a pre-defined constant (xx-small, x-small, smaller, small,
medium, large, larger, x-large, xx-large) or an absolute size
followed by an unit (12pt for 12 points, 20px for 20 pixels).
If no unit is given or an INT is passed, points are assumed.
fontstyle |
empty |
X |
X |
A pre-defined constant (plain, bold, italic)
first |
X |
- |
Path of first contained object
next |
X |
- |
Path of next object in same level
kbcode |
- |
X |
Ignored but implemented for compatibility reasons
focusobj |
X |
- |
Path of current focused object
kbind |
X |
X |
Ignored but implemented for compatibility reasons
The dialog class serves as the root-level object container.
Name |
Type |
Default |
Description |
x |
0 |
X |
X |
Ignored but implemented for compatibility reasons
(please refer to the document How
compatible is Eloquence WEBDLG? for details)
y |
0 |
X |
X |
Ignored but implemented for compatibility reasons
(please refer to the document How
compatible is Eloquence WEBDLG? for details)
title |
empty |
X |
X |
Dialog title
(a special token is provided
to embed the title into customized page header and/or page trailer
template files)
border |
3 |
X |
X |
If nonzero: border width in pixels (has no effect with Netscape 4.x
bgimage |
empty |
X |
X |
Location of a background image file, typically on a web server.
If a relative URL is given the .baseurl attribute of the
application object is prepended.
Please note that with Netscape this disables any background colors
(even with Netscape 6.2).
cr |
0 |
X |
X |
Ignored but implemented for compatibility reasons
f1...f10 |
0 |
X |
X |
Ignored but implemented for compatibility reasons
alt |
0 |
X |
X |
Ignored but implemented for compatibility reasons
The groupbox class serves as a general-purpose object
Name |
Type |
Default |
Description |
title |
empty |
X |
X |
Currently ignored but implemented
border |
1 |
X |
X |
If nonzero: border width in pixels (has no effect with Netscape 4.x
The statictext class is used to display object labels as
well as text of any purpose.
Name |
Type |
Default |
Description |
w |
* |
X |
X |
Object width (default value depends on text length)
h |
1 |
X |
X |
Object height
text |
empty |
X |
X |
The text to be displayed
(HTML is supported)
The pushbutton class is used to submit actions to the
program according to the rule value.
Name |
Type |
Default |
Description |
w |
* |
X |
X |
Object width (default value depends on length of button's text)
h |
1 |
X |
X |
Object height
rule |
0 |
X |
X |
If nonzero: rule value to be triggered when the button is clicked.
text |
empty |
X |
X |
The button's text
(HTML is supported)
border |
1 |
X |
X |
Currently ignored but implemented (a pushbutton always has a border)
adjust |
0 |
X |
X |
Ignored but implemented for compatibility reasons
ruleoverride |
1 |
X |
X |
Whether the rule of an edittext which currently has the focus will
be overridden.
The checkbox class is used to select an option. Additionally,
a rule can be triggered if the state of the checkbox changes.
Name |
Type |
Default |
Description |
w |
* |
X |
X |
Object width (default value depends on length of label text)
h |
1 |
X |
X |
Object height
rule |
0 |
X |
X |
If nonzero: rule value to be triggered when the state of the checkbox
is changed.
text |
empty |
X |
X |
The label text of the checkbox
(HTML is supported)
active |
0 |
X |
X |
Whether the checkbox is active or to be activated
ruleoverride |
1 |
X |
X |
Whether the rule of an edittext which currently has the focus will
be overridden.
The radiobutton class is used to choose one of a number
of options. Additionally, a rule can be triggered if the state of the
radiobutton changes.
Name |
Type |
Default |
Description |
w |
* |
X |
X |
Object width (default value depends on length of label text)
h |
1 |
X |
X |
Object height
rule |
0 |
X |
X |
If nonzero: rule value to be triggered when the state of the radiobutton
is changed.
text |
empty |
X |
X |
The label text of the radiobutton
(HTML is supported)
activebtn |
empty |
X |
- |
Path of active radiobutton in this group
active |
0 |
X |
X |
Whether the radiobutton is active or to be activated
ruleoverride |
1 |
X |
X |
Whether the rule of an edittext which currently has the focus will
be overridden.
The edittext class is used for single- and multiline
editable data entry areas. A rule can be triggered whenever the
contents have changed and the focus moves out of the edittext.
