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Eloquence A.06.01 Patches

  If you are using a Eloquence version before A.06.10, we strongly recommend to update to A.06.10 as this version includes all previous patches and additional fixes. No further patches will be released against previous Eloquence A.06.xx versions.

If you don't want to update to A.06.10 for now we recommend to install the A.06.10 eloqdb6 patch (PE61-9807270) on your current version.

The following patches against A.06.01 are available.

Patch PHCO_10947
If you are on HP-UX 10.20 we recommend to install the HP-UX patch PHCO_10947 (curses patch). Please refer to the patch documentation PHCO_10947.text for more information.
The patch is available for download at ftp://ftp.marxmeier.com/eloq/A0610/hpux/PHCO_10947 or ftp://ffs-geneva.external.hp.com/hp-ux_patches/s700_800/10.X/PHCO_10947

Patch PHCO_10950
If you are on HP-UX 10.10 we recommend to install the HP-UX patch PHCO_10950 (curses patch). Please refer to the patch documentation PHCO_10950.text for more information.
The patch is available for download at ftp://ftp.marxmeier.com/eloq/A0610/hpux/PHCO_10950 or ftp://ffs-geneva.external.hp.com/hp-ux_patches/s700_800/10.X/PHCO_10950

Patch PE61-9807270
This patch fixes a defect of the eloqdb6 program as released with A.06.01.

Summary of fixed problems:

  • A rollback operation could lead to index corruption.
  • A blocked DBLOCK caused a eloqdb6 server hang during shutdown and causes a delay of the checkpoint operation.
  • eloqdb6 crash recovery could corrupt index
  • eloqdb6 crash recovery could fail to restore table meta information properly.

Please refer to the PE61-9807270 patch description for more information. Please refer to A.06.10 for download information.

HP-UX PE61-9807270-hpux.tar.gz 432 Kb
Linux PE61-9807270-linux.tar.gz 209 Kb
Windows PE61-9807270-win32.zip 177 Kb

Patch 980331b
This patch fixes a defect of the eloqcore program as released with A.06.01 on the Windows platform.

Summary of fixed problems:

  • COMMAND "!..." did not work properly with WINDOWS 95 and had some limitations on WINDOWS NT.

Please refer to the README-980331b patch description for more information.

Windows win32-980331b.zip 280 Kb

The patches are available for download by ftp from the /eloq/A0601/patch/ directory.

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