Getting started
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Creating a data base
Please transfer your data base schema from your HP3000 to the
HP-UX system.
Then run the schema processor as below:
schema -T schemafile
- -T specifies this as a TurboIMAGE schema file
- schemafile is the schema text file
As an alternative to running schema directly, you can
also use the dbschema script:
dbschema schemafile
dbschema is a small script file which is installed with
Eloquence and simply calls the schema processor with the
-T option.
Please refer to the notes on the Eloquence
schema processor
in case you encounter a problem.
An error message -700 indicates the Eloquence data base server
has not been started.
(18095) X0: Unable to connect remote host. [111] Connection refused
*** (FATAL) REMOTE: Unable to connect server [-700:-2]
Note: If you omit the -T option the schema file is understood
as a Eloquence schema file and schema may still succeed.
However Eloquence item sizes are specified in bytes while
TurboIMAGE uses either halfwords, bytes or nibles, depending
on item type so the resulting data base is likely different from
what you expect.
After running schema, you need to create the database.
$ dbcreate database
- database is the database name
Moving your data base
Moving your data base to HP-UX involves the following steps:
- Install the DBEXPORT utility on HP3000
- Export the data base
- Create and import the data base on Eloquence
Install the DBEXPORT utility on the HP3000
Eloquence comes with the dbexport and dbimport utilities which
can be used to unload a data base to one or multiple text files or
respectively load a text file into the data base.
The export files are text files which follow a simple syntax.
An equivalent DBEXPORT utility is available for the HP3000 and
can be used to unload your data base. It can be downloaded from
the Eloquence ftp server at the URL below:
Currently, two different releases of the MPE migration utilities
are available:
- The hp3k20020817 release (Aug. 2002, current)
- The hp3k20020416 release (Apr. 2002)
The new hp3k20020817 version fixes some issues with the
20020416 version:
- Use DBOPEN mode 5 instead of mode 1 for the DBEXPORT utility
- Strip group and account from default export filenames
- MPE requires 16 bit alignment for data set names
The hp3k20020817 version should be used preferably, however it
is currently only available for MPE 7.0. Since the source code
is available it can be compiled for previous MPE versions.
As an alternative the binaries for older MPE version are available
for the hp3k20020416 version.
The following files are available for the hp3k20020817 version:
- hp3k20020817src.tar - source code
- hp3ksrc.tar - short cut for the file above
- hp3k20020817bin70.tar - compiled on MPE 7.0, tar format
- hp3kb70.tar - short cut
- HP3KB70 - compiled on MPE 7.0, STORE format
The following files are available for the hp3k20020416:
- hp3k20020416src.tar - source code
- hp3k20020416bin60.tar - compiled on MPE 6.0, tar format
- hp3k20020416bin65.tar - compiled on MPE 6.5, tar format
- hp3k20020416bin70.tar - compiled on MPE 7.0, tar format
- HP3KB65 - compiled on MPE 6.5, STORE format
- HP3KB70 - compiled on MPE 7.0, STORE format
The MPE 7.0 binaries have been built on MPE 7.0 Express release 1
and may not work on previous MPE versions.
If you get an LDRERR 522 this indicates your libc version
is not compatible. Please use a binary which was built with a
previous version of MPE.
As an alternative you can download the source code and compile
it yourself. Please note that compiling on MPE 6.0 fails since
the long long (64 bit integer) data type is not supported.
Please make sure you download the files in binary format.
Please provide an alternative file name which is MPE compliant
or prepend the file name on MPE with a ./ (dot slash) to make
sure it is accepted as a POSIX file name, such as shown below:
get hp3k20020817bin70.tar ./HP3K70.TAR
To install the tar archive on your system, please enter the POSIX
shell and follow the procedure below:
$ tar -xvf hp3kb70.tar
Tar may issue a warning about being unable to restore the user
and group which can be safely ignored.
To install the STORE archive, please follow the procedure
: restore *HP3KBIN;;LOCAL;SHOW
This restores the archive contents in the current directory.
After installation of the archive the DBINFO and DBEXPORT
utilities are available.
The DBEXPORT utility
DBEXPORT is used to export the database contents to one or multiple
text files. It provides a convenient means to move your data base
contents to the Eloquence data base.
The current version should be used with Eloquence B.07.00
and supports all item types.
Usage: DBEXPORT [-p password] database [set [...]]
Specify the -help command line option to get information on usage.
The -p passwd option specifies the data base password used
to open the data base.
The -s file option specifies that a single file should be used
which contains all data sets.
The -v (verbose) option displays the progress
Any data set name or number specified after the data base name
indicates that only the specified data sets should be exported.
The DBINFO utility
DBINFO lists the data sets for the specified data base
including data set name, type, number of entries and capacity.
Usage: DBINFO [-p password] database [set [...]]
Specify the -help command line option to get information on usage.
The -p passwd option specifies the data base password used
to open the data base.
database is the name of the data base.
Optionally, one or more data set names or numbers can be specified
after the data base name (separated by spaces). In this case only
information on the specified data sets is returned. By default
all accessible data sets are displayed.
:dbinfo testdb
Processing database : testdb
---------------- -- - ------ -------- --------
TEST 01 D 111 100 1
Export the data base
The DBEXPORT utility is used to unload the data base contents
to a text file. Run the DBEXPORT utility as below:
DBEXPORT [-p passwd] [-v] [-s file] database
The -p passwd option specifies the data base password used
to open the data base.
If the -v option is present then the progress is displayed
The -s file specifies that all data sets should be exported to a
single file. If not specified a separate export file is created
for each data set, named database.#.exp (where # is the
number of the data set).
database is the name of the database.
Optionally, one or more data set names or numbers can be specified
after the data base name (separated by spaces). In this case only
the specified data sets are processed. By default all accessible
data sets are exported.
When running the DBEXPORT utility from the POSIX shell the arguments
are separated by a space.
When running from the MPE shell (CI) you need to enclose the
arguments in quotes.
Create and import the data base on Eloquence
Transfer your schema files and the export files to the
Eloquence system. When using ftp please make sure to use
binary mode to transfer the export files.
On Eloquence, run the schema and dbcreate utility as described
above and then use dbimport to fill the data base.
$ dbimport database {set [...]]
The -v (verbose) option displays the progress
The -s file specifies that all data are contained in a single file.
database is the name of the data base and may in addition specify
the server system and data base instance.
A list of data set names or numbers can be can be specified
after the data base name. In this case only the specified data
sets are processed. By default all accessible data sets are imported.
For example:
$ dbimport -v sampledb
$ dbimport -v -s sampledb.exp localhost:8208/sampledb
Note: On the Windows and Linux platform you should specify
the -z roman8 option to make sure any national characters
("Umlaute") are converted.