Title: | How do I find the Patch Level of my Eloquence Release? |
Document: | hpux_010 |
Keywords: | release,patch,level,what,Eloquence |
How do I find the Patch Level of my Eloquence Release?
This depends on your operating system.
On Windows NT, the file version is available in the file context
dialog (select the file in the Explorer and press the right
mouse button, select the properties entry from the context menu.
For UNIX systems, there are two options. If your system has the
what command (part of SCCS) you can execute the command below:
# what /opt/eloquence6/bin/eloqsd
HP-B136XB A.06.00 PL3 Eloquence / HP-UX 9.x
If you system does not have the what command, you can execute the
statement below:
# strings -a /opt/eloquence6/bin/eloqdb6 |fgrep "@(#)"
@(#)HP-B136XB A.06.00 PL3 Eloquence / HP-UX 9.x
@(#) 9.X nsswitch patch Rev B
The example output above indicates Eloquence Release
A.06.00 Patch Level 3.