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  A.06.30 Release Notes

Preliminary support for Eastern European Windows versions

On the 32bit Windows platform, Eloquence A.06.30 includes limited support to be used with Eastern European Windows versions.
  • The eloqcore program can be configured to use the Windows code page 852 which is common in Eastern Europe. An appropriate map file named cp852.map is provided as well.

  • The dlgsrv GUI driver can be configured to use the ISO 8859-2 character encoding for Eastern Europe.

Internally, Eloquence uses the proprietary HP Roman8 character set encoding to maintain full backwards compatibility. A character conversion is performed on data input or output. However, Eastern European characters can no longer be transparently mapped and as a result this makes data using national characters not portable to Eloquence environments using a different encoding.

Please note: The encoding of national characters other than HP Roman8 and ISO 8859-1 is preliminary and subject to change in a subsequent Eloquence version.
The Eastern European Windows characters are encoded differently and data cannot be moved between systems using different encoding without conversion when using national characters.
The different encoding implies that the UPC$ and LWC$ statements currently do not work correctly with national characters other than HP Roman8.

Configuring eloqcore

To specify that eloqcore should use the code page 852
  • use the mode command on Windows 98 or 95, preferably in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file
    mode con codepage select=852
    (see below for details about code pages on Windows 98 or 95)

  • set the EQ_CODEPAGE environment variable to 852 on Windows 2000 or NT 4.0
    (see below for details about code pages on Windows 2000 or NT)

Configuring dlgsrv

If you want dlgsrv to perform its internal character conversion using the ISO 8859-2 encoding, specify the following entry in the [DlgSrv] section of your Eloquence client configuration file:
For the 32bit dlgsrv32, this is the eloqcl.ini file located in the etc subdirectory of your Eloquence installation, for example C:/Programs/Hewlett-Packard/Eloquence/etc/eloqcl.ini. For the 16bit dlgsrv, this is the eloq.ini file located in the Windows directory, for example C:/Windows/eloq.ini.

Printing with Eastern European national characters

Set the printer to use the ISO 8859-2 (latin-2) character set encoding and convert the Eloquence output from HP Roman8 to ISO 8859-1 (latin-1), for example using GNU recode.

Using text files with Eastern European national characters

When using text files in Eloquence created by external tools, you need to convert them to the ISO 8859-2 (latin-2) encoding and afterwards from ISO 8859-1 to HP Roman8 encoding.

Specifying code pages on Windows 2000 or NT

Whenever eloqcore is started, the EQ_CODEPAGE environment variable is queried in order to obtain the desired console code page. Thie code page must be present on the particular system. If it cannot be loaded, eloqcore aborts with an error message.

The EQ_CODEPAGE variable can be either set globally, e.g. in the user-specific environment (Settings->Control Panel->System->Environment) or specified in a Eloquence start file configuration.

If EQ_CODEPAGE is not set, eloqcore tries to load first the 850 and next the 437 code page. If both are not present, eloqcore aborts.

Specifying code pages on Windows 98 or 95

On Windows 98 or 95, eloqcore cannot set the console code page. The only way to set a specific console code page is by means of the mode command which should be applied in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file which is executed at system startup:
   mode con codepage select=850
When eloqcore is started, it simply uses the selected code page.

More about Windows code pages

The 850 code page is common in the western hemisphere. The 437 is similar but contains less line-drawing and therefore more national characters.

Additionally supported is the 852 code page which is common in Eastern Europe. In order to use this code page, EQ_CODEPAGE=852 must be specified.

Note that if you use a code page different from 850, 437 or 852, you should supply a corresponding map file. For example, if you want to use code page 855, you should copy the existing cp850.map file to cp855.map and change the mapping wherever code page 855 differs from code page 850.

The code page map files are located in the etc subdirectory of your Eloquence installation directory, for example C:/Programs/Hewlett-Packard/Eloquence/etc. They are simple ASCII files which contain input/output character conversion rules from eloqcore's internal encoding to the particular console code page.

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