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Eloquence B.06.32 release notes


New HP-UX and Linux startup configuration

Eloquence B.06.32 on the HP-UX and Linux platform comes with a new and improved startup/shutdown script.
  • New restart and status options to restart and return the status of an Eloquence service
  • Eloquence deamons can be started, stopped and restarted selectively
  • Mulitple eloqdb6 instances can be managed
  • Configuration on HP-UX and Linux are the same

Eloquence startup/shutdown script options

The Eloquence startup/shutdown script supports the following options:
start [arg list ...]
Start the configured Eloquence services. If the optional argument list is not provided, all configured Eloquence services (or database server instances) are started. If the argument list is present, only the specified services (or instances) are started.

Please note: A database server instance is not be started automatically if the ELOQDB6_START[0] configuration option is set to 0.

stop [arg list ...]
Stop the configured Eloquence services. If the optional argument list is not provided, all configured Eloquence services (or instances) are stopped. If the argument list is present, only the specified services (or instances) are stopped.

Please note that the Eloquence start/sto script only manages configured services. Previous versions of the shutdown script stopped unconfigured Eloquence services as well.

restart [arg list ...]
Restart the configured Eloquence services. If the optional argument list is not provided, all configured Eloquence services (or instances) are restarted.

status [arg list ...]
Display the status of Eloquence services. If the optional argument list is not provided, all configured Eloquence services (or instances) are returned.

info [arg list ...]
Display the startup configuration of Eloquence services. If the optional argument list is not provided, the configuration of all Eloquence services (or instances) is returned.

An optional argument list may be used to specify which Eloquence service(s) should be managed. An argument specifies either an Eloquence service or a database instance which is configued in the startup configuration file.

  • eloqsd - specfies the Eloquence eloqsd service
  • eloqdb5 - specfies the Eloquence eloqdb5 service
  • eloqdb6 - specfies the all configured Eloquence eloqdb6 instances

For example:

/sbin/init.d/eloq6 start             # start all configured services
/sbin/init.d/eloq6 restart eloqsd    # restart eloqsd service
/sbin/init.d/eloq6 stop eloqdb6      # stop all configured eloqdb6 instances
/sbin/init.d/eloq6 start prod test   # start eloqdb6 instances prod and test

# /sbin/init.d/eloq6 start
Starting eloqsd deamon                                           [OK]
Starting eloqdb6[eloqdb] deamon                                  [OK]

# /sbin/init.d/eloq6 status
eloqsd process is active (pid 16645)                             [running]
eloqdb5 process is not active                                    [unused]
eloqdb6[eloqdb] process is active (pid 16652)                    [running]

# /sbin/init.d/eloq6 info eloqdb
 eloqdb6 instance id = eloqdb
  configuration file = /etc/opt/eloquence6/eloqdb6.cfg
  service = eloqdb
  args = 
  run prefix = 
  automatic start = 1

Location of the Eloquence startup/shutdown script

The location of the Eloquence startup/shutdown script depends on the operating system:

SuSE Linux
/etc/init.d/eloq6 (SuSE Linux 7.1 and above)
/sbin/init.d/eloq6 (SuSE Linux before 7.1)

Red Hat Linux
or /etc/rc.d/init.d/eloq6

LSB compliant Linux

Location of the Eloquence startup/shutdown configuration file

The Eloquence startup/shutdown script uses a new configuration template file. It is backwards compatible to previous Eloquence versions. The location of the startup configuration file depends on the operating system:

SuSE Linux
/etc/sysconfig/eloquence6 (SuSE 8.0 Linux and above)
/etc/rc.config.d/eloquence6 (SuSE Linux 7.3 and before)

Red Hat Linux

LSB compliant Linux

During anupdate from a previous Eloquence installation a previous configuration file is moved to the new location. However we recommend to start with the configuration template file. The example command shown below is specific to Linux, please change the target location depending on the operating system.

   cp /opt/eloquence6/newconfig/startup/eloquence.rc \

Eloquence startup/shutdown configuration options

The Eloquence startup/shutdown configuration file specifies the operation of the startup/shutdown script. The following global configuration options are available:
If START_ELOQ is set to anything besides 1 it disables the automatic Eloquence startup entirely. To retain compatibility to previous Eloquence releases on Linux "yes" is accepted as well.
The default is START_ELOQ=1

If START_ELOQSD is set to 1 the eloqsd daemon is started automatically.
The default is START_ELOQSD=1

The ELOQSD_ARGS allows specifying eloqsd command line arguments.
The default is ELOQSD_ARGS=""

The ELOQSD_RUNPFX variable allows specifying a command which is then expected to start eloqsd.
The default is ELOQSD_RUNPFX=""

For example:
ELOQSD_RUNPFX="/usr/bin/nice -n10" starts eloqsd with a nice value of 10.