Please note that although a cursor position is maintained, this is only
used internally (eg. to specify the position where new contents are to
be inserted). The browser however does not mention this cursor position
at all.
Name |
Type |
Default |
Description |
rule |
0 |
X |
X |
If nonzero: rule value to be triggered when the contents have changed
and the focus moves out of the edittext.
length |
X |
- |
Current length of content
content |
empty |
X |
X |
Current content
editable |
1 |
X |
X |
Whether edittext is editable or read-only
multiline |
0 |
X |
X |
Whether edittext is single- or multi-line
border |
1 |
X |
X |
Currently ignored but implemented (an edittext always has a border)
title |
empty |
X |
X |
Ignored but implemented for compatibility reasons
hsb |
1 |
X |
X |
Ignored but implemented for compatibility reasons
(horizontal scroll bar is displayed automatically by the browser)
vsb |
1 |
X |
X |
Ignored but implemented for compatibility reasons
(horizontal scroll bar is displayed automatically by the browser)
maxchars |
0 |
X |
X |
Maximum characters accepted for input (0=unlimited)
maxlines |
0 |
X |
X |
Ignored but implemented for compatibility reasons
ispassword |
0 |
X |
X |
Whether contents are visible or displayed as '*' asterisk characters
vheight |
X |
- |
Current number of lines
vwidth |
X |
- |
Current number of columns
cx |
0 |
X |
X |
Cursor column (starting with 0)
cy |
0 |
X |
X |
Cursor line (starting with 0)
topitem |
0 |
X |
X |
Topmost line (starting with 0)
clear |
- |
X |
Clears the entire edittext
add |
- |
X |
Adds new contents to the end
line |
X |
X |
A specific line's contents
home |
- |
X |
Moves the internal position to the beginning
end |
- |
X |
Moves the internal position to the end
bol |
- |
X |
Moves the internal position to the beginning of the current line
eol |
- |
X |
Moves the internal position to the end of the current line
up |
- |
X |
Moves the internal position up for the specified number of lines
down |
- |
X |
Moves the internal position down for the specified number of lines
left |
- |
X |
Moves the internal position left for the specified number of columns
right |
- |
X |
Moves the internal position right for the specified number of columns
npage |
- |
X |
Moves the internal position down for the specified number of pages
ppage |
- |
X |
Moves the internal position up for the specified number of pages
ins |
- |
X |
Inserts new contents at the current position
delch |
- |
X |
Deletes the specified number of characters from the current position
delln |
- |
X |
Deletes the specified number of lines from the current position
deleol |
- |
X |
Deletes from the current position up to the end of the current line
deleot |
- |
X |
Deletes from the current position up to the end
file |
- |
X |
Name of a file from which the contents shall be read
(the encoding of external files can be configured with the
ExtCharset directive)
insertfile |
- |
X |
Name of a file from which the contents shall be inserted at the
current position
writefile |
- |
X |
Name of a file to which the contents shall be written
The listbox class is used to choose from a number
of lines. Additionally, a rule can be triggered if the selected
line changes.
Please note that although a cursor position is maintained, this is only
used internally (eg. to specify the position where new contents are to
be inserted). The browser however does not mention this cursor position
at all.
Name |
Type |
Default |
Description |
rule |
0 |
X |
X |
If nonzero: rule value to be triggered when the selected line changes.
length |
X |
- |
Current length of content
content |
empty |
X |
X |
Current content
multiline |
0 |
X |
X |
Whether edittext is single- or multi-line
border |
1 |
X |
X |
Currently ignored but implemented (a listbox always has a border)
title |
empty |
X |
X |
Ignored but implemented for compatibility reasons
hsb |
1 |
X |
X |
Ignored but implemented for compatibility reasons
(horizontal scroll bar is displayed automatically by the browser)
vsb |
1 |
X |
X |
Ignored but implemented for compatibility reasons
(horizontal scroll bar is displayed automatically by the browser)
vheight |
X |
- |
Current number of lines
vwidth |
X |
- |
Current number of columns
cx |
0 |
X |
X |
Cursor column (starting with 0)
cy |
0 |
X |
X |
Cursor line (starting with 0)
topitem |
0 |
X |
X |
Topmost line (starting with 0)
activeline |
0 |
X |
X |
Current active line (starting with 1, 0 = no active line)
clear |
- |
X |
Clears the entire edittext
add |
- |
X |
Adds new contents to the end
line |
X |
X |
A specific line's contents
home |
- |
X |
Moves the internal position to the beginning
end |
- |
X |
Moves the internal position to the end
bol |
- |
X |
Moves the internal position to the beginning of the current line
eol |
- |
X |
Moves the internal position to the end of the current line
up |
- |
X |
Moves the internal position up for the specified number of lines
down |
- |
X |
Moves the internal position down for the specified number of lines
left |
- |
X |
Moves the internal position left for the specified number of columns
right |
- |
X |
Moves the internal position right for the specified number of columns
npage |
- |
X |
Moves the internal position down for the specified number of pages
ppage |
- |
X |
Moves the internal position up for the specified number of pages
ins |
- |
X |
Inserts new contents at the current position
delch |
- |
X |
Deletes the specified number of characters from the current position
delln |
- |
X |
Deletes the specified number of lines from the current position
deleol |
- |
X |
Deletes from the current position up to the end of the current line
deleot |
- |
X |
Deletes from the current position up to the end
file |
- |
X |
Name of a file from which the contents shall be read
(the encoding of external files can be configured with the
ExtCharset directive)
writefile |
- |
X |
Name of a file to which the contents shall be written
The helptext class is currently not functional. It is
however implemented for compatibility reasons.
