What's new with A.06.00 |
A.06.00 Release Notes
This documents summarizes the important changes for Eloquence A.06.00.
New platforms
- Eloquence A.06.00 is available for the following platforms:
- HP-UX 10.x and HP-UX 9.x
- Linux 2.x
- Windows NT 4.0
- Windows 95 (no server components)
- Windows 3.1x (only GUI components and database library)
Eloquence web site
Eloquence is present on the Internet.
The Eloquence web site can be reached at the URL
http://eloquence.marxmeier.com and provides current information on HP Elquence
including upcoming events, product information, technical information
and patches.
New product options
- Eloquence supports user based licensing. It is now available at
reduced costs for smaller configurations making it even more competitive.
In addition, Eloquence runtime can now installed freely on any
number of systems (even on different platforms) - only servers need
to be licensed.
The Eloquence runtime-only product is no longer available - the
development tools are always included.
Please refer to the HP Elquence web site for
more information.
Eloquence on CD-ROM
The CD-ROM media includes the executables for all platforms in addition
to complete online documentation and supplementary software.
DDS tape is still available for HP-UX systems and provides a
HP-UX subset of the Eloquence product.
Online documentation
- The complete Eloquence documentation is included in
HTML, PDF and Postscript format.
Graphical development environment
- Eloquence comes with a new
graphical development environment for the Windows platform which
includes support form program development and debugging on remote systems.
New database
Eloquence includes a new database.
- The new database is transparent to existing Eloquence programs.
- Improved database security. This includes both, access control and
protection against corruption due to failures.
- Better performance for large databases.
- Transaction logging and recovery
Eloquence Language enhancements
User defined data types
- The Eloquence supports user defined data types.
Source code protection
- Eloquence A.06.00 supports an additional program format which
supports source code protection.
New database statements