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MPE Client Library
Tar Format


Download and Installation Instructions

The following describes how to do a "tar" download/upload of the MPE Eloquence client software to your HP 3000 system.

  1. In your PC/Mac web browser, download the installation archive file to your local hard drive. The file is about 540KB in size and by default is called "eloqtar.tar".

    Save the file somewhere you can find it later, perhaps in C:\temp\eloqtar.tar

    Now, you need to transfer the eloqtar.tar file to your HP 3000. Please note that you must be logged in as a user with SM capability; our examples assume MANAGER.SYS,PUB.

    There are several ways to upload the file:

    • Upload with a terminal emulator
      This example uses WRQ Reflection.

      Issue MPE file equation command:
      :file eloqtar;rec=128,,v,binary

      Issue WRQ transfer command (press <Alt>Y to get to command line mode):
      send eloqtar.tar to *eloqtar binary rec=256

      Alternately, you can use Reflection's File Transfer Dialog. In that case be sure to select the BINARY transfer type, record length 256, and be sure to upload the file to "*eloqtar" (Note the "*"; we are back referencing the MPE file equation we set earlier)

      The bottom line, regardless of what terminal emulator you are using, is that you need to upload the file such that the result on the HP 3000 is a file with records that are 128W VB.

    • Upload via FTP
      This example uses the Windows bundled FTP client.

      1. Start a DOS window (also called "MSDOS" window)
        (Possibly via: click on START, then PROGRAMS, then "Command Prompt")

      2. CD to the directory where you downloaded the eloqtar.tar file.
           cd \temp

      3. Start FTP: FTP yourhp3000computername (Note: this requires that you are running an FTP server on your HP 3000)

      4. Logon (within FTP) to MANAGER.SYS

      5. Enter the following FTP commands. Please note that the file and directory names are CASE SENSITIVE:
           cd /SYS/PUB/
           put eloqtar.tar ELOQTAR;REC=128,,V,BINARY

    Now that the file has been uploaded to your HP 3000, we continue:

    1. On your HP 3000, verify that the eloqtar file looks correct:
      ACCOUNT=  SYS         GROUP=  PUB     
      FILENAME  CODE  ------------LOGICAL RECORD-----------  ----SPACE----
                        SIZE  TYP        EOF      LIMIT R/B  SECTORS #X MX
      ELOQTAR           128W  VB        2150       2150   1     2192  5  1

      Note: the LIMIT and SECTORS columns may vary slightly, and the LIMIT column may be larger than the EOF column ... those differences are not problems. However, the file record must be 128W VB, and the EOF must match what you see above.

    2. Extract the installation macro file (ELOQINST.PUB.SYS) from the tar archive:
         :tar.hpbin.sys "xvfo ./ELOQTAR ./ELOQINST"

    3. Execute the installation macro, which will perform the rest of the installation, and ask you some questions along the way:
         :xeq eloqinst eloqtar

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