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Eloquence B.07.00 Release Notes



Eloquence B.07.00 adds substantial database improvements including support of database restructuring and performance enhancements, an enhanced version of the JDLG Java based GUI and the WebDLG web based user interface, updated support for recent Linux distributions and support for the Intel Itanium architecture.

Eloquence B.07.00 includes a fully integrated and improved TurboIMAGE compatibility extension which delivers outstanding compatibility to the TurboIMAGE database used with the HP e3000 applications.

The Eloquence B.07.00 JDLG and WebDLG components are released separately after the B.07.00 release and come with their own documentation.

At this point, updated Eloquence documentation besides the release notes is not yet available. Updated manuals will be released separately after the B.07.00 release.

HP Eloquence is now Eloquence

Marxmeier Software AG is pleased to announce that it has acquired the HP Eloquence product from Hewlett-Packard. Marxmeier Software AG is fully committed to continue and further develop Eloquence in the years ahead and provide support for current and previous Eloquence releases. Please refer to the Eloquence transition document for more information.

Eloquence B.07.00 release

The following substential changes are implemented with the B.07.00 release:
  • Eloquence ported to Itanium
    Eloquence B.07.00 is available for the Itanium (IA-64) architecture on HP-UX.

  • TurboIMAGE compatibility
    The Eloquence TurboIMAGE compatibility extension (IMAGE3K) has been enhanced substantially. It implements a HP e3000 TurboIMAGE compatible interface for the Eloquence database. The IMAGE3K extension allows porting of HPe3000 IMAGE based applications to Eloquence with no or only minor source code changes. More ...

  • Database enhancements
    Eloquence B.07.00 provides improved database functionality and performance. More ...

  • Database performance enhancements
    The B.07.00 database server reduces the number of write requests to the transaction log volume by bundling them to a single request whenever possible. This can result in significantly improved write performance compared to the A.06.31 eloqdb6. During write operations such as DBPUT or DBUPDATE the performance gains can be up to 25%.

  • Forward-logging functionality
    The forward-logging functionality provides additional protection against system failure and speeds up recovery in case of a fatal problem. Forward-logging retains a log of all changes since the last backup. In case of a system failure those changes may be re-applied to the last backup, thus ensuring that no data is lost and database integrity is maintained. More ...

  • Improved dbutil utility
    The dbutil utility has been changed substantially. It provides an interactive user interface to allow easy management of database security options and database properties. The dbutil scripting abilities have been improved to support database structural maintenance and other administrative operations. More ...

  • Increased database (schema) limits
    The database limits have been modified to follow or extend the current TurboIMAGE limits. More ...

  • Native support of TurboIMAGE item types
    The items types supported by TurboIMAGE on the HP3000 are now supported. More ...

  • Default database server and user can be specified in the environment
    The EQ_DBSERVER, EQ_DBUSER and EQ_DBPASSWORD environment variables can be used to specify the default database server, user and password. More ...

  • Enhanced QUERY version
    The Eloquence QUERY application has been improved to support the new database limits and item types. In addition a number of general improvements and bug fixes were implemented. More ...

  • New HP-UX and Linux start/shutdown scripts
    Eloquence B.07.00 on HP-UX and Linux includes improved startup/shutdown scripts which support maintaining multiple eloqdb6 instances. more ...

  • New Linux glibc2.2 and Red Hat Linux 8.0 builds
    Eloquence B.07.00 includes the new Linux glibc2.2 and Red Hat Linux 8.0 builds. The glibc2.2 build is required for recent Linux distributions.

  • Fixed problems and changes
  • Database specific changes and fixed problems
  • TurboIMAGE specific changes and fixed problems
  • Known problems and limitations

Installation notes:

When installing Eloquence please check the Eloquence web site for recent patches.

Eloquence support:

Please report any comments, suggestions or problems to the Eloquence Team (send an email message to feedback@marxmeier.com or use our Feedback Form on the Eloquence web site.)

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