If START_ELOQDB6 is set to 1 then the eloqdb6 daemon is started automatically.
The default is START_ELOQDB6=1

The ELOQDB6_DEFAULT_ARGS specifies the default command line arguments which are used with all eloqdb6 instances unless defined specifically.
The default is ELOQDB6_DEFAULT_ARGS=""

If START_ELOQDB5 is set to 1 then the eloqdb5 daemon is started automatically.
The default is START_ELOQDB5=0

The ELOQDB5_ARGS specifies the eloqdb5 command line arguments
The default is ELOQDB5_ARGS=""

The Eloquence startup/shutdown configuration file may be used to configure multiple eloqdb6 instances.

Unless specified here, the Eloquence startup/shutdown script only supports the default database server instance. This section allows specifying database server instances which are to be maintained by the eloquence startup script. Each database server instance must be specified with a distinct index, starting with the index 0.

The following options may be specified for each eloqdb6 instance:

This option specifies the configuratin file which is used with this database server instance (required). This file can be specified with an absolute path or relative to the directory /etc/opt/eloquence6
The default is ELOQDB6_CFG[0]=eloqdb6.cfg

This configuration option may be used to specify a symbolic name to the database server instance (optional). If not specified, this defaults to the service name or port number, specified in the config file or "eloqdb". The instance id may be used as an optional argument with the Eloquence startup/shutdown script to specify a database server instance.

This configuration option may be used to specify if the Eloquence startup script should start this service automatically. If set to 1, the database server instance is started automatically. If set to 0, the startup script will ignore this entry for the start and restart option and the database server instance must be managed manually by providing the instance id name on the script command line.
The default is ELOQDB6_START[0]=1

The ELOQDB6_ARGS[0] option may be used to specify eloqdb6 command line arguments for this database instance. If not specified this defaults to ELOQDB6_DEFAULT_ARGS.

This configuration option may be used to specify a command which is then expected to start eloqdb6.
The default is ELOQDB6_RUNPFX[0]=""

For example:
ELOQDB6_RUNPFX[0]="/usr/bin/setmemwindow" starts the eloqdb6 process in a separate memory window.

For example:


This example configuration file specifies to not start the eloqsd service and defines two eloqdb6 instances, prod and test.

Eloquence startup/shutdown configuration file template

# @(#) eloquence.rc - B.06.32
# Eloquence automatic startup configuration
# Eloquence startup confguration file. 
# This file is sourced by the startup/shutdown script.
# The location of this file depends on the operating system:
# HP-UX: /etc/rc.config.d/eloquence
# RedHat Linux, SuSE Linux 8.0+: /etc/sysconfig/eloquence
# SuSE Linux 6.0 to 7.3 /etc/rc.config.d/eloquence

### global settings

# If START_ELOQ is set to anything besides 1 it disables the 
# automatic Eloquence startup entirely. To retain compatibility
# to previous Eloquence releases on Linux "yes" is accepted 
# as well.

# If START_ELOQSD is set to 1 the eloqsd daemon is started
# automatically. The ELOQSD_ARGS allows specifying eloqsd command 
# line arguments. The ELOQSD_RUNPFX variable allows specifying
# a command which is then expected to start eloqsd (e.g. nice).

# If START_ELOQDB6 is set to 1 then the eloqdb6 daemon is started
# automatically. The ELOQDB6_DEFAULT_ARGS specifies the default 
# command line arguments, which are used with all eloqdb6
# instances unless defined specifically.

# If START_ELOQDB5 is set to 1 then the eloqdb5 daemon is started
# automatically. The ELOQDB5_ARGS specifies the eloqdb5 command
# line arguments.

### eloqdb6 instances ###

# Unless specified here, the Eloquence startup/shutdown script
# only supports the default database server instance. This 
# section allows to specify database server instances which are
# to be maintained by the eloquence startup script.
# Each database server instance must be specified with a distinct
# index, starting with the index 0.
# ELOQDB6_CFG[0] = 
#  Configuration file used with this database instance (required). 
#  This can be an absolute path or relative to /etc/opt/eloquence6
# ELOQDB6_ID[0] = 
#  The instance id is used to specify an alias to a eloqdb6 instance
#  (optional). If not specified, this defaults to the service name 
#  or port number, specified in the config file (defaults to eloqdb).
#  The instance id may be used as a startup script argument to
#  specify a database server instance.
# ELOQDB6_ARGS[0]=""
#  Command line arguments for this instance (optional). If not
#  specified (eg. commented out), the ELOQDB6_DEFAULT_ARGS is used.
# ELOQDB6_START[0]={0|1}
#  Specifies if the Eloquence startup/shutdown script should make
#  use of this entry (optional). This setting defaults to 1 which
#  specifies a database instance is used with the startup script.
#  If set to 0, the startup script will ignore this entry for the
#  start and restart option.
#  Allows to define a command which is then expected to start
#  the eloqdb6 instance (e.g. nice). On HP-UX this may be used
#  to define a memory window used by the database server instance.

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