The POPUP BOX displays a simple confirmation dialog with
a variable number of text lines and pushbuttons.
POPUP BOX X,Y,"[Title][Line 1|Line 2|Line 3][Button 1|Button 2]",Rc
Please note:
With WEBDLG, the X/Y coordinates are ignored.
On entry, WEBDLG ignores the value of
Rc .
With ASCII DLG, it would define the default button which can be
submitted with the ENTER key, but with WEBDLG this is
currently not implemented.
On exit, the value of
Rc reflects which button was
submitted (starting with 1).
CSS style sheets can be used to customize the appearance.
Please refer to the document
How compatible is Eloquence
WEBDLG? for details.
HTML can be used in text lines and buttons
to further customize the POPUP BOX layout. Please note that in the title
HTML is not supported.
The non-visible root-level system object is used to query
properties of the current driver. A program can use this information to
dynamically find out eg. whether it uses a WEBDLG or Java DLG driver and
change its behavior appropriately.
Name |
Type |
Default |
Description |
driver |
* |
X |
- |
(will be implemented for ASCII DLG as well)
version |
* |
X |
- |
The driver's version code
baseurl |
empty |
X |
- |
Any given relative URL (eg. referring to image files) is prepended
with this value. An URL is considered relative if it does not start
with http:// (globally-absolute) or /
helpbaseurl |
empty |
X |
- |
Currently unused since the help system is not functional yet
remoteaddr |
* |
X |
- |
The IP address of the remote PC where the user's browser runs
remotename |
* |
X |
- |
The host name of the remote PC where the user's browser runs
(equivalent to 'remoteaddr' if the host name is unkown, e.g.
if the Apache web server is not configured to do DNS lookups)
remoteport |
* |
X |
- |
The port number the remote PC's browser uses for this request
! Query the System.driver
DLG GET "System.driver",Driver$
The non-visible root-level application object is used to
define session-wide parameters. If required, they should be specified
early in the program before any dialog is loaded to ensure that every
dialog will be affected.
Name |
Type |
Default |
Description |
baseurl |
empty |
X |
X |
Any given relative URL (eg. referring to image files) is prepended
with this value. An URL is considered relative if it does not start
with http:// (globally-absolute) or /
helpbaseurl |
empty |
X |
X |
Currently unused since the help system is not functional yet
! Set the Application.baseURL
DLG SET "Application.baseURL","http://www.your-host.com/your-app/"
! Now load the first dialog
DLG LOAD "dialog.dlg,YOURVOL"
With the image class, graphics can be embedded into dialogs.
The particular image file is typically stored on the same web server where
the WEBDLG application runs.
Name |
Type |
Default |
Description |
w |
0 |
X |
X |
Width in character cells of the rectangular area where the image
is to be placed. If the image's width extends this width the area
is enlarged accordingly by the browser.
h |
0 |
X |
X |
Height in character cells of the rectangular area where the image
is to be placed. If the image's height extends this height the area
is enlarged accordingly by the browser.
url |
empty |
X |
X |
Location of the image file, typically on a web server.
If a relative URL is given the .baseurl attribute of the
application object is prepended.
rule |
0 |
X |
X |
If nonzero: rule value to be triggered when the image is clicked.
ruleoverride |
1 |
X |
X |
Whether the rule of an edittext which currently has the focus will
be overridden.
border |
0 |
X |
X |
If nonzero: border width in pixels (has no effect with Netscape 4.x
sw |
0 |
X |
X |
Horizontal alignment:
0 : The image is horizontally centered
<0 : The image is horizontally scaled to
.w (in character cells)
>0 : The image is horizontally scaled to
.sw (in pixels)
sh |
0 |
X |
X |
Vertical alignment:
0 : The image is vertically centered
<0 : The image is vertically scaled to
.h (in character cells)
>0 : The image is vertically scaled to
.sh (in pixels)
area |
empty |
X |
X |
Image area (see below).
Image areas can be used to define different clickable areas within an image.
Each area can return a different rule value.
An image area is defined with the following syntax:
- An integer value specifying the rule to be returned when the area
is clicked
- Defines the shape of the clickable area:
- RECT - a rectangular area
- CIRCLE - a circular area
- POLY - a polygonal area
- A comma-separated list of integer values defining the coordinates
of the clickable area. All coordinates are in pixel units:
- For a RECT area, exactly 4 coordinates
must be specified:
- x coordinate of upper left corner
- y coordinate of upper left corner
- x coordinate of lower right corner
- y coordinate of lower right corner
- For a CIRCLE area, exactly 3 coordinates
must be specified:
- x coordinate of center point
- y coordinate of center point
- radius
- For a POLY area, an even number of
coordinates must be specified, defining the polygon points (x,y).
The last polygon point is automatically connected to the first.
At least 3 polygon points (6 coordinates) must be specified.
- An optional text which causes some browsers to display a
tooltip when the mouse cursor touches the clickable area
The following example first clears any existing area and then defines
a rectangle, a circle and a polygon:
! Clear any existing area
DLG SET "My_Dialog.My_image.area",""
! Define a rectangular area with rule value 101
DLG SET "My_Dialog.My_image.area[1]","101:rect:25,25,75,75:A Rectangle"
! Define a circular area with rule value 102
DLG SET "My_Dialog.My_image.area[2]","102:circle:125,50,25:A Circle"
! Define a triangular area using a polygon with rule value 103
DLG SET "My_Dialog.My_image.area[3]","103:poly:200,25,175,75,225,75:A Triangle"
Please note:
- To define an area, an index must be specified, starting with 1:
The index must be specified in increments of 1 (1, 2, 3, ...), otherwise
a DLG error 660 will be returned.
If the index is omitted, the next index (highest index plus 1) is used,
for example:
DLG SET "My_Dialog.My_image.area","101:rect:25,25,75,75:A Rectangle"
DLG SET "My_Dialog.My_image.area","102:circle:125,50,25:A Circle"
DLG SET "My_Dialog.My_image.area","103:poly:200,25,175,75,225,75:A Triangle"
- If the image itself has a rule, it is considered the "default rule" which
is returned when you click the image but not into one of the areas.
- The descriptions ('A Rectangle', 'A Circle', 'A Triangle' in the example)
are optional and can be omitted, such as:
DLG SET "My_Dialog.My_image.area[1]","101:rect:25,25,75,75"
Please note that not all browsers use them to display a tooltip so they
may be nonfunctional with some browsers.
- To clear (undefine) an existing area, set it to an empty string, such as:
DLG SET "My_Dialog.My_image.area[1]",""
- To clear (undefine) all existing areas, omit the index, such as:
DLG SET "My_Dialog.My_image.area",""
Image areas can be defined in the DLG file as well. Of course, in this case
it does not make sense to previously clear the existing areas. Example:
Image img
# Default rule
.rule = 100
# rectangular area with rule value 101
.area[1] = "101:rect:25,25,75,75:A Rectangle"
# circular area with rule value 102
.area[2] = "102:circle:125,50,25:A Circle"
# triangular area using a polygon with rule value 103
.area[3] = "103:poly:200,25,175,75,225,75:A Triangle"
Furthermore, the image areas can be read from a file. Please note that the
file must be accessible by WEBDLG (i.e., you cannot specify an URL of a remote
The file should contain the area definitions in the same format as described
above. Example:
# rectangular area with rule value 101
101:rect:25,25,75,75:A Rectangle
# circular area with rule value 102
102:circle:125,50,25:A Circle
# triangular area using a polygon with rule value 103
103:poly:200,25,175,75,225,75:A Triangle
The file can then be referenced with the .area
attribute as follows:
Image img
# Default rule
.rule = 100
# read area definitions from external file
.area = "file:/path/to/area.file"
Please note: The file must be specified using the absolute path and must
be prefixed with "file:".
If the text in a StaticText, PushButton,
CheckBox or RadioButton begins
with <html> and ends with </html>,
the remaining text is considered HTML code and inserted into the dialog as-is.
! Highlight the current item in a statictext with red color
Text$="<html>The current item is: <font color='red'>"&Item$&"</font></html>"
DLG SET "My_Dialog.My_statictext.text",Text$
Because a POPUP BOX internally uses StaticText and
PushButton objects, HTML is especially useful to further customize a POPUP BOX
! <em>...</em> is used to show text in italic (emphasized)
! YES button is green, NO button is red
Buf$=Buf$&"[<html>Do you <em>really</em> want to quit?</html>"
Buf$=Buf$&"|<html>Any <em>unsaved</em> changes will be lost!</html>]"
Buf$=Buf$&"[<html><font color='green'>Yes</font></html>"
Buf$=Buf$&"|<html><font color='red'>No</font></html>]"
Please note:
- While using HTML offers a lot of flexibility, wrong HTML code can easily
destroy a dialog's functionality.
- The following characters have a special meaning in HTML and must be
replaced with their so called "character entity references":
- & - replace with &
- " - replace with "
- < - replace with <
- > - replace with >
- Take care of correctly balancing your HTML tags. For example, the following
is correct HTML:
<font color='green'><strong>some text</strong></font>
Example of wrong HTML code (tags not correctly balanced):
<font color='green'><strong>some text</font></strong>
Another example of wrong HTML code (missing closing font tag):
<font color='green'><strong>some text</strong>
- Take care of correctly quoting any tag attribute. If you forget a closing
quote, the dialog will probably not function correctly on some browsers.
In particular, the Internet Explorer seems to tolerate most quoting
errors, so if you forget a closing quote and then test your dialogs with
the Internet Explorer, they may seem to be correct but won't work in
other browsers such as Mozilla Firefox.
This is an example of wrong HTML quoting (missing closing quote):
<font color='green>
- You can use single or double quotes. If you specify HTML text in
a DLG file you must use single quotes because a double quote inside
a string is not correctly recognized by the Eloquence DLG file parser
(i.e., the string will be undesirably terminated).
If you, however, specify HTML text with DLG SET you are free to use
double quotes (CHR$(34)).
With HTML in a StaticText object, you can embed external hyperlinks into your
dialogs. Example:
! Embed a hyperlink to our home page
Text$="<html><a href='http://www.our.homepage...' target='_blank'>Home</a></html>"
DLG SET "My_Dialog.My_statictext.text",Text$
Please note the target='_blank' attribute which specifies that a new browser
window should be opened to display the hyperlink target. This is important
because if you don't specify to open a new browser window, the hyperlink target
will be displayed in the current browser window where your WEBDLG program is
running, kind of "interrupting" your program: There is no obvious way to
return to your program so the less experienced user will probably end up
with an idle WEBDLG session which will eventually expire silently.
A more sophisticated way to display external hyperlinks is to use JavaScript
to open new browser windows with specific properties.
For example, put the following JavaScript code section into your
page header:
<script language="JavaScript">
function openWin(width, height, url)
window.open(url, 'win_' + width + '_' + height,
'width=' + width + ',height=' + height
+ ',resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes');
Having this function defined, you can conveniently display external links in new
browser windows. The width and height parameters specify the size of the new
window which will be resizable and show scrollbars when needed.
! Embed a hyperlink to our home page using javascript:openWin()
! <a href="javascript:openWin(500,350,'http://www.our.homepage...')">Home</a>
Text$="<html><a href="&CHR$(34)
DLG SET "My_Dialog.My_statictext.text",Text$
In the example above, the size of the window is 500x350 pixels. Note that our
openWin() JavaScript function will compose the window's name
from this size (2nd parameter of the window.open() function:
'win_' + width + '_' + height will result in
"win_500_350") so that for each size there will be only one window present
(i.e., windows of the same size will be reused).
Also note that when using JavaScript in hyperlinks, you have to use both
double and single quotes, as shown in the example above. Therefore, you
cannot define such hyperlinks in a DLG file: As explained above, double
quotes inside a string do not work in DLG files.
To learn more about the JavaScript window.open() function please refer to
the Mozilla
Gecko DOM reference documentation.
An informative introduction to hyperlinks can